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    Art Park celebrating 5th birthday at Zagreb’s Ribnjak this weekend – Croatia Week

    - June 19, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    (Photo credit: Borut Planinc)

    Zagrebs Art Park opens this weekend with concerts and events from 19-21 June 2020.

    Zagreb, 18 June 2020 After recently reviving hundreds of meters of walls in Zagrebs Opatovina park by turning them into small works of art with the signatures of several local artists, organisers of Art Park are announcing a new summer season.

    The fifth edition of the successful art project returns to Ribnjak Park, which will once again become a unique open-air street art gallery.

    Visitors will have the chance to check out Cowboys, guns and feminism by Marin Remi, Carpets for chill by Tihomir Krklec Africa and Red Sonja by Boris Bare from all four corners of the park, as well as the installation Planet or Plastic?, which consists of five sculptures made from donated plastic bags.

    (Photo credit: Borut Planinc)

    For the fifth year of Art Park, we have artistically selected women and cowboys for you. We have chosen the inimitable Marin Remi as the main set designer, who will arrange the central part of the park, and he is also signing this years label for the Art Park beer, which is being brewed for us again by Pivovara Medvedgrad. The pleasant atmosphere will be created by colourful carpets, which will be originally woven by Tihomir Krklec Afrika with colours, while Red Sonja will rest on the side and make sure that everything goes well. This year we want to deal with ecology and recycling as much as possible, and on this track, in collaboration with sculptor Ivo Gapari, the installation Planet or Plastic? was created, which consists of sculptures made from donated plastic bags that the drugstore chain dm withdrew from sale. Also, recycled materials were used for the construction of this years Art Park, and we want to develop this idea in the future, said Boris Bare, one of the organisers of the Art Park and artistic director of the project.

    (Photo credit: Borut Planinc)

    (Photo credit: Borut Planinc)

    The opening weekend at Ribnjak will, in addition to celebrating its birthday, will also mark the entry into the summer part of the year and World Music Day.

    On Friday, June 19 from 6 pm, visitors will enjoy a selection of music by Jeff Jarunski and Kuna.

    (Photo credit: Borut Planinc)

    On June 20, starting at 8.30 pm, Ljetno kino will perform at Ribnjak and take everyone present to the sea, and the atmosphere before the concert will be additionally warmed up by Agregat Sun. All those interested, young and old, will be able to attend a free art workshop led by Melita Omeragi OMart.

    (Photo credit: Borut Planinc)

    Since the number of participants is limited, registration is required via [emailprotected] World Music Day, June 21, is reserved for the young and talented musician, author and street musician Matej Magdi, better known as Matt Shaft. From 7 pm onwards, he will spice up a light Sunday in Art Park on Ribnjak with fine electronic violin sounds.

    After the opening weekend, Art Park on Ribnjak will remain open for socialising every day, from noon to 11 pm, until September 6, 2020. Visitors can expect numerous workshops for large and small, music and film evenings and collaborations with Animafest and film Frooom Kids School, Yoga Space morning yoga classes, Green Action activities, table tennis lessons, swing on the Reading Swing, regular and favourite Flea Market and much more for all generations.

    (Photo credit: Borut Planinc)

    The project is supported by the Tourist Board of the City of Zagreb, the City of Zagreb, and sponsors of the festival such as Pivovara Medvedgrad, Pipi, Badel, Jamnica, JUB boje,, HSM informatika, Acer, dm, Next Bike, Fraktura, Floraart.

    (Photo credit: Borut Planinc)

    More information is available on the website or the official FB / IG pages.

    Original post:
    Art Park celebrating 5th birthday at Zagreb's Ribnjak this weekend - Croatia Week


    - June 19, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Crookstons Grand Theatre, like many businesses throughout the area, was closed during the COVID-19 pandemic by Executive Order of Governor Tim Walz in March. While Walzs order allowed theaters to begin reopening last week, the Grand Theatre took extra time to order movies and finish some work inside.

    Bo Brorby said the staff have been doing a lot of painting, cleaning, and sanitizing the theatre during the closure. Additionally, local artist Trey Everett is creating a new movie-themed mural inside the lobby. Since weve been closed down for the last few months everybody knows weve been selling snacks on the weekend, said Brorby. Inside, weve been doing a lot of remodeling. We basically painted all of side one. We painted all the walls, railings and everything going down and then all the stadium seating walls. We took all the railings off sanded and stained them. Weve got all the carpets and seats shampooed and have been sanitizing them. We got some new light coverings on the sides of the stage. We painted inside side two and the outside of side two painted also. And then weve got a special project going on in the lobby with a mural going up on the wall.

    The Grand will reopen Friday afternoon with showtimes at 1:30 p.m., 1:45 p.m., 4:00 p.m., 4:15 p.m., 7:00 p.m., and 7:15 p.m. Were going to be bringing in older movies for the first month or so were open, said Brorby. Were picking a bunch of great older movies that everyone seems to enjoy, fun movies to see in the theatre. Were starting with showing the Secret Life of Pets and Shrek during the day. And then, at night for the 7 p.m. shows were showing the original Fast & Furious, and Smokey and the Bandit. Each week were going to be bringing in a variety of movies. Were going to be charging $3 (for tickets) until we start bringing in new movies. Thats hopefully looking like the middle of July new movies will start coming out.

    Theatre capacity is currently limited to 25 percent, which Brorby said is about 60 moviegoers for side one and 20 for side two. Coming in were going to make sure our lobby doesnt get too many people in it, so well keep the crowd low in the lobby, said Brorby. Theatres have to run at 25 percent capacity starting off here, so well be closing off every other row so no one will be in front or behind you. Then, youll sit with your group and have 2-3 seats in-between (groups). Side one we can only have about 60 people, side two we can only have about 20 people in. Were hoping well be in high demand and be pretty busy. Everybody seems pretty excited.

    Brorby added that the blocked off rows would be rotated between shows as an extra precaution. After the show, well clean off seats and rotate the rows, said Brorby. So, when people sat in those rows, well block those off for the next show. We installed hand sanitizer right where you walk in, weve got a bottle by the counter, and another one in the lobby. So, we have hand sanitizer all over the place, so well be keeping up with all the guidelines the governments issued.

    The Grand Theatre is planning to offer a mix of kids movies and cartoons during the day with action movies, dramas or comedies at night until new movies start to become available. The Grand Theatre will also provide private showings for people. To inquire about a private showing reach out to The Grand Theatre on Facebook or call 281-1820.

    Excerpt from:

    This Nurse with DACA Protections Heard the Coronavirus Call to Duty – Government Technology

    - June 19, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    (TNS) - When the coronavirus pandemic arrived in Phoenix, it felt like a call to duty for nurse Karen Garcia.

    "I've never felt more needed at my job than right now," she said.

    She works 12-hour shifts at Valleywise Health Medical Center tending to the gravely ill, dozens of whom she has watched die, all the while knowing that her mask, gown, gloves and face shield are no guarantee that she won't become infected and take the virus home to her family.But her biggest fear hasn't been the virus.It was the U.S. Supreme Court.

    Garcia, 30, is among roughly 700,000 so-called Dreamers who came to the United States as children, grew up without legal status and were allowed to stay under the Obama-era policy of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, better known as DACA.

    Their fate came to rest with the court, which Thursday rejected the Trump administration's plan to repeal the protections, saying it did not provide adequate justification.

    "The uncertainty, the waiting, it's been difficult," Garcia said. "I'm just relieved the waiting is over and I can focus on my work."

    In one powerful sense, the coronavirus pandemic had come to illuminate what immigrant rights activists and much of the public have regarded as the injustice of trying to end protections for DACA recipients.At least 27,000 DACA recipients, like Garcia, work in healthcare, and many have spent the past few months attending to patients with COVID-19, which has killed more than 118,000 people nationwide.A majority of those medical workers live in Arizona, California or Texas three states where the rate of new infections is accelerating.

    "They are our frontline workers helping aid those who are most ill," said Ricardo Zamudio Guillen, organizing director for LUCHA, an Arizona-based immigrant rights group. "They're protecting us."Blanca Sierra-Reyes, a 27-year-old Dreamer and social worker at a Scottsdale, Ariz., hospital, said the Supreme Court ruling provided some respite during an exhausting time.

    For weeks, she has had to call families whose loved ones are alone in the emergency room battling the virus. She has listened to their cries and tried to console them.

    She also has spent time thinking about her own future.

    "The ruling is a win," she said. "This gives Dreamers relief and the ability to continue living without fear."

    For Garcia, the ruling felt like an acknowledgement that Arizona is her truest home.She was 4 when her family moved from Mexico City. Her parents were always upfront with her about her immigration status, but that didn't change the fact that all her memories were formed here."This is home," she said. "Right here in America."

    As a little girl, while her father installed carpets and her mother worked as a hotel housekeeper, Garcia became fascinated with medicine and decided she wanted to become a nurse.That dream became more pressing when, during an emergency room visit, she watched a nurse struggle to speak Spanish with her mother. Garcia wanted to better serve her community.

    After graduating high school, she worked for several years as a waitress at a small family-owned restaurant and began saving up for college.

    She soon met her husband and at 22 the same year they had their first child, Donovan she received DACA protections.

    For the first time she felt deeply optimistic about her future in the United States. The couple had a daughter, Natalia, and in 2017, Garcia began pursuing a nursing degree at Arizona State.She left the program a year later after a state Supreme Court ruling ended in-state tuition rates for DACA students.

    "That hurt a lot," Garcia recalled of the state ruling. "I saw it as an attempt to derail my dreams."But she bounced back and managed to get her degree at Gateway Community College. Most of the patients at Valleywise Health are Latino.

    "Every day is an honor to work and serve my community," Garcia said. "As a nurse, I can help make a difference every day. That's meaningful to me."

    This year, she ran for chair of the Phoenix chapter of the National Assn. of Hispanic Nurses and won.In February, coronavirus began to spread throughout the country and before long emergency room beds began to fill up. Her hospital took steps to prepare for a surge, and eventually it came.

    "Everyone is working around the clock," she said. "We're trying to save lives. That's my job helping to save lives. I've tried not to think about my immigration status while working, but it's always there in the back of my mind."

    Garcia would spend the downtime trying to quiet the nagging fears that her career, her friendships and her whole life could, at a moment, turn upside down. Sometimes, she would look at her sick, coughing patients and wonder if they were in the same stressful situation.

    The Supreme Court ruling does not guarantee DACA will be around forever, but it almost certainly means the Trump administration cannot end the policy before the November election.

    Garcia said she sees the ruling as an opportunity to help promote more DACA nurses in the city and across Arizona, which is estimated to need an additional 1,200 nurses by 2030."We can help fill that void," she said.

    In the hours after ruling was announced, Garcia texted other nurses and members of local immigrant rights groups. It was her day off and a moment to celebrate.

    But she also kept an eye on the local news, watching as confirmed cases of the virus ticked up in Arizona faster than in any other state in the nation. Some local area restaurants that had reopened last month were closing again.

    Arizona has recorded 41,159 coronavirus cases and 1,252 deaths, with Phoenix and surrounding Maricopa County among the hardest hit.Another wave, she thought, was about to begin.Lee reported from Phoenix and Martnez from Los Angeles.2020 the Los Angeles TimesVisit the Los Angeles Times at

    Originally posted here:
    This Nurse with DACA Protections Heard the Coronavirus Call to Duty - Government Technology

    Santa Monica-based online exhibition explores homes and our place in them – Angelus News

    - June 19, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Museum closures have had one fringe benefit: the plethora of virtual tours, podcasts, and live lectures that have sprung up in art institutions around the world.

    In our own backyard for example, Santa Monicas ROSEGALLERY is currently featuring a thought-provoking online exhibition called This Seems A Home.

    Where does it come from, this longing for home? were invited to consider.

    As we all sit inside our respective spaces, waiting for this plague to pass, the question of home is both as apparent and as vague as ever. Even in our realms of usual comfort, an abundance of stagnant time can summon unease.

    The online space is presented as chapters (three as of this writing) in a book. Song lyrics, poems, prose extracts, and artists commentary augment the experience.

    Chapter 1 features Window Series, a collection of digital collages from the Mexico City-based young architecture office PALMA. The goal is to explore contrast in materiality in an abstract manner using texture. At first glance, I thought, Right, and the result is Edward Hopper, stripped of humanity and heartbeat.

    But wait! Upon closer inspection of one collage, I saw that on the roof of a blocky skyscraper, more or less identical to its neighbor, was a tiny figure, lounging in a round blue blowup pool.

    Nearby, a blue towel was laid out for sunbathing. And the seemingly cookie-cutter roof was in fact surrounded by a white chain-link fence: a soulless fence to be sure but still a fence, clearly installed for the purpose of creating a safe, private space for the stray, questing human brave enough to find his or her way to the top of this particular world.

    Similarly, lookalike tiers of windows in an apartment complex, when examined individually, were subtly different. Some sported window boxes, others curtains. In one room, a woman in orange pajamas stretched. Behind another, a man in shadow washed dishes before a sink.

    Many of the collages featured a woman in bare legs, sandals, and a white shin-length garment that could have been a psych-ward bathrobe, a nuns night tunic, or post-pool wear. Was she a convalescent, or a mystic?

    The cultural and aesthetic homogeneity depicted in PALMAS Window Series initially seems claustrophobic. But these young architects show us that life pushes inexorably through concrete, steel, and plastic: interposing itself; needing to eat, wash, ponder, exercise, and sleep; insisting, forever, upon color.

    Todd Hido, Chapter 2s artist, is a San Francisco Bay-area photographer whose lens seems to hover between 2020 and oh, say, 1840. His work graces both the lock and home screens on my phone: a vaguely sepia-toned print of a tall waving tree; the shore of a preternaturally blue lake, ringed with blurred pines.

    Humans hover, if at all, far beyond, above or behind his frames. We enter a realm that is in the world, but not of it.

    Hidos photos here are all of homes, many of which seem to have been given a wash of acid, rust or dried blood. These are the places many of us left behind when we moved to LA from New Hampshire, or Kansas, or East Texas: flimsy walls, jerry-built roofs, shag carpet.

    In one boxy dwelling, perched uncomfortably close to the adjacent graffitied yellow crosswalk, the light from a lower window is at once a benediction, a silent scream, and a plea. Is the person inside reading? Sleeping? Cleaning his or her gun?

    Yet Hidos work is never mean, never quite without hope. Always, a strip of mangy grass or a spindly Home Depot tree speaks of our longing for nature. Always, light filters through a pair of flammable drapes, or glows from a lone streetlight, or beams through a jaunty sliver of window visible from the street.

    His photos manage to be beautiful, in that way that comes from the courage to look at the human condition head-on, coupled with love.

    Kovi Konowiecki, a young photographer, is based in Long Beach. Two of the strongest images here are from The Hawks Come Up Before the Sun, a series exploring the lives of people of Riverside County, especially in small communities tucked behind the Morongo Reservation.

    This harsh, aching landscape gives no quarter. Meadows is not a place youd want to find yourself in after dark. Split Trailer, its backdrop the setting sun, inevitably evokes A house divided against itself cannot stand.

    But let the last word go to Boy, Fence, 2019, from Konowieckis Cherry Ave series. Cherry Avenue is an important thoroughfare in the Long Beach neighborhood where the photographer grew up, and the image brings the sorrow and shame of racial injustice home in a way that no mere headline, video feed, and op-ed could.

    Its the clear light of day, noon maybe. A young African American boy, blurred shade tree in the background, rests his chin on his hands and leans over a white-slatted fence. Sturdy, shirtless, shining, he gazes somberly into the middle distance as if gauging his chances, weighing his risks, daring to hope for a future for which we seem not to have quite yet mustered the collective imagination.

    A child, given into our collective care. A human being, of infinite gravity and infinite worth, to whom we are all answerable.

    May the world ever more belong, and seem a home, to such as these.

    See the article here:
    Santa Monica-based online exhibition explores homes and our place in them - Angelus News

    Dry Construction Market: Comprehensive Analysis of Facsizers That Drive Market Growth COVID-19 2026 – 3rd Watch News

    - June 19, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Global Dry construction Market was valued US$ 66.80 Bn in 2017 and is expected to reach US$ 101.09 Bn by 2026, at a CAGR of 5.30 % during a forecast period.

    Dry construction systems offer various benefits over wet construction practices such as ease of installation, decrease in construction time, better thermal and sound insulation, humidity resistance, and fire safety. Dry construction uses panels or boards fitted on metal structures to build walls includes interior and exterior segment, ceilings, windows, and other systems.

    Request for Report Sample:

    Governments in many countries are focusing on various initiatives for supporting the dry construction performs. The growing awareness of global warming and rising environmental concerns are booming the growth of the dry construction market. Consumers are opting eco-friendly techniques of construction, which is foremost to the improved use of dry construction materials. The growth of the dry construction market is directly associated with the growth of the construction industry. Furthermore, the high cost of dry construction materials and waste generated by the dry construction is producing disposal problems, which is expected to hinder the growth of the market further.

    Supporting framework is expected to lead the global dry construction market. It is divided into two categories in the building construction, one is heavy-frame construction and another light-frame construction. Light-frame construction by standardized dimensional timber has become the dominant construction method in North America and Australia owing to the economy of the method. Nominal structural material permits builders to enfold a large area at marginal cost while reaching a wide variety of architectural styles.

    Plasterboard is expected to share significant share in the global dry construction market. The growth can be attributed to the increasing demand of plasterboard in the construction application. Plasterboard segment market size was valued US$ 19.0Bn in 2017 and is expected to reach US$ 30.1Bnn by 2026 at a CAGR of 5.9%. Plasterboards are easily installed and help in speeding up the construction process its popularity is increasing across the end-users.

    The residential building construction is the main end-user of the dry construction market owing to the rising demand for thermal insulation in homes and faster house construction duration. Increasing adoption of lightweight material for the purpose of construction is expected to grow demand for this segment. Dry construction offers dry materials such as metals, plastic, and plywood for the purpose of construction moderately than using a mixture of bricks, concrete or plaster in residential applications.

    The Asia Pacific is expected to dominate the dry construction market globally. A shift in the consumers preference towards eco-friendly infrastructure is expected to boom dry construction market. It is majorly required in the high-quality infrastructure. The increasing chemical processing industrial sectors, construction & building sectors in developing economies such as China, India, and Indonesia is expected to propel the market growth during forecast year. Increasing foreign direct investments in emerging economies is also contributing the market growth. Rapid industrialization & urbanization and growing adoption of supportable & lightweight construction practices by the construction industry is booming dry construction market in this region.

    Key profiled and analyzed in the global decorative market includes CSR Ltd ,Panel Rey ,USG Boral, Pabco Gypsum ,USG Boral ,Fletcher Building Limited, Saint Gobain ,Armstrong World Industries , Etex Group ,Fletcher building ,The Xella Group, Beijing New Building Materials ,Armstrong World Industries, Inc. ,Promax Group Inc., Georgia-Pacific Gypsum LLC, Knauf Gips KG, Masterplast Plc. BaoWu, Arcelor Mittal, USG and Nippon.

    The Scope of the Report for Global Dry Construction Market

    Global Dry Construction Market, By Type

    Supporting frameworkBoarding

    Global Dry Construction Market, By Material


    Global Dry Construction Market, By System

    WallCeilingFlooringWindowsPartitionDoor systems

    Global Dry Construction Market, By Application


    Global Dry Construction Market, By Geography

    North AmericaEuropeAsia PacificMiddle East & AfricaSouth America

    Key players Operating in Global Dry Construction Market

    CSR LtdPanel ReyUSG BoralPabco GypsumUSG BoralFletcher Building LimitedSaint GobainArmstrong World IndustriesEtex GroupFletcher buildingThe Xella GroupBeijing New Building MaterialsArmstrong World Industries, Inc.Promax Group Inc.Georgia-Pacific LLCKnauf Gips KGMasterplast Plc.BaoWuArcelorMittalUSGNippon

    More Info of Impact [emailprotected]

    Dry Construction Market: Comprehensive Analysis of Facsizers That Drive Market Growth COVID-19 2026 - 3rd Watch News

    27 Exotic Pool Cabana Ideas (Design & Decor Pictures …

    - June 19, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Pool cabanas are a functional and practical addition to any poolside setting. Aside from being an attractive focal point for a houses landscape, pool cabanas offer a number of functions. By definition, a pool cabana is a hut, cabin or tent-like structure that is made up of light weight walls or supports with one side facing the pool. It may be a permanent structure with walls or a temporary collapsible structure such as a tent or umbrella. Its average size is usually 8 feet x 12 feet or 10 feet by 14 feet, although this is not a rule that needs to be followed strictly in terms of construction. Pool cabanas may vary in size depending on the intended purpose.

    Pool cabanas are usually used as a place to take shelter from the sun, rest between swims, change in and out of swimming attire or entertain guests. It is also sometimes used as a storage for pool equipment. Another benefit that it gives is that it avoids the flow of wet traffic within the home as it allows a convenient ease of access from the pool. Since it is adjacent to any swimming pool, it provides guests or homeowners a place to dry up before entering the house.

    There are several factors that need to be considered in designing a pool cabana:

    Exotic pool cabanas are a well loved choice for their design and style. Reminiscent of the beach, island living and the tropics, exotic pool cabanas provide a perfect place for rest and relaxation at the comfort of your own home. Truly, a well designed pool setting allows you to enjoy resort living. Below is our gallery of exotic pool cabana ideas.

    Printed pillows and curtains add a splash of color to this all white pool cabana. It is made up of horizontal wooden slats and a flat roof. This look captures a bohemian inspired style which is perfect for beach houses.

    See this metal pool gazebo at Amazon

    A wide array of outdoor and weatherproof furniture is also available in the market. With smart mechanisms and hardware, most of these furniture are usually reclining and can be used for lounging or sleeping. It is also comes in different fabric and upholstery materials which can stand the wear and tear of everyday use. In this design, the pool cabana is a simple metal structure with plain white curtains which is used to cover the seats.

    See this pool cabana and daybed at Amazon

    [expand title=Show Image Sources swaptitle=Hide Image Sources](1) KrisTamburello from Vimeo (Creative Commons License)(2) Hotelcasavelas from Flickr (Creative Commons License)[/expand]

    Gazebo Ideas Swimming Pool Ideas Pool Fence Ideas Luxury Swimming Pools

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    27 Exotic Pool Cabana Ideas (Design & Decor Pictures ...

    House Review: Pool Houses & Cabanas – Home Building

    - June 19, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Outdoor living spaces endure as a priority for many clients when planning a home. Because pools remain one of the most common outdoor areas, pool houses and cabanas become a natural focal point. Just as the kitchen is the dominant feature inside the home, an outdoor kitchen becomes an important part of the backyard. With the introduction of weather-resistant furniture, outdoor living rooms now rival interior spaces with tile or polished concrete floors, fireplaces, and even flat-screen televisions. The following ideas from our House Review team range from basic entertainment pavilions to structures that can easily double as stand-alone guest quarters. Each provides outdoor spaces with the functionality and comfort of an indoor living area.

    Click images to enlarge.

    ARCHITECTRichard Handlen, AIA, LEED APEDI Internationalrichard.handlen@edi-international.comedi-international.com415.362.2880

    PLAN SIZEWidth: 35 feetDepth: 14 feet, 4 inchesLiving area: 1,000 sf

    This pool house is both an escape and a guest house. Downhill from the main house, it provides a retreat from the daily grind and a private place for guests to come and go without interrupting the household. Strict development limitations imposed by the jurisdiction required that half the floor area be below grade. The upper floor is a party pavilion with supporting bath and laundry facilities. Two sides of the pavilion open to the southwest with large awning doors. These lead to the pool deck and outdoor kitchen. The deck expands when the pool cover rises from the bottom and meshes with and matches the paving. The lower-level houses a bedroom suite that opens out to a sunken courtyard and open air stairway leading back up to the pool area.

    A. Parking area shielded from the main house by the pool houseB. Party pavilion with a full kitchen and central island focusing on a large-screen TV above the stair rail. Two sides open up with awning doors facing the sun and pool patioC. Laundry area for both pool and guest house useD. Bath opens directly to the pool deck and also connects with the houseE. Lap pool as retaining wall waterfall. Pool floor rises up with the press of a button to form a cover and expand the surface of the patioF. Bedroom suite opens out to the lower courtyardG. Sunken courtyard with stairway leads up to the pool deck

    DESIGNERGary IltisResidential Design Conceptsgaryrcdesign@gmail.com713.598.0964

    PLAN SIZEWidth: 30 feetDepth: 20 feetLiving area: 545 sf

    Adjacent to the swimming pool and designed for informal outdoor gatherings, this pavilion offers a compact space for grilling, dining, and conversation. The combination of stone and brick along with tile flooring and granite countertops provides for low maintenance. The 12-foot vaulted ceiling adds to the feeling of spaciousness.

    A. Pavilion exterior uses a combination of stone and brick for the fireplace and column basesB. Kitchen area offers a sink, grilling area, refrigerator, keg tap, and granite countertopC. Sitting area features a stone fireplace with a flat-screen television above it. The TV is placed in a cabinet for protection from the elements. The ceiling is vaulted from 9 feet to 12 feet in heightD. Dining area

    ARCHITECTThe Evans GroupDonald Evans, AIAdevans@theevansgroup.comtheevansgroup.com407.650.8770

    PLAN SIZEWidth: 40 feetDepth: 94 feetLiving area: 2,046 sf (optional 109 sf pool cabana)

    This is the ultimate indoor-outdoor home, wrapping around a private and lushly landscaped pool courtyard, with 560 square feet of covered outdoor space. It lives larger than its square footage and boasts an open floor plan with lots of natural light throughout. The outdoor living environment is fully screened and provides space for a pool and fountain as well as a garden, outdoor dining room, outdoor seating areas, complete outdoor kitchen, and an area for sunbathing. The flex option, which enables creating a pool house from the garage storage, adds even more flexibility and space to this floor plan. The plan proves that a courtyard home with a separate pool house and cabana neednt be large and can be right-sized for todays market and buyers.

    A. True courtyard home with fully screened-in outdoor livingB. Pool with fountain feature, garden, seating, and diningC.Outdoor cool kitchen with a seating bar, grill, refrigerator, wine refrigerator, and sinkD. Garage storage space flexes to become a pool house, with sliding glass doors opening to the pool area

    ARCHITECTGMD Design GroupScott Gardner, AIAscott@gmddesigngroup.com919.320.3022Donnie McGrathdonnie@gmddesigngroup.comgmddesigngroup.com770.375.7351

    PLAN SIZEWidth: 45 feetDepth: 18 feetLiving area: 749 sf

    This multifunction cabana is designed to provide indoor-outdoor living. The cabana interior has a small sleeping area for a guest and a large open area for relaxing and entertaining. There is a covered porch, and an outdoor fireplace and arbor complete the outdoor living experience.

    A. PoolB. Pool deckC. Arbor with seating areaD. Outdoor fireplaceE. Covered porchF. Open living and eating areaG. Bath with direct access to the exterior and interiorH. Guest suite

    ARCHITECTTodd Hallett, AIA, CAPSTK Design & Associatesthallett@tkhomedesign.comtkhomedesign.com248.446.1960

    PLAN SIZEWidth: 44 feet, 4 inchesDepth: 28 feetCovered area: 561 sfBath: 78 sfStorage: 90 sf

    The entertainment industry has poked fun at the luxury of owning a pool cabana (Oh, cabana boy ...). Its amusing, yet with as many pool houses as our firm has completed, weve never encountered that particular client profile or attitude. Most pool houses are used by families to entertain while keeping an eye on the little ones as they splash and carry on. A well-designed pool house should be as functional as it is great-looking. Its job is to provide both shelter from the sun as well as the amenities required to make the outdoor space as enjoyable as possible.

    A. Large covered area protects the family from UV rays while allowing high visibility. The spaceis designed for a large farm table bookended by two flanking seating areasB. On the back wall, a large TV is great for watching sports and providing a little background noiseC. Built-in cabinetry offers plenty of storage and a framework for outdoor kitchen appliancesD. An outdoor shower is a nice way to clean off the chlorine (or salt) without soaking an interior spaceE. Bath is large enough for a changing area and is designed for privacyF. Storage area is large enough to hold pool toys and unsightly pool equipment

    Read more here:
    House Review: Pool Houses & Cabanas - Home Building

    What $3 million gets you in Wildwood: See the most expensive homes that just hit the market –

    - June 19, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Situated on a beautiful tree-lined street, this charming ranch with gorgeous views from every window, has so much to offer. Loaded with charm and ambiance, this home has been impeccably maintained. Wood floors greet you as you enter the home with large dining rm for entertaining. Great room is very roomy, lots of windows, wet bar, ventless fireplace, bay window, bookcases. Exquisite gourmet kitchen w/beautiful Mark Christian fine custom cabinetry, work sink, 5 burner gas top stove, dbl oven, stainless, warming drawer, blt in TV, wine cooler, spice & knife drawer, gorgeous granite. Updated luxury mstr suite, very large bedroom w/dbl closets, spa tub & separate shower, bay window. Addtl 2 bdrms on main flr. Very inviting lwr lvl with walkout. Addtl. fireplace, office, full bath,sleeping area/office, lots of storage. Hardie Board siding, newer roof. Screened porch & large deck. This one is a rare find situated in desirable Wilson Farms. Quick access to shopping, restaurants and hwys.

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    What $3 million gets you in Wildwood: See the most expensive homes that just hit the market -

    One of Larchmont’s oldest properties, dating from 1797, is on the market – Lohud

    - June 19, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder


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    Back in the day, as in the late 1700s, big families were the norm. Twelve children were raised in a Federal-style colonial set up on a high point in Larchmont, built by their father,Peter Jay Munro, a nephew of John Jay, the first Chief Justice of the United States.

    Munro's home, known as the Manor House and constructed in 1797, served as a country escape for the large Munro family.As did its expansive property: Munro eventually amassed an estate of over 500 acres.

    Federal-style colonial was built in 1797 in Larchmont for a nephew of John Jay, the first Chief Justice of the United States.(Photo: Houlihan Lawrence)

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    Upon his death in 1833, the Manor House went to Munro's son Henry,who had trouble managing his finances. The estate was sold at auction in 1845, according to research by Judith Doolin Spikes, a former village historian.

    Federal-style colonial was built in 1797 in Larchmont for a nephew of John Jay, the first Chief Justice of the United States.(Photo: Houlihan Lawrence)

    The Manor House, at 18 Elm Ave., is back on the market, listed for$4.699 million.And while it is no longer on 500 acres, the property is one of the largest in Larchmont, at nearly one and a half acres.

    "This is a spectacular property," said Pollena Forsman, who has the listing for Houlihan Lawrence. "You step onto the rear porch and you are just awed." Forsman notes there is ample room in the backyard for an in-ground pool and the current owners have the site plans in hand for a pool and a cabana.

    This Larchmont home dates to the 18th century. It was built for a nephew of John Jay, the first Chief Justice of the United States.(Photo: Houlihan Lawrence)

    "It is a big plus to have acreage, privacy and a pool," she said. "It has become very important in the post-Covid environment and certainly these three components come up in every luxury buyer conversation; they are the key criteria for search right now."

    The last must-have is walkability and the property is within an easy walk to the village.

    The 6,723-square-foot home has six bedrooms, four full bathrooms and two partial baths. It was recently renovated by the current owners, who created a new master suite, updated all the bathrooms withradiant-heat floors and updated the electrical and plumbing systems, as well as the windows and doors.

    This Larchmont home dates to the 18th century. It was built for a nephew of John Jay, the first Chief Justice of the United States.(Photo: Houlihan Lawrence)

    My clients did a major renovation that turned a very formal house into a colorful, youthful and happy home,"said Forsman.

    Yet, there are delightful details everywhere, from the unique stained glass on the front door to the front-to-back foyer with a curved center staircase and wood flooring in a stylish black-and-white checkerboard pattern. There are 9- to 12-foot ceilings, four chimneys and eight fireplaces; hardwood and parquet floors; classic moldings and chair rails.

    Both the front and rear covered porches have ample areas for seating and entertainment.It would be interesting to contemplate what Larchmont once looked like while sitting on the broad front porch.

    The renovation kept all the best of what was old and made it feel like a gut renovated home, Forsmancontinued. "You don't have to worry about anything from the late 1700s being an issue."

    Despite its grand proportions, Forsman says the ManorHouse "feels fun and happy due to thedesign and imagination of the current owners. They took whatwas previously a more formal house, with massively high ceilings and rooms, and made itplayful and fun and happy and filled with children.It is really a wonderful living space."

    The Manor House held several different titles in its long history, according toresearch by Judith Doolin Spikes, a former village historian, provided by Houlihan Lawrence:

    "Larchmont": Edward Collins, a shipping magnate,renamed the house "Larchmont" after a row of larch trees planted by Munro. He also ran into financial trouble and the estate was sold at auction again in 1865, to a wholesale grocer T.J.S. Flint, co-founder of the Larchmont Manor Company which developed suburban homes for New York City businessmen of moderate incomes, on the property, according to Spikes.

    "The Manor House": After Flints death in 1882, Charles H. Murray became president of the Manor Company and he converted the home into a 30-room boarding house named the Manor House.

    "Manor School For Girls":In 1902, it became the home of the private Manor School for Girlsbefore being turned back into a single family home.

    This Larchmont home dates to the 18th century. It was built for a nephew of John Jay, the first Chief Justice of the United States.(Photo: Houlihan Lawrence)

    18 Elm Ave. Larchmont

    Price: $4,699,000

    Schools: Mamaroneck

    Taxes: $101,840 (estimated)

    Contact: Pollena Forsman, Houlihan Lawrence, 914-420-8665,

    Karen Croke is the Community Content editor for and Find my stories hereand subscription offers here.Reach her at

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    Originally posted here:
    One of Larchmont's oldest properties, dating from 1797, is on the market - Lohud

    Sofia Vergara And Joe Manganiello Buy $26 Million Mansion In Beverly Park – Celebrity Net Worth

    - June 19, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Hollywood show business couple Sofia Vergara and Joe Manganiello have recently acquired some new digs in the luxurious and exclusive gated community known as Beverly Park, says Variety's, paying $26 million for a large, handsome estate with 17,000 square feet of living space overlooking Beverly Hills.

    Sales of Beverly Park homes are said to be unusually rare as owners tend to hold onto their properties there, but this $26 million mansion is the exception that proves the rule, changing hands at least five times in the last six years. Among those who have called the mansion home include China's billionaire "Steel Princess" Diana Chen and baseball legend Barry Bonds, who owned it from 2002 to 2014. And it was Chen who sold the house to Vergara, at a discount of about $4 million compared to her $30 million asking price.

    As for the mansion itself, hopefully its prolific recent sales history doesn't indicate some glaring problem that's only clear upon moving in. In official marketing materials at least, it seems to be a bargain even at $26 million:

    "Nestled within Beverly Hills' most prestigious private enclave is a sprawling Tuscan-inspired villa in which classic beauty meets sleek modern living. Resting on nearly two lush acres is a grand motor court leading to the stately 17,000-square foot luxurious living space. European architectural elements include imported limestone, soaring 30 foot ceilings, Italian travertine floors, and hand-painted murals. Outdoor loggias line the home's expansive seven bedrooms, thirteen bathrooms, and lavish common areas. A once-in-a-lifetime entertainer's dream, the estate makes extraordinary use of an opulent 12-seat theater, two story guesthouse, pool, spa, cabana, steam sauna, and outdoor sport court."

    That description doesn't mention any trapdoors or ghosts, so with any luck Vergara and Manganiello will buck the recent trend of relatively fast buying and selling that have dogged the property for the last several years. In any case, you can get a good look at the property in the video below from Hilton & Hyland:

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    Sofia Vergara And Joe Manganiello Buy $26 Million Mansion In Beverly Park - Celebrity Net Worth

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