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    In Conversation with India Hicks – Cherwell Online

    - July 2, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Although having enjoyed a varied career, India Hicks is perhaps best known for two things: her eponymous lifestyle brand (now defunct), and being Prince Charles goddaughter and the bridesmaid to Princess Diana at the 1981 wedding, watched by 750 million people. Second-cousin to the Prince, she is the daughter of David Hicks renowned interior decorator and Lady Pamela Hicks, daughter of Louis Mountbatten 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma, who was assassinated by an IRA bomb in 1979.

    Raised in Oxfordshire and attending boarding school in Scotland, Indias was an upbringing more traditional than her perhaps unexpected later relocation to the Bahamas, where she has lived for the past 24 years with her husband and their five children. Since closing her lifestyle brand in 2019, India has become increasingly dedicated to charity work, presently supporting her Bahamian community following a devastating hurricane in early September and of course the more recent outbreak of coronavirus, which has overwhelmed the area she calls home.

    Speaking with India on Skype, she tells me that from a young age she was taught the importance of supporting those less fortunate in both the local and global community: Ive always done as much as I can; we were brought up to give back. I have grandparents who set a very good example of that. India took with her this proclivity for charitable work when she relocated to the Bahamas in 1996: Every year here, I would bike a hundred miles in a bike race, raising money for breast cancer in the Bahamas which is very prevalent here in the Bahamas because of a gene in Black African women to have this predisposition to have breast cancer. Indeed, India and her husband adopted their child Wesley after his Bahamian mother and aunt died from the disease.

    It was in September 2019 that a devastating hurricane hit the surrounding islands and destroyed two neighbouring communities. Hurricane Dorian, a Category 5 hurricane, was the most intense cyclone on record to have struck the Bahamas, and is estimated to have cost almost $3.4 billion in damage. Sitting on the advisory board of the Global Empowerment Mission, India says that she following the coinciding closure of her business had the ability and the time to get very involved in the efforts to support her fellow islanders in the wake of the disaster.

    To the foreign eye, India acknowledges that poverty and the effects of such disasters are masked by sunshine and pink sand beaches, whereas in England its grey skies. She tells me that people are distracted by the beauty of the idyllic island the foamy coastline, leaning palm trees, cloudless blue sky. But 60% of the homes in Abaco were damaged or destroyed; the power grid serving the entirety of the islands was ruined. For several days, much of the island including its airport was underwater.

    I went out with them first [relief workers from the Global Empowerment Mission] to Abaco, and they were doing very interesting things; for example, taking batteries so that people couldactually get their phones charged in order to call people to let them know that they were still alive Disaster relief work is very immediate. Theres the immediate horror of whats happening and then it disappears off, and people get very distracted by the next thing: its a bushfire in Australia, or there is a flood in India, or there is an earthquake in Sri Lanka. I wanted the attention to stay on the Bahamas because the work had hardly even begun. Were coming up to a year later and people are still living in tents; there is still no power; the government is still fairly ineffectual when it comes to those hurricane victims.

    Though India built a social media following (some 223k followers) promoting her branded fashion items and sharing aesthetic glimpses of her life flitting between England and the Bahamas, she recognised immediately that her platform could and should be utilised to promote her charitable efforts: I realised that I was lucky enough to have built some following from a social media standpoint, and suddenly there was some point to the social media which was being able to tell these stories I think people were ready to listen, so I was able to raise money as well as get a message out.

    If were living in an age where social media has such an importance, then lets use it if we can. The disappointing part of this, of course, is that people are much more interested in my dog, and my daughter making donuts than they are in the charity work we do so I try to come at it from a slightly different point of view. Im now trying to think more creatively about the messaging of it all but you have to be very careful that its not all me, me, me. And, yet, the way that were able to raise moneyis through me talking about it. So I feel slightly conflicted there.

    By experiencing first-hand the effects of the hurricane on her community, India describes feeling that she had been given a new job a new purpose; she tells me about the importance of communicating stories when asking for peoples donations, emphasising the significance ofhow requests for help are conveyed in relation to securing contributions: Its finding ways of finessing stories in order to keep coming back to the same audience and asking for more.

    While the Bahamas might sound an exotically far away location to the British reader, the desolation of the hurricane couldnt have been closer to home for India, who described the aftermath as happening right on my doorstep literally. At the end of my drive, there are families who have been so affected by the tourism economy closing down overnight that there are a staggering amount of families who can no longer feed themselves.

    But as the devastation caused by the disaster are localised, so too are relief efforts: India leads a team which was drawn from residents of the community, each contributing skills to the operation of a wide-spread aid effort. India herself sits-in on discussions with their local MP, church and school authorities, and the local councils.

    Indias close involvement in the organisation of efforts to rebuild the island and support its inhabitants, she says, is crucial: If Im asking someone to donate money whether it be $20 or $20,000 I am able to assure that person I can hear the decisions that are being made; I get out at 6:30am on a Saturday and Im there packing the bags; I see the church vehicles going out; I see the recipients I see the process from beginning to end When you give us your dollars, I can account for it. I know where every cent is going theres transparency from beginning to end.

    However, being so intimately affiliated with the community her and her team work to restore, she has come across the moral complexities of charity work: It becomes really difficult when it comes down to the need versus the want who wants the food bag, who needs the food bag. A fair means of decision seems to be that the leaders of the islands churches decide who most urgently needs the food and supplies provided by Indias team.

    The recent wake of COVID-19 added to the Bahamian devestation: with a significant proportion of the island relying on the profits from tourism and travel, the necessary halt of tourist footfall to the islands is perhaps a lesser-considered effect of the pandemic: Im daily having conversations with people about when the borders will open; when the tourists will be back; when do we think the food bank needs to be teamed until?; when will life get back to normal?

    While the residents of the islands are keen to see tourists return, bringing with them much-needed revenue, India reflects on her own situation amidst the uncertainty of travel. Considering herself a global sort of person, India has children at school in the UK, the US, and a mother and family in England. Suddenly, I feel much more remote, she says; much more isolated than I have for the twenty-four years [of living in the Bahamas] it makes me very nervous that I may have to make tougher decisions about when I get to see my mother and if Im able to freely travel and come back and forth.

    Reflecting on her childhood in Oxfordshire, India considers how it might be if she were isolating with her family back in the UK: If I lived in Oxford, I wouldnt have this innate fear, because I would be in a much bigger country, my mother would be two fields away, my kids could possibly go to college somewhere in England. But, because weve built a global life for ourselves, I am fearful what the future holds My fear is that I have taken travel for granted. Ive taken the fact that I live in the Bahamas, but can nip on a flight at a fairly reasonable price over to England. Ive seen the world like that that it is so global, that it is so easy to travel. And now, suddenly, that is probably going to be removed the luxury of being able to travel when I want.

    India spoke of the precariousness of the situation how she feels that shes blindly finding [my] way forward, because nobody knows when the effects of the closures will ease-up. Really, weve been doing a lot of work in raising awareness and raising money. The challenges are there, of course as its global, its very hard. But she continues to work hard to alleviate the twofold devastation of the hurricane and COVID-19 on her community, and she along with her fellow Bahamians will undoubtedly celebrate when travel resumes.

    See the article here:
    In Conversation with India Hicks - Cherwell Online

    The Sopranos: 10 Of Paulie’s Funniest Quotes, Ranked | ScreenRant – Screen Rant

    - July 2, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Despite being a complete psychopath, Paulie Gualtieri (AKA Paulie Walnuts) is a fan favorite within the Sopranos fandom. A lot of that is due to Tony Sirico's effortless charisma. Some of it has to do with being a complete psycho. But most of it stems from his hilarious dialogue.

    RELATED:The Simpsons Movie: The 10 Funniest Quotes

    The Sopranos is filled with funny lines and characters, but nobody even comes close to Paulie when it comes to humor. Sometimes he's intentionally funny. Sometimes we're laughing at him and not with him. Regardless, it's a near-guarantee that anything coming out of Paulie's mouth will be a riot. These are ten of Paulie's funniest quotes, ranked.

    Paulie (like everyone else in The Sopranos) is very proud of his Italian heritage. And seeing espresso really makes his blood boil. While being served in a major coffee shop franchise (likely Starbucks), Paulie laments the commercialization of Italian cuisine.

    According to him, "They ate pootsie before we gave them the gift of our cuisine. But this, this is the worst. This expresso s***." It's not just his anger that's funny - it's the fact that he said "expresso" in place of espresso. Yeah, he knows a lot about his heritage...

    If there's one thing Paulie takes more seriously than his Italian heritage, it's entertaining the children of the neighborhood.

    The shy and reserved Bobby Baccalieri is hesitant about playing Santa for the kids, forcing Paulie to stand and reprimand him, saying, "The boss of this family told you you're gonna be Santa Claus.You're Santa Claus. So shut the f*** up about it!" There's nothing funnier than seeing violent psychopaths furiously arguing about who's going to be Santa that year.

    Poor Bobby is always getting the brunt of Paulie's jokes. While goofing around with Chris, Paulie sees the overweight Vito and Bobby speaking to each other, their protruding guts practically touching each other.

    He turns to Chris, saying, "OH, look at that! It's like an ad for a weight loss center. Before, and way before!" Bobby says what the audience isthinking - "This guy. Does he ever stop breaking balls?"

    One of Paulie's greatest quirks has to be repeating his jokes.

    RELATED: How I Met Your Mother: 5 Funniest Marshall Quotes (& 5 Most Heartbreaking)

    A running joke throughout the series sees Paulie making a quip, turning to Tony, and asking, "You hear what I said, Ton?" He then immediately repeats the joke that everyone just heard, word-for-word. It makes the audience laugh every single time, and it helps cement Paulie as one of the goofiest and most hilarious characters on the show.

    Leave it to Paulie to say exactly what's on his mind. While visiting Tony in the hospital after he slipped into a coma, Paulie is clearly instructed by Meadow to say encouraging things, as coma patients can supposedly hear what people are saying.

    Immediately upon seeing Tony hooked up with tubes and a ventilator, Paulie can't help but exclaim in horror, yelling, "Oof, madone! He looks terrible!"

    Pine Barrens has to be the funniest episode of The Sopranos, and it's easily Paulie's greatest hour. While on the phone, Tony tells Paulie that the guy they're pursuing is an ex-commando who killed sixteen Chechen rebels with the Interior Ministry.

    Paulie mishears him, telling Chris, "You're not gonna believe this. He killed sixteen Czechoslovakians. The guy was an interior decorator!" To this, Chris famously quips, "His house looked like s***!"

    Paulie often tries to sound cultured, but he just can't quite get there.

    RELATED: Seinfeld: 10 Funniest Quotes About Love

    During Tony B's welcome home party, Paulie drops some Sun Tzu wisdom on him, mispronouncing Sun Tzu's name as Sun Tuh-Zoo. Not only that, but he calls Sun Tzu the "Chinese Prince Matchabelli."Prince Matchabelli is actually a luxury perfume line.Paulie meant Machiavelli, but Machiavelli was never a prince. He obviously got confused with Machiavelli's seminal treatise, The Prince.

    No scene better encapsulates Paulie's wild personality traits better than Minn's murder. Right before killing the poor old lady, Paulie is busted rooting around underneath her bed (after loudly breaking down the door).

    Caught in the act, Paulie feigns friendliness with "Minn! Your door was open! I brought you something from my Ma!" The sight of Paulie's head emerging from behind the bed is one of The Sopranos' finest visual gags.

    Chris's intervention, while obviously not funny in and of itself, is one of the funniest scenes in Sopranos history owing to the outlandish behavior of those around him.

    First, there's Silvio's story of finding Chris passed out in the toilet. And then there's Paulie, who is painfully, honestly, but hilariously blunt: "I'llkeep this short and sweet. You're weak. You've become an embarrassment to yourself and everybody else."

    As funny as Paulie is, the show isn't afraid of reminding us that he is actually a violent psychopath and anunbelievable racist. In this scenario, the show wants us to laugh at Paulie, not with him.

    While Tony B is talking about his ambitious Korean boss, Paulie comes in with his incredible advice: "Word to the wise. Remember Pearl Harbor!" Not only does it not make sense, but Paulie confuses Koreans with the Japanese.

    NEXT:You're Gonna Need A Bigger Boat: 10 Of The Best Quotes From Jaws

    Next The Simpsons: 10 Best Episodes Of Season 7, Ranked (According To IMDB)

    View original post here:
    The Sopranos: 10 Of Paulie's Funniest Quotes, Ranked | ScreenRant - Screen Rant

    Sothebys Art Auction Breaks Records – National Review

    - July 2, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Sothebys specialists taking phone and online bids from around the world. (Courtesy Sotheby's)The virtual event, linking buyers across the globe, played out like a high-stakes night at the casino.

    NRPLUS MEMBER ARTICLESothebys, with Christies one of the two big auction houses, held its big-ticket modern and contemporary evening auction this past Monday. Its Sothebys cash cow for the year, and it was a fascinating, well-done virtual event. I saw the future of the auction business, and it worked. Bidding was spirited, and the balletic, gestural Oliver Barker as auctioneer was himself a work of performance art. He can coax bids from a mummy.

    Art by Francis Bacon, Joan Mitchell, Helen Frankenthaler, and others, priced in the millions, sold, mostly sight unseen, in an event that was part old-fashioned auction, part variety show, part telethon, all with the sparkle and edgy feel of Election Night. Sothebys called it a marquee auction. They pulled it off with savvy and zest. They made a boatload of money, too.

    The big news story from the auction was the sale of Francis Bacons Triptych Inspired by the Oresteia of Aeschylus, from 1981, the last and grandest of the artists 28 triptychs. I think Bacon had his moments, but overall, hes an Angry Young Man artist, Irish and troubled and a 50s and 60s character. I wrote about the Bacon show at the Houston MFA in March, and while hes a great painter, I left thinking he was tiresome and pretentious, with a limited vision. Hes a brand and personality. And, for the life of me, and I know my Aeschylus, I dont see how the triptych references the Oresteia. Its a riff on Goya.

    Still, its striking and powerful. The Hans Astrup Foundation, which got it in 1987, sold it to enhance the endowment of Oslos Astrup Fearnley Museet, a very good contemporary art museum founded by the Astrup family. The work has been an anchor in all the big Bacon shows. On an estimate of $60 million to $80 million, it sold for $84.6 million, including the buyers premium.

    The bidding went swiftly by million-dollar increments from $48 million to $60 million and then stalled. At that point, a new, online bidder appeared with a $60.1 million bid. Silence. A phone bidder raised it to $61 million. Then a war started between a bidder with firepower against a drop, drop, drop enemy whod raise him by $100,000 each time his return bid went up, to 62, then 63, up to $75 million until the bidder with the pop gun finally stopped. The total price was $84,550,000 plus the buyers premium. I assume Sothebys vetted the online bidder, who seemed to tease with his little $100,000 increments. Was he for real?

    No one outside of Sothebys inner sanctum knows how much Sothebys actually made. Last year, it went private, so Sothebys doesnt have to make all the disclosures that, say, a public company like Christies has to make on financing and negotiated premiums. My friends there tell me theyre happy, though.

    Whether COVID-19 came from that Chinese lab or Big Bat Macs in Wuhan, it put the international art market in a coma. Sothebys is a business, however, and Gone Fishin isnt a good way to make money. Of course, we still have many museums thats the nonprofit world that wont open and serve the public, though state and local health officials say they can.

    The well-paid, lucky-ducky staffs hope to doze and laze in place, at home, in perpetuity, depriving art lovers of the cultural heritage their tax dollars subsidize. Maybe theyve heard that the Blizzard Beach water slide at Disney World is reopening on July 7 and dont want to miss the fun. Really, now, if Disney World, the Louvre, and the Vatican can open next week, what excuse do American museums have for keeping their doors closed to the public all summer?

    Talk about lucky-ducky privilege. Actually, what Im hearing now is that many museums in America are so roiled by layoffs and internal charges of racism that the directors and senior staff just want to hide for as long as they can.

    Sothebys motto for its marquee auction is pivot, adapt, innovate, and each it does. Theres a feature for simple country souls like me explaining different ways to experience the auction. The auction started Monday evening, ET, at 6:30, with auctioneer Barker in London and specialists in London, New York, and Hong Kong taking live bids by phone, online, and text messages. A 30-second preview on the Sothebys website predicted Super Bowl drama, which, for the art world, it delivered.

    The Ginny Williams sale grabbed me when Sothebys announced it earlier this year. I liked her a lot. Williams (19272019) and her husband, Carl, moved to Denver in the 1950s. There, Carl made a fortune as a cable-television pioneer. Ginny was from Virginia and combined Southern charm with cowgirl grit. I liked her flamboyance and frankness. She was deeply knowledgeable and had a curators sensibility.

    She was both an art dealer in Denver, starting in the 1980s when the city was a cultural backwater, and a collector, though I think her dealership was a front for her collecting. I always wondered whether or not she sold much. Williamss aesthetic was 70s and 80s, with a focus on women, especially Louise Bourgeois. She bought well. She had catholic taste, but in the 1990s, the market for female artists was still quiet. Thats when she bought her Frankenthaler and Mitchells. Her Bourgeois holdings were encyclopedic.

    Her sale had 18 lots and not a dud among them. It was whats called a white-shoe auction, which means everything sold. Thats rare. Royal Fireworks, by Helen Frankenthaler from 1975, is gorgeous. A wave of warm, luscious orange flows across the surface, with a narrow strip of pure azure below it. Frankenthaler (19282011) is always good. In the 1970s, she started to paint with acrylic on canvas, leaving the soak-and-stain technique aside. Its a less gauzy effect. I could look at for hours in a frame of mind lapsing into dreams and fantasy. Look at that big Bacon triptych for too long, and Id get indigestion. At a $2$3 million estimate, the Frankenthaler sold for $7,895,000 in quite a bidding war.

    There were three very good Joan Mitchell paintings. Liens Colors, from 1956, shows the elegance that Mitchell (19251992) brought to abstract expressionism. I like the painting and put aside my longstanding opinion that shes an interior decorators artist. On a $5$7 million estimate, it sold for $5,950,000. Two other Mitchells, one from 1962 and another, Straw, from 1976, look and feel more like landscapes accelerating what Monet was doing at the end of his career. They exceeded their high estimates, I think, because they drew collectors both of abstract expressionism and representational art. The three paintings, all big and very good, provide a micro-retrospective of Mitchell over three decades.

    Everything in the Williams auction sold, and many topped their high estimates. Sothebys sometimes offers inflated estimates, which leads to disappointed sellers, but this time it guessed well. It had great quality on its side, too.

    The Williams sale was followed by the bigger contemporary-art sale. Together, selling 48 objects, the contemporary sale and the Williams sale lasted about three hours, with a break, so it felt like going to the theater. Matthew Wongs The Realm of Appearances, from 2018, started the part of the sale that followed the Williams cache. Wong (19842019) was a wonderful artist who killed himself last year. He shuttled from Alberta in Canada to Hong Kong and back, suffered from autism, and was a gifted colorist whose abstract landscapes are both dreamy and, understandably, rare.

    Sothebys put his painting first to give this part of the sale a jolt. It slapped a low $60,000$80,000 estimate on it, knowing bidding would not plow but blow through it. It reached $1.1 million in increments of $10,000 and $50,000. Then, a buyer bidding in Honk Kong by phone decided to nuke this stately progression by bidding $1.5 million. That stopped everyone in his or her tracks and won the day.

    The psychology of these auctions sometimes feels like what happens in a casino. The houses goal is to get people to throw money away in buckets. The Wong placement, first in line, and the low estimate were meant to ignite s spending spree.

    The Bacon triptych wasnt the only heavy hitter in this sale. Roy Lichtensteins White Brushstroke I, from 1965, sold for $27,300,500 with the buyers premium on an estimate of $20$30 million. Its prime pop art, if you like that kind of thing. An enchanting Mark Rothko painting, from 1969, sold for $8,350,000, just over the low estimate. Its from the distinguished collection of Harry and Mary Margaret Anderson (called Hunk and Moo), who owned it from 1972 to Moos death last year. Hunk died in 2019.

    The Andersons were rich but bought early and well. Their collection wasnt huge, but it was the best of the best of abstract expressionism and Bay Area figurative painting. I love the Rothko. It has a nocturne palette, uncharacteristic of him, and its on paper, not canvas, which consigns it, as far as the marketplace is concerned, to the less esteemed works on paper class. That dings its value but, to me, if the surface is covered with paint, its a painting.

    Its also late Rothko, who is not seen as a 1960s artist. Thats the time of pop art. There are some serious collectors of post-war art who want their Rothkos to come from the 1950s or early 1960s, seen as his zenith. Late Rothkos also suffer from guilt by association with the black Rothkos in the chapel next to the Menil Collection in Houston. These black Rothkos precede his 1970 suicide, so to a buyer looking for joie de vivre, the art market cautions beware when it comes to his late work. The Anderson picture evokes the nocturnes of Monet and Whistler and is in a league of its own.

    The Andersons were a lovely, down-to-earth couple who gave most of their collection to Stanford for its university art museum. Their heirs need something to live on, though. Hence, the sale.

    A Jean-Michel Basquiat drawing of a head went for $15,185,000 on a $9$12 million estimate. I wouldnt call him overrated, but my problem is that he died at such a young age that assessments have to be inconclusive. For that money, a Michelangelo drawing could be had. Mr. Marketplace sometimes has his priorities wrong.

    There were two paintings by Willem de Kooning (19041997). East Hampton Garden Party, from 1976, was painted for Emilie Kilgore, then a young Houston woman who became his friend and muse. Its inscribed to her. De Kooning hadnt entered what his dealer once told me was his senile phase, but it wasnt far on the horizon. Estimated at $1.8$2.5 million, it sold for $2,188,000. Its from the time the artist lived in the Hamptons, and it suits that milieu.

    Seated Man, from 1941, is de Kooning before he became de Kooning. Until he did the slashing Women series starting around 1950, de Kooning was part of a circle in New York anchored by John Graham. Grahams acolytes and kindred spirits then were Arshile Gorky, Adolph Gottlieb, Stuart Davis, and the young Jackson Pollock and David Smith. Seated Man depicts a clown de Kooning had seen in a circus. Its very tail-end Ash Can style inspired by big-city life but with a cool, European look. Its less about the figure of the seated man and more about form, with a touch of surrealism. Its a more bracing picture than Kilgores, but its for either a museum or a serious modernist collector. It went for $2,420,000 on an estimate of $1$2 million.

    Sothebys is selling Williamss art in waves. The consignment was about 450 objects, and like all the auction houses, Sothebys arranges and tiers them based on medium, glitz, and price. On June 30, Sothebys had a day auction devoted to Williams. Her photography collection comes on the market on July 9. Theres an online sale of more work in an auction running from July 9 to July 20 and another sale in the fall.

    I like things that are printed and not virtual. That said, much of my writing appears on the screen as I enjoy being part of the digital publishing revolution. Still, I do like printed auction catalogues. Sothebys did a great job exceeding what a printed catalogue offers. Its evening-sale screen catalogue linked the paintings for sale with similar work in great museum collections. Its a good marketing tool, and it helped me, as an art historian, put the art on the block in context.

    The problem with buying art at auction right now is access to the objects. Many bidders will have bought or tried to buy art sight unseen. As unthinkable as that seems to me, my reporting two weeks ago on the print fair proved that people will do it. And at the evening sale, I saw theyll do it even if theyre spending millions.

    That said, potential buyers could preview the art at Sothebys in New York by appointment if they could get to New York. Since Sothebys had the Williams and Anderson consignments for months, I expect people have been looking at the art and thinking about bidding long before the quarantine shut New York. Unless Sothebys broke the rules, its spaces were closed to its staff and potential bidders alike.

    Sothebys did a few other things. It offered an augmented-reality feature simulating how a work for sale would look at home. I tried it. The Bacon triptych, stretching about 14 feet, wouldnt fit. Thats fine. It would scare my cats. Joan Mitchell , strangely, suits a Vermont farmhouse, our country garden, and looks good in our dense interior packed with old stuff.

    Its easy to speak to specialists via Sothebys version of Zoom. Sothebys obviously considered the many ways people like to receive and process information and decided to go to great lengths to hold hands. Theyve created a new, more relaxed kind of salesmanship, abetted by the simple fact that, until the last week or so, everyone has been working from home, away from office dynamics that can make people anxious. And buyers are mostly at home, too, and by this point are sick of looking at what theyve got on the walls. COVID-19 will prove itself a boon to the interior-design business.

    I think there was some back-and-forth with many of the sellers over the unique calamity of a recession, public-health crisis, and a travel ban. Sothebys made a good case for cleaving to the line.

    The financial crisis in 2008 spooked lots of potential sellers from sitting on their art. For months in 2008 and 2009, consignments were mostly limited to the Three Ds sales forced by death, debt, and divorce. As a practical matter, this reduced the number of quality objects on the market.

    Lets face it there will always be lots of rich people, and those with the capacity to spend tens of millions on art float above the hard knocks that entangle we penny-watching mortals. The same dynamic exists now. Quality sells. Twenty-seven of the 30 works in the evening modern and contemporary sale have never hit the auction block before. As Ive said many times, fresh meat sells.

    It was an extravaganza and well done on every level. Five-minute videos on, for instance, Williams as a collector of female artists and the Bacon triptych used Sothebys department heads as presenters. These augmented the sometimes la-di-da catalogue entries, which veer more toward the flowery than the spartan.

    Sothebys specialists spoke accessibly and with authority. They all looked good and game for the adventure. I enjoyed the videos. Ive been to a million previews, and the specialists always look tense. Here, they looked relaxed and persuasive. The Williams video is set in her high-ceilinged, white, big-box living room, where her three big Mitchells, her Frankenthaler, and an Ellsworth Kelly look fantastic.

    The sale broke records for Frankenthaler and for Basquiat drawings. The total take also exceeded Sothebys total of high estimates Sothebys has often missed its totals, sometimes by a lot, with the field littered with unsold art. Its got new ownership, a fresh, exciting look, and some new specialists. I think these have made a difference. Congratulations to Sothebys for a good sale done in high style.

    Go here to read the rest:
    Sothebys Art Auction Breaks Records - National Review

    Interior designers reveal the 12 things in your home you should get rid of – Insider – INSIDER

    - July 2, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    This might mean swapping out your heavy drapes for sheer ones. Shutterstock/backpacker79

    Natural light can brighten a room, make it look larger, and show off light-catching finishes, according to Annie Santulli of Annie Santulli Designs.

    So, naturally, the first thing she thinks you might want to get rid of is any window treatment that makes it especially difficult for you to get natural light.

    "Window treatments should frame a space, but they don't have to be overbearing or heavy to add warmth," Santulli told Insider. "Using sheers or translucent metallics are a way to create some level of coverage without adding weight."

    But if you still want to block the sun or have privacy, she suggests layering different window treatments to add dimension and texture to your space "while also allowing for more options to handle light and privacy."

    Go here to see the original:
    Interior designers reveal the 12 things in your home you should get rid of - Insider - INSIDER

    Popular Property Restoration Franchise Opens in Fort Worth –

    - July 2, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    By: Restoration 1 | 0Shares 11Reads

    FORT WORTH, TEXAS (PRWEB) July 01, 2020 - Fort Worth in North Central Texas is excited to welcome a brand new franchise of Restoration 1 to the neighborhood. With hundreds of locations across the US, the leading property restoration company is well-known for its excellent customer service, alongside their highly trained and qualified technicians.

    What Restoration 1 Can Offer Fort Worth Residents

    Gearing up to service both homes and businesses in the greater Fort Worth area, Restoration 1 handles anything from water damage and mold remediation to odor removal and virus disinfection. Available 24 hours a day, Restoration 1 technicians are certified by the IICRC, and use only the most advanced technology and up-to-date practices when tackling each restoration project.

    We take pride in delivering exceptional results and making properties look like new again after storms, fires and floods, says Costi Hinn, Operations Manager. Leaving your property repairs up to the professionals means you can focus on the well-being of your family.

    Restoration 1 of Fort Worths services include:

    Fort Worths New Virus Disinfection and Sanitation Cleanup Services

    As the COVID-19 epidemic continues to spread across the country, Restoration 1 has quickly become the preferred provider for Virus Disinfection and Sanitation Cleanups. They also offer a Keep It Clean Program where companies and homes can schedule weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly professional cleanups to help provide safer working and home environments. During the process, the cleanup technicians arrive in fully-encapsulated coveralls with full-face respirators and complete the following steps:

    Industrial-Strength Disinfectants: Restoration 1 uses approved CDC and EPA disinfectants to decontaminate surfaces, floors, walls, doors, and windows.

    Hard Surfaces Sanitized: Sanitation is applied to accessible hard surfaces, which is then left to dwell for about 20 minutes, while it deep cleans and disinfects.

    Special Focus on High Traffic Areas: The team will heavily sanitize additional high touch areas like desks, computers, door handles, and telephone handsets.

    UBL Fogger: Finally a UBL fogger to get a lot of those areas that they cant physically hand-wipe.

    With our Keep It Clean Program, we develop a program that is specifically designed for your type of business, well then create a schedule where we disinfect high-touch areas where harmful viruses and bacteria commonly linger, says John Yerby.

    So, if your Fort Worth home, office, school, hospital, doctors room, hotel, Airbnb, restaurant, or bar is in need of a deep clean, Restoration 1 is available to assist 24/7. We own a deli in the Dallas area and have booked Restoration 1 to come and do a deep clean every week. We cant tell you the peace of mind this offers both us and our customers. By using professional cleaners we are creating a safer, healthier environment for our employees and clients, says Stan, a deli owner from Texas.

    No matter the type of disaster customers may face in Fort Worth, Restoration 1 is ready to help wherever they can. After a call is logged or an online form is submitted via the website, the teams technicians will be dispatched to assess the damage to the property in an hour or less.

    Restoration 1 of Fort Worth is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

    Restoration 1 are nationwide licensed and insured water damage experts that also offer fire, water, and mold damage restoration services, available 24/7. Their professionals, licensed by the IICRC, have been in the business of restoring damaged residential and commercial properties for over a decade. Their reputation for fast responses, unparalleled quality, and uninhibited commitment has contributed to the growth of the company throughout the United States.

    SOURCE Restoration 1


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    Popular Property Restoration Franchise Opens in Fort Worth -

    Smart Dry Restoration Offers Water Damage Restoration Services to the San Diego, CA Area – MENAFN.COM

    - July 2, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    (MENAFN - GetNews)

    San Diego, CA - With a team of fully licensed technicians who combine decades of professional experience serving their community, Smart Dry Restoration is the company of choice for San Diego homeowners and business owners facing disaster. Their renowned company is available 24/7 to help restore properties from any water damage or fire. Whether their clients had a fire in one area of the house or the entire property was flooded, their team of fully equipped professionals have been trained and certified to handle all types of restoration projects, regardless of the size.

    Smart Dry Restoration offers comprehensive solutions to take care of any restoration project including water damage restoration, water damage cleanup, flood damage cleanup, basement flood cleanup, hardwood floor drying, washing machine flood clean up, mold testing, mold remediation, mold inspection, sewage cleanup, among other services. All of their services are handled with state-of-the-art machinery, computers, and tools, allowing their staff to maximize the quality of their services.

    "We have the latest industry knowledge, as well as experience in restoring, repairing, and remodeling your property after water, fire, and any other types of disaster. We have a specialization in damage restoration services, renovations, remodeling, and reconstruction. Our company takes pride in the quality of our workmanship which is always completed within the scheduled time, and also within the parameters of your insurance policy or the contract," said Justin Zarudny, the owner and spokesperson for Smart Dry Restoration, regarding their excellent services.

    At Smart Dry Restoration, the education of their team is paramount to maintain the highest standards of service, that is why all of their technicians have been fully certified and IICRC educated, in addition to receiving ongoing training to strengthen their knowledge and skills. In addition to their certifications and constant education, Smart Dry Restoration stands out from its competitors, thanks to their high sense of urgency, the transparency of their processes, and their client-oriented approach.

    In addition to their restoration and mold removal services, Smart Dry Restoration also specializes in carpet cleaning services, managed by industry experts with decades of experience providing unbeatable solutions in homes and businesses. The expert carpet cleaners from Smart Dry Restoration have been meticulously selected and trained to maintain the highest standards of service, plus, they are equipped with the best technology and cleaning products that guarantee the superiority of their services.

    Explaining why they are the preferred carpet cleaners in San Diego, the company's spokesperson added, "There are plenty of reasons why we are the best carpet cleaning service in San Diego county. This is because we only hire the best individuals and also train them from time to time to keep them up to date with the latest industry changes and technologies. Our employees are clean-cut, drug-free, polite, courteous, and well-screened."

    Smart Dry Restoration is located at 8910 Activity Rd Ste A, San Diego, CA 92126. For top-quality restoration services, contact their team by calling (858) 433-5100 or send an email to . For additional information regarding their San Diego Restoration Services , visit their company's website.

    Media Contact Company Name: Smart Dry Restoration Contact Person: Justin Zarudny Email: Send Email Phone: (858) 433-5100 Address: 8910 Activity Rd Ste A City: San Diego State: CA Country: United States Website:


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    Smart Dry Restoration Offers Water Damage Restoration Services to the San Diego, CA Area - MENAFN.COM

    Global Mold & Fungus Air Quality Remediation Service Market 2020 by Key Players, Regions, Type and Application, Forecast to 2025 – Daily Research…

    - July 2, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Global Mold & Fungus Air Quality Remediation Service Market Growth (Status and Outlook) 2020-2025 comprises of all the fundamental data with respect to the market covering broad examination of industry portions. While examining the global Mold & Fungus Air Quality Remediation Service market, the market current flow and patterns, industry development drivers, market share, sales volume, informative diagrams, supply and demand, and numerous different aspects were taken into consideration. The report presents bits of knowledge into the general business close by the market measurements and assessment for the span 2020 to 2025. The report comprises essential and auxiliary information including commitments from leading players in the market. A basic view of information and strategies are also given for business administrators.

    Then, the report focuses on calculable data, subjective data sets, and assessment of the general market situation and future possibilities. A bit of knowledge and drivers, difficulties and fortuity are highlighted for understanding the current patterns inside the global Mold & Fungus Air Quality Remediation Service market. Deep insights and statistical details are provided in terms of demand and supply, cost structure, barriers and challenges, product type, key market players, technology, regions, and applications. The market is further segregated based on the key vendors, industry vertical, product category, and across different regions. In terms of value, the industry is expected to register a steady CAGR during the forecast period.

    NOTE: Our analysts monitoring the situation across the globe explains that the market will generate remunerative prospects for producers post COVID-19 crisis. The report aims to provide an additional illustration of the latest scenario, economic slowdown, and COVID-19 impact on the overall industry.


    Each geographic portion of the global Mold & Fungus Air Quality Remediation Service industry showcase has been freely overviewed nearby valuing, dissemination and request information for geographic market strikingly: Americas (United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil), APAC (China, Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia, India, Australia), Europe (Germany, France, UK, Italy, Russia), Middle East & Africa (Egypt, South Africa, Israel, Turkey, GCC Countries)

    The report focuses on top manufacturers in the global market, involved the assessment of sales, price, revenue, and market share for each manufacturer: Innovative Environmental Industrial Services, Fpec-Inc, Waco, Inc., Interior Maintenance Co., Inc., Shive-Hattery Inc., 1Source Safety & Health, Inc., Advanced Indoor Air Quality Care, Phoenix Restoration, Porterville Carpet Cleaners, Tek Environmental & Consulting Services, Inc., Terracon Consultants, Inc, Pure-R Space, Inc

    Opportunities in The Global Mold & Fungus Air Quality Remediation Service Market Report:-

    The report provides a comprehensive quantitative analysis of the industry for the period of 2020-2025 to assist stakeholders to maximize on the prompting market opportunities. An exclusive analysis of the factors that drive and restrict the market growth is provided in the global Mold & Fungus Air Quality Remediation Service market report. An extensive analysis of the key segments of the industry helps in understanding the trends across regional.

    Market segment by product types considering production, revenue (value), price trends: Cleaning, Decontamination, Restoration

    Market segment by applications considering consumption growth rate and market share: Residential, Commercial, Industrial


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    Global Mold & Fungus Air Quality Remediation Service Market 2020 by Key Players, Regions, Type and Application, Forecast to 2025 - Daily Research...

    Personal Protective Equipment Market to Hit $92.86 Billion by 2027; Rising Demand for PPE Industry in COVID-19 Pandemic to Ensure Workplace Safety,…

    - July 2, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Pune, June 30, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The global personal protective equipment market size is projected to reach $92.86 billion by 2027, exhibiting a CAGR of 7.4% during the forecast period. Skyrocketing demand for PPE to protect frontline healthcare personnel from COVID-19 will surge the market growth during the current year, observes Fortune Business Insights in its new report, titled Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Market Size, Share & Industry Analysis By Product (Head Protection, Eye & Face Protection, Hearing Protection, Protective Clothing, Respiratory Protection, Fall Protection Protective Footwear, Hand Protection, and Others), By Application (Construction, Manufacturing, Oil & Gas, Chemical, Food, Pharmaceutical, Transportation, and Others) and Regional Forecast, 2020-2027. Extensive medical research into the spread of the infection caused by the coronavirus has revealed that the virus is transmitted through droplets released by respiratory activities. According to the Royal United Hospital NHS Trust in Bath, UK, personal protective equipment is essential is protecting medical staff and patients from COVID-19 cross-infection. In the US, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is taking various measures to ensure adequate availability of all types of PPE for the health workers to optimally deliver care to coronavirus patients. Thus, the COVID-19 pandemic is expected to prove beneficial for this market in 2020.

    Browse Summary of This Research Report with Detailed Table of Content:

    The novel coronavirus, COVID-19, has cast an unprecedented effect on several businesses across industries. While some industries are experiencing significant loss owing to the lockdown announced by the federal governments globally, collective efforts from the government and the industries will ensure that the testing times may soon pass away.

    We are taking continuous efforts to help your business sustain and grow during COVID-19 pandemics. Based on our experience and expertise, we will offer you an impact analysis of coronavirus outbreak across industries to help you prepare for the future.

    The report states that the market value was at $52.43 billion in 2019. It also contains the following:

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    Market Driver

    Lucrative Growth in the Global Construction Sector to Brighten Market Prospects

    The personal protective equipment market growth is strongly premised on the speedy progress of the construction industry worldwide. As per a research study published by Oxford Economics, the global construction sector will grow by 3.9% per year till 2030. The study forecasts that construction output in terms of volume will reach $15.5 trillion by 2030, soaring at a rate of 85%. Construction sites are hotbeds for workplace accidents, wherein workers get seriously injured or die, either because of malfunctioning machines or faulty or substandard protective equipment or both.

    As construction activities gather steam worldwide, the demand for PPE to provide sufficient protection for workers is expected to escalate. This trend will be augmented by the growing awareness among workers and employers regarding the importance of personal protective equipment in hazardous working conditions, which will further boost the market.

    Regional Insights

    Strong Workplace Safety Regulations to Propel the Market in North America

    Regulations governing workplace safety of workers are being constantly tightened in North America, which is one of the prominent factors enabling the region to dominate the personal protective equipment market share. Organizations such as the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) ensure compliance of manufacturers and factory owners in terms of putting in place adequate safeguards for workers. In 2019, the market size in North America stood at USD 19.2 billion.

    In Europe as well, regulations such as the EU Directive 2016/425, which effectively monitor the quality standards of PPE sold in the market in Europe. The market in Asia-Pacific is expected to display promising growth on account of surging construction activities and steady expansion of manufacturing sector.

    Competitive Landscape

    Strategic Takeovers by Top Players to Heat up Market Competition

    The highly-charged competitive milieu of the PPE market is characterized by the strategic acquisition activities undertaken by prime players such as Avon and Ansell. These acquisitions are enabling these companies to deepen their footprint in the market and further strengthen their product portfolio.

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    Personal Protective Equipment Market to Hit $92.86 Billion by 2027; Rising Demand for PPE Industry in COVID-19 Pandemic to Ensure Workplace Safety,...

    10 Things You Should Know About Becoming an Interior Designer

    - July 1, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Aninterior designer must serve many functions. Is it the right role for you? Image: zhu difeng/Shutterstock

    Are you always receiving compliments on your interior design taste? Do you love decorating rooms and arranging furniture? If you answered yes to these questions, then maybe a career in interior design is right for you.

    Before you make a life-altering career choice, there are some things you should know about the design world. Interior designers face challenges every day; some of these may not appeal to you, while others may excite you and open doors to a career that you never thoughtwas possible.

    Read on to learn the10things you should know before becoming an interior designer.

    Whats thedifference between interior decorators and interior designers?Inone word: education.

    Literally anyone can become an interior decorator. Someone who loves playing with colors, fabrics and textiles can become a decorator by simply printing business cards and promoting themselves to clients. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but educational background is also important.

    On the other hand, an interior designer must have an accredited education; an associate or bachelors degree is a requisite for working in theinterior design field. Do you want to pursue an education, or jump immediately into the decorating world? Keepreading to see if interior design could be the right fit for you.

    It may seem obvious, but in order to become an interior designer, you need to have an innate flair for color, spatial arrangements, architecture and textiles.Doyou enjoy decorating your home and getlots of compliments on your decor? That doesnt necessarily meanyou should be aninterior designer, but its certainly a good sign.

    The first step to a successful career is to follow your passion. After all, doing something you love will never feel like work. Take this fun quiz to see which field you should consider majoring in. Is a career in interior design in your future?

    While fabrics, furniture and color may play a large role in interior design, there are plenty of other tasks that are required of interior designers many of whichmay seem less like fun and more like work.

    Interior designers need to be educated in the history of design, the structural integrity of buildings, building codes, ergonomics, spatial concepts, ethics, psychology, computer-aided drawing (CAD) and much more.

    It might seem that interior designers are expected to be Jacks (or Jills) of all trades, doesnt it? This broad range of skills isrequired because designers work with not only homeowners, but alsobuilders, architects, government agenciesand business owners. To become a successful interior designer, one needs to be educated and well-rounded.

    Show me the money! After all, shouldnt someone with such a vast education get paid well? It depends. Statistics show that the mediansalary of an entry-level interior designerin the U.S. is$42,380 per year.

    Of course, this depends on a lot of factors, such as education, location, work experience and size of the firm/company. An interior designer ata furniture company will most likely make less than a designer whoworks for a high-end architectural firm.

    Essentially, you can dictate your rate of pay by gaining as much exposure and experience as possible. Someone with education in the fields of architecture, building codes/laws and structural design will more likely become financially successful.

    Ask interior designers to share their experiences, and they will surely relatesome horror stories of past clients. People are finicky, especially when it comes to their homes.While some clients have clear goals in mind, others may think they know what they want only to discover that they hate the final product and are dissatisfied with your work.

    A successful interior designer is a people pleaser and a mitigator (and sometimes a mind reader) someone who cansteer clients toward a favorable outcome while making them feel they are in full control of the design choices. Interior designers are constantly balancingtheir design decisions and their clients desires. Its not a cakewalk, to say the least.

    A picture says athousand words, and this is definitely true when it comes to an interior designers portfolio. You can talk all day long about colors and textiles, but unless you have an outstanding portfolio that showcases your designs and projects, your successes will be few and far between.

    If you are just coming out of school and are newto the job market, it may be necessary to offer your services for free or at a reduced rate. This is probablythe best way to get a portfolio started; its also a great way to get to know local merchandisers and suppliers, and develop a rapport for future projects.

    Everybody starts at the bottom. With some effort, experience and proper marketing, you can become a successful force in the interior design field.

    Interior design is a competitive business. The key to success is getting yourself noticed. As mentioned above, an amazing designer portfolio will certainly help you land jobs.

    Another important factor isacquiring an extensive education. The more you know, the better off you will be. Consider looking toward future trends such as population growth, designing for the elderly, modern architecture and green design; education within these specific fields of design will give you the upper hand in the job market.

    It is also a good idea to stay abreast of design trendsbyreading design publications and websites such as Freshome, communicating with fellow designers and following a mentor. When competition is high, you need to work hard in order to get noticed and rise to the top.

    When people hire an interior designer, they may not realize that they can actually hire from anywhere in the world. Yes, designers can telecommute, too! Thanks to technological innovations such as Skype and design software, designers are discovering a whole new world of virtual design.

    Although severalfree online virtual room design tools available to the general public, interior designers have an edge on this competition thanks to their exclusive relationships with elite design lines.Severalhigh-end textile companies offer discounts to designers working in the trade, thereby allowing themto get their clientsthe best prices.

    This is where would-be designers may opt to avoid the education and become decorators, thereby avoiding some of the doldrum of learning building codes and local laws.

    Some of the detailscan certainly be boring, but they are required knowledge for interior designers. Learning about plumbing codes, electricity and load-bearing walls may not excite you, but it is required.Staying abreast of such thingsgives interior designers an advantage and marketability that decorators simply do not have.

    While designers can offer their clients a wide range of design styles to choose from, it is important to remember that it is up to the clients to choose what style suits them best.

    Just because designers are educated and have good taste does not make their choices superior to their clients. The interior designers job is to offer a variety of styles and direct the client toward the right design choice while allowing the client to feel in charge.

    For example, you may work as an interior designer for years and never design a house that suits your personal tastes. It is all about the clients style and you must put your own aside.

    After reading all the pros and cons of becoming aninterior designer, do you think its oneyoud like to pursue?If youre considering interior design as a career, then remember all 10 of thethings mentioned above. The fieldmay be competitive, but with a little hard work and a stellar portfolio, you can become a successful interior designer.

    Here is the original post:
    10 Things You Should Know About Becoming an Interior Designer

    Best 15 Interior Designers Near You | Houzz UK

    - July 1, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    They will help you to get the look you want first time, and if youre not immediately sure what you want they help you find it, working with you to design your perfect home. If your space is on the small side, or awkwardly configured, an interior designer can also help you to maximise your living space, using clever tricks to make spaces seem larger or brighter and building in multi-functional furniture and design. Working closely with interior designers will ensure you get a design you love, but also allow you to pick up some of the skills, approaches and design ideas that interior designers use to create their stunning home designs. So if you are stuck for ideas, or cant make head nor tail of how to design your living room, bedroom, or even your entire home, then find interior design companies and interior designers on Houzz that are ready to totally transform your interiors and make your life easier.Whats the difference between interior designers and interior decorators?These two closely related professions are often mistaken for the same thing, however there are some significant differences to be aware of before deciding which to hire. An interior designer, sometimes known as an interiors architect, can run full renovation and structural design projects, and will use specialised knowledge of interior architecture, construction systems and components, building regulations, materials and furnishings to arrive at your dream home design. Interior design companies are able to plan spaces and room functions down to the last detail, and can help design and renovate interiors, from initial planning phases to placing the last decorative accessory. A decorator on the other hand will typically be involved only in the aesthetic layer, the look and feel of a space, and wont be able to assist in renovations that require structural work. Interior decorators normally come on board after all structural work is complete. So choose your interior designer according to the type of work you need.Why should I hire an interior designer?They say life is what happens while youre busy making plans. Some of us are just too preoccupied with a career and/or family to think about colour schemes, wallpaper, flooring and lighting. A professional interior designer can save you bags of time, stress and months, if not years, of living in a half-finished home. Its their job to stay on top of the latest trends and to have contacts and visual references coming out of their ears. Interior designers and decorators can also save you money, sourcing products via trade contacts or offering affordable alternatives to blowout iconic designs.How do I choose the right interior designer for my home?Good design and visual inspiration are all around us. Start by searching for interior architects and interior designers on Houzz. Keep a lookout for images of rooms and features that you really like and save them to your Ideabooks to begin to develop an understanding of your own style and taste. If you notice that photos from the same interior design companies are popping up regularly then that is a good hint that they could be your perfect design match. You can feel most confident if you hire an interior designer or interior design company that has completed work similar to the look and feel that you desire, whether that is a mix-and-match lounge oozing mid-century modern style, a pale and interesting minimalist bedroom with shots of colour, or a beautiful space inspired by Scandinavian design.

    You may want to check if your designer is a member of the Society of British and International Design (SBID) or The British Institute of Interior Design (BIID). Both are a benchmark of quality and reliability. And check if your interior designers can offer you the right type of service some companies are design only, while others can oversee the whole project. If it is the latter that you seek, make sure any sub-contractors used are fully accredited and it is clear who they are supposed to report to. If late alterations are made to the plan, the contractor should receive a change order, thus minimising the risk of a dispute about what was and wasnt agreed to after the start date.

    See the rest here:
    Best 15 Interior Designers Near You | Houzz UK

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