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    What went right with Norwich Public Utilities’ response to Isaias? –

    - August 20, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Norwich Viewing municipal utilities as a "gold standard" and hoping they can be used as a "measuring stick" for storm response, Rep. Joe Courtney, D-2nd District, joined state legislators at Norwich Public Utilities on Tuesday to hear about NPU's storm response.

    The visit came among ongoing and widespread criticism of Eversource for its response to Tropical Storm Isaias, and a day after Energy and Technology Committee leaders unveiled bipartisan regulatory legislation.

    NPU General Manager Chris LaRose and spokesperson Chris Riley hosted Courtney, Energy and Technology Committee Chairman state Sen. Norm Needleman, D-Essex; and state Sen. Cathy Osten, D-Sprague, for a discussion in NPU's emergency operations center.

    According to NPU, 35% of customers lost power due to Isaias, but of those 7,500 customers, 99% had power restored in two days and 100% in three days.

    "When the storm came, I don't think anybody honestly predicted the damage that was going to happen," LaRose said, but noted that NPU prepared for a Category 3 hurricane.

    In the response, he said the utility's priorities were hospitals, then business centers, then places with the most customers per outage. But he also said NPU doesn't wait until the end to deal with outages that affect only one or two households.

    NPU has 146 employees, and all the general managers are unionized. That's about the same number of workers NPU had in 2011, when Connecticut saw massive power outages from both Hurricane Irene and the October snowstorm.

    LaRose said it takes about 10 years for someone to become a skilled lineman, and the company pre-fills jobs before they're vacant if they know a lineman is approaching retirement age.

    He said there's no program in the state technical school system specifically for linemen but NPU looks for people who have a "high school education with a strong intellectual background" and gets some people who come in with an electrician's license.

    NPU has 11 linemen responsible for power restoration, and after power was restored for all NPU customers following Isaias, eight worked from the Saturday to the Wednesday after the storm providing mutual aid to Eversource. They helped people in Lyme, Old Lyme, East Lyme and Waterford, for example.

    NPU rates are about 24% less than those of Eversource but it varies throughout the year, La Rose said. NPU is holding a public hearing next week on rates and looking to put out a three-year rate schedule.

    The paradox is that some want to see legislation enabling municipal utilities like NPU and Groton Utilities to expand their coverage area because of their storm response, but part of the strong storm response comes from having a small territory.

    "We do very well in a storm response because we have a small and nimble area," Riley said.

    Similarly, in response to a question from Osten about moving into other communities, LaRose later said that "if you get large, you have some of the issues of being as quick and as nimble."

    Despite Eversource being much larger, both Courtney and Osten expressed that they thought it was fair to make a comparison with NPU's performance.

    "To me, we're talking about the same weather event, we're talking about the same state and in some cases even the same county or region," Courtney said. Comparing Norwich to Sprague, Osten added, "When you go 10 miles down the road and it takes an additional five days to get power back, that doesn't make a whole boatload of sense."

    See the original post here:
    What went right with Norwich Public Utilities' response to Isaias? -

    Dougherty government seeks applicants for board appointments | News – The Albany Herald

    - August 20, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    ALBANY The Dougherty County Commission is advertising openings for the following board appointments that will be made for current unexpired terms and terms of various lengths. Resumes and/or letters of interest must be received by 5 p.m. on Sept. 9.

    JOINT BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS & APPEALS: One appointment. The joint appointment will fill an unexpired three-year term ending Oct. 1, 2022. The board considers appeals from citizens regarding decisions and/or interpretations of the building inspector as it relates to the Southern Standard Building Code. Applicants should have building industry experience. The board meets on an as-needed basis.

    AIR CONDITIONING, HEATING, & VENTILATION BOARD: One appointment. The appointment will fill an unexpired one-year term ending Dec. 31. The purpose of this board is to review all matters pertaining to standards for use of air conditioning, heating and ventilation. The board meets on an as-needed basis.

    CHEHAW PARK AUTHORITY: One county appointment. The appointment will fill a three-year term ending June 30, 2023. The Chehaw Park Authority is the governing body, created by an act of the Georgia General Assembly, for Chehaw Park & Zoo comprising 800 acres of land located in Dougherty and Lee counties. The authority is an institution of purely public charity, dedicated to the promotion of the general public welfare in matters of cultural development, education, pleasure, convenience and recreation of the public at large, and particularly those citizens residing in Lee and Dougherty counties. The authority was created as and shall remain a public beneficence, dedicated to the good of humanity and the general improvement and happiness of society. It is declared and established that the operation, maintenance, and expansion of the park is a proper public purpose and that the authority shall be responsible for operation, maintenance and expansion of the park. The authority meets the third Monday of the month at 6:15 p.m. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age and be a resident of Dougherty or Lee county.

    ELECTRICAL BOARD: One appointment. The appointment will fill an unexpired one-year term ending Dec. 31. The purpose of this board is to consider all matters related to electrical installations, including alterations, repairs and equipment. The board meets on an as-needed basis. One appointment must be a master electrician, two must be electrical suppliers, one must be a professional engineer and one represents a citizen member.

    FLOOD PLAIN MANAGEMENT REVIEW BOARD: One appointment. The appointment will fill an unexpired three-year term ending Dec. 31, 2021. The purpose of the board is to consider variances on structures that are below the required base flood elevation levels and to consider special-use permits for proposed development in the floodway. This board meets on an as-needed basis.

    For additional information on appointed boards, commissions and authorities, call the County Clerks Office at (229) 431-2121 extension 0 or email

    Read the original here:
    Dougherty government seeks applicants for board appointments | News - The Albany Herald

    Create an Amazing Home Theater with the Help of a DIY TV Lift –

    - August 20, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Has a home theater been your dream for long but you believe you do not have enough space for it? Forget about such excuses! Now, you can either buy a TV lift and install your home theater in a place you want, or you can make your own lift system. The first option might cost pretty much. But if you have the needed money and you have found a system that you like, why not use it?

    If you want to save some funds or you prefer something customized, making a DIY TV lift for your interior is the best option. You will need to buy a lift system here, and all the other elements you can make on your own.

    We believe that you know already where you want to have your new home theater. If you are in doubt, we can suggest some ideas.

    If you are planning to get a fireplace, it is a good idea to check one with a slot for TV. Modern options even have a power outlet for such purposes. Check if the slot size is big enough for your home theater, and the issue is solved. It looks modern and stylish. Though if you have a fireplace and are planning to install the screen in it or behind it, this idea is not the best one. If the fireplace is not made to be used with a TV set, the influence on your TV might be devastating. Drastic changes in temperature and humidity will decrease the item service life and deteriorate the experience in general.

    Do you have an old dresser that has to be thrown away but is kept for some reason? You can use it to install your home theater there!

    While the idea with a fireplace is clear: everything is already installed there, you might opt for a dresser.

    Now, the cabinet for your new home theater is ready. You can move on to the TV lift part.

    First, you need to choose a TV lift. You can make it, too, but you need good skills, special tools, and solid knowledge of the technology. If you do not have experience with such things, your TV lift might end up collapsing and destroying your TV screen and all the equipment.

    If the TV lift is hidden in the dresser, its design might be not crucial. Though if you want you can choose the nicest one.

    Once you are ready with all the preparations, you can fix the items. Attach the TV lift to the back wall of the dresser. If you believe that it is not sturdy enough (in most cases it cannot support the weight of a big screen and the weight of the lift system), consider reinforcing it. You can mount a metal or wooden bar on the back side and fix the application on the bar.

    The TV lift comes with special supports for the screen. Mount the screen on the supports and fix it. do it properly otherwise, it might fall and get damaged.

    Cabling is one more issue. In your case, you can just leave it hidden in the dresser. Fix them with special cable clips to avoid tangling. If you want, you might hire an electrician to hide them completely, but we believe that indeed, this is not the case when you need it. The main thing is to avoid interfering with the moving screen and tangling.

    You can install the cable box anywhere in the dresser. Just make sure it does not interfere with anything.

    Finally, you can test the installation. Check whether the screen popups properly and hides smoothly. Once more verify that everything is installed firmly enough. Make the last adjustments if needed. After that, your home theater is ready to be used. Invite your close people and enjoy it!

    The rest is here:
    Create an Amazing Home Theater with the Help of a DIY TV Lift -

    New development and car wash coming to McKinley Commons in Mishawaka – South Bend Tribune

    - August 20, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    A once prominent retail corner in Mishawaka will soon see new business development that includes a new car wash, restaurant and retail store.

    Johns Auto Spa, a Nappanee-based auto care company, is scheduled to open a new car wash and oil service on the northwest corner of McKinley Highway and Grape Road. According to a construction design release filed in late July, the total project area is proposed to be just over 6,600-square feet and, based on renderings from commercial real estate company Midland Atlantic Properties, will feature an indoor car wash and outdoor vacuum system. A representative with Johns Auto Spa did not respond to several requests for comment to detail specifically what the new car wash business will offer or to answer when construction is expected to begin and end. The new construction will replace the former Rallys restaurant that closed in January.

    This isnt the first time the Elkhart County car wash business has attempted to come into the Mishawaka market. In 2018, Mishawaka council narrowly voted against rezoning an area across from the Kohls store on Grape Road for a new Johns Auto Spa business because of concerns about the businesss ability to keep oil, gas and other contaminants from leaking or running into nearby Juday Creek. Council member Ron Banicki, D-6th, whose district the proposed project would have resided in, said then, This is a good project, just not in the right spot.

    Owners of the car wash business then simply looked a mile and a half down Grape Road and plans are now seemingly moving forward.

    The car wash development is just one of a few other projects proposed for that corner. Specifically, shopping center McKinley Commons also is being prepared for new business development.

    In a property brochure by Midland Atlantic Properties, which oversees the property, about an acre of outlier land (in what is now a parking lot) is for sale or lease for a proposed free-standing 2,800-square-foot restaurant. Kyle Nageleisen, director of leasing with Midland Atlantic Properties, said that construction for the proposed building will not begin until a tenant has been formalized and that he has been in communication with several businesses about the property but noted nothing is definite.

    About 50,500 square feet of retail space also is available in the former KMart space inside the shopping center. Nageleisen said the space is currently under construction as a storefront is created and the facade is updated to make it more appealing to potential tenants. Nageleisen anticipates the facade construction to be complete in September and said he has been in communication with national and regional retailers about filling the space but, again, said nothing definitive has been established.

    Even though we are talking to companies, we dont want to make it out that we have done deals, because we do not, Nageleisen said. We are still investing a big amount of money in the property to give it a great look and renovation.

    Have you heard?

    A new convenience store is slated to replace the former Muffler Man building in South Bend. According to a construction design release, a new convenience store will be built at 2302 S. Michigan Street. It was not immediately clear when construction will begin or when the store will open. ... Fleet Feet in Mishawaka will be hosting a fundraiser event this Saturday. The athletic shoe store at 3522 Grape Road will host a Shopping For Steve-O give-back day this Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m where 10% of the days sales will be donated to the Racing For Steve-O Foundation.

    See the original post here:
    New development and car wash coming to McKinley Commons in Mishawaka - South Bend Tribune

    New restaurants and retail shops headed to 5th Ave in Naples – Wink News

    - August 20, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder


    The space that once housed Bellini and Paddy Murphys in downtown Naples is getting a facelift, and new restaurants and shops are on the way, but some in Naples arent so excited.

    I came here to pay respects to this building, part of the culture on Fifth Avenue, said Rich Muller, a long-time Naples resident who brought his son to the demolition site.

    The buildings are 50 years old and Muller says he and others may have had memories here that could be lost.

    How many lives have been touched by this building? How many families owned businesses? How many people actually walked inside and experience something? he asked.

    Bellini Italian Restaurant and Paddy Murphys Irish Pub in the 400 block of Fifth Avenue South will be gone in a few days. Demolition crews have already leveled the land where Citrus Restaurant once stood.

    Property manager Matthew Slaughter is looking ahead to what the future of Fifth Avenue could be. We felt the time was right to build new at Fifth at this point and be part of Naples on Fifth Avenue for the long term.

    So far, the plan includes a 15,000-square-foot building with restaurant space and a second-floor prime with office space. The plans also include solar power.

    Some of the plans are to have a beautiful patio that is made of landscaping, and green improvements including solar if theyll allow it, Slaughter said.

    John Leonard considers Naples his second home since he works across the street from the project. Hes excited about what it could become.

    I think its a good thing. In my opinion, the buildings were outdated. Weve got some brand-new buildings around here and Im hoping that the construction here, the new construction, is going to be similar in style to these buildings, said Leonard.

    Leonard and others who frequent Fifth Avenue could find out sooner rather than later what will go up. Developers hope to be finished with the project by August 2021.

    But Muller is still sad to see his favorites go. Its exciting to see something new coming but at the same time, [a] very sad moment realizing were losing history.

    Slaughter said that Bellini and Paddy Murphys could reopen once construction is finished.

    Visit link:
    New restaurants and retail shops headed to 5th Ave in Naples - Wink News

    Construction resumes on The Vanguard apartments in Downtown Boise, ID –

    - August 20, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    After work stopped for a few weeks this spring, crews returned to the site of The Vanguard in Downtown Boise and the project started to rise.

    The Vanguard calls for 75 residential units in an 8-story building at the corner of 5th St. and Front St. in Downtown Boise. The plan also calls for retail space, a rental office, dog wash and bike storage on the ground floor. The project started sprouting up on the former site of the BizPrint warehouse, just behind the Basque Block.

    The development does not include parking, but sits next to the newly-built 5th and Front parking garage.

    Ithaca, NY-based Visum Development is behind the project. Work started over the winter with the demolition of BizPrint. Initial work on the buildings footings started, but stopped after the COVID-19 pandemic started impacting Boise. Workers removed a mobile crane on the site for a time, before returning it later last spring.

    Now, work continues on the footings and ground floor, though the project hasnt started to move skyward beyond the first-floor concrete work.

    Visum has not released pricing for The Vanguards units, and a completion timeline isnt yet known.

    [Going Up: Makeover converting aging Boise hotel into small housing units]

    The Vanguard joins a flurry of residential projects along the Front & Myrtle corridor. RoundhousesCartee started last fall, as didOpus Developments River Caddis. Gardner Co.began work on Park Place Apartmentslast summer.

    Construction resumes on The Vanguard apartments in Downtown Boise, ID -

    Capital One Caf Set to Open Third DC Location in Anacostia – Commercial Observer

    - August 20, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    The Menkiti Group has signed Capital One Caf to a 3,700-square-foot lease at MLK Gateway, a planned two-building, mixed-use project currently under construction in Washington, D.C.s Anacostia neighborhood.

    The opportunity to have Capital One Caf join us as a tenant at MLK Gateway further delivers on our mission to enhance historic Anacostia with neighborhood offerings that support community engagement and economic vitality, Bo Menkiti, the Menkiti Groups CEO, said in a release.

    The project is situated at the corner of Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE and Good Hope Road.

    Phase 1 of the MLK Gateway, which broke ground in January, will consist of 14,600 square feet of ground-floor retail underneath 20,000 square feet of office space, which is leased to technology company Enlightened.

    Phase 2 will see the city Department of Housing and Community Development take 55,000 square feet for its headquarters, as reported in Commercial Observer last month. The building is proposed to consist of nearly 130,000 square feet.

    The first phase is expected to deliver in early 2021, while phase two is projected for July 2022.

    This marks the third D.C.-based caf location for Capital One, joining those located at 732 7th Street NW in Chinatown and 3150 M Street NW in Georgetown.

    Capital One Cafs are not only a place to get help with accounts or focus on financial wellness, they serve as a convening space for the local community, Jennifer Windbeck, Capital Ones senior vice president, said. Our investment in the Anacostia MLK Gateway location gives us the chance to bring that experience to another important D.C. neighborhood, complementing our existing network of Cafs and branches.

    The company first introduced its Cafs in 2011 after it acquired ING Direct, a bank that had held the rights to the Caf concept since 2001. After seeing success with its initial offerings, the concept has grown to 34 Capital One Cafs in 12 markets nationwide.

    Originally posted here:
    Capital One Caf Set to Open Third DC Location in Anacostia - Commercial Observer

    Draper and Kramer starts construction on TOD near Wrigley Field –

    - August 20, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Draper and Kramer, Incorporated, has started construction on a seven-story, 120-unit mixed-use development at 949 W. Dakin Street in Chicagos Lakeview neighborhood. Located across the street from the Sheridan Red Line station and two and a half blocks north of Wrigley Field, the transit-oriented development replaces a single-story structure whose tenants included Ace Hardware, which is expected to fill a portion of the 13,000 square feet of retail space that will be located on the lower level of the new building.

    Our development at 949 W. Dakin fills a niche in the local apartment market by bringing a boutique rental property to one of the North Sides most popular neighborhoods, said Todd Bancroft, Draper and Kramers CEO. Wrigleyville, in particular, has seen a wave of new mixed-use projects that have transformed the area into a year-round destination for visitors and, increasingly, a full-time home for Chicagoans drawn to the areas numerous amenities, including convenient access to the lakefront and public transit.

    The development pays homage to the neighborhoods historic apartment buildings with a facade of dark red brick and large windows that allow for abundant natural light within residences and common areas, said Ed Polich, Draper and Kramers executive vice president of real estate. The goal was to design a building that is appropriately scaled to the site and seamlessly integrated with the streetscape while delivering modern interiors on par with many of Chicagos best boutique apartment buildings.

    Designed by Sullivan, Goulette & Wilson Architects, 949 W. Dakin will include 108 one-bedroom/one-bath and 12 two-bedroom/two-bath units, with floor plans ranging from 620 to 1,040 square feet and rents starting at approximately $1,900 per month. Residences will feature 9-foot, 4-inch ceilings with exposed structural elements; modern kitchens with stone countertops and stainless steel appliances; full-size washers and dryers and walk-in closets.

    Outdoors, the buildings rooftop deck will offer views of Lake Michigan and Wrigley Field, with grilling stations, outdoor dining tables, separate lounge chairs, a TV viewing area and several fire pits.

    Indoor amenities include a large ground-floor lobby with floor-to-ceiling windows, several gathering areas with couches and chairs and long tables that can be used for casual meetings. Residents will also be able to sip coffee at a counter overlooking the street or check the train status on a CTA transit video monitor. Other first-floor amenities include a private clubroom with a bar/kitchen, fitness center and heated bike room. A coffee shop, the Lakeview Ace Hardware and two additional retail spaces ranging from 1,300 to 2,200 square feet will also be located at street level.

    Residents will be walking distance to all of Wrigleyvilles famous sports bars and restaurants. Just outside of the ballpark is Gallagher Way, an open-air park that hosts gameday activities and other seasonal programming. Also, just four blocks to the east, bikers, runners and walkers can enjoy Chicagos scenic Lakefront Trail, an 18-mile path along the Lake Michigan shoreline.

    Draper and Kramer financed the project through the Chicago regional office of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Gershman Mortgage acted as the HUD lender in the transaction.

    Leopardo Construction is the general contractor on the project and expects to deliver the apartments in August 2021.

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    Draper and Kramer starts construction on TOD near Wrigley Field -

    Most apartments in complex near Detroit’s New Center will have $454 to $945 monthly rent – Detroit Free Press

    - August 20, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    An artistic rendering of the Milwaukee Junction Apartments set to open May 2021. It will offer 20 affordable housing units near Detroit's New Center neighborhood.(Photo: City of Detroit)

    Affordable housing is coming to Detroit's Milwaukee Junction neighborhood in 2021 toaddressincreasing rent in the New Center area, the city of Detroit announced Tuesday.

    Twenty out of 25 units in the new Milwaukee Junction Apartmentswill have monthly rent ranging from $454 to $945 based onaverage median income with water bills included. Construction beganon thefour-story development in May and will costabout $8 million, according to a news release.

    The building is expected to open May 2021.

    We know that those who are making the least sometimes need the most help, said Cleophus Bradley, director of community development for the Detroit Catholic Pastoral Alliance,in the release. The faith-based nonprofit is developing the apartments with Bingham Farms-based MHT Housing, a nonprofit housing organization.

    We also believe that affordable housing done right, that does the most good, means creating housing options that are every bit as good as non-affordable housing," he said. "Just because they cannot afford to pay more does not mean they deserve less."

    More:Detroit developer Eric Means dies suddenly at 48

    More:Amazon to hire 100 more white-collar jobs in Detroit that pay $150K

    The Michigan State Housing Development Authority'sLow-Income Housing Tax Credits program, the city's Housing and Revitalization Department and the Detroit Housing Commission arehelping financethe development.

    The property will be required to remain affordable for at least 30 years.

    It is so important that we create developments and neighborhoods with Detroiters of all walks of life together instead of sectioning off people based on their income. It also creates affordable housing opportunities in an area experiencing rising rents,"Donald Rencher, director of the Housing and Revitalization Department, said in the release.

    The22,845 square-foot building at258 E.Milwaukee St. will be within walking distance of bus and QLINE stops.About 1,800 square feet ofretail space is planned for the ground floor.

    Units will include central air conditioning, in-unit washers and dryers and energy efficient LED lighting.The building also will feature a community area for residentsand rooms formail, bike storageandmechanical equipment.

    When it is completed, this project will give Detroiters who may have felt they'd never be able to afford to live in a new building in a growing neighborhood the opportunity to do so,"Mayor Mike Duggan saidin the release.

    In March, the city announced a six-team Preservation Partnership to maintain 10,000 affordable housing units with federal tax creditsthat are set to expire.The public-private partnership will identify buildings that can offer low-income rent based on the condition of the building and helpredevelop them.

    Last year, the Detroit Catholic Pastoral Alliancebuilt a $9.5 million,36-unit affordable housing development on 9100 Gratiot Ave., near Eastern Market. After seeing the cost of rentgo up in and around the New Center area, the group decided to increase affordable housing in the neighborhood, Bradley said.

    Continental Construction andManagement, a subsidiary of MHT Housing, will manage the new building.

    Contact Nushrat Rahman: or 313-348-7558. Follow her on Twitter: @NushratR.Become a subscriber.

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    Most apartments in complex near Detroit's New Center will have $454 to $945 monthly rent - Detroit Free Press

    New Sydney towers will have the world’s first AI-driven facade system – Building Design + Construction

    - August 20, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Central Place Sydney, a $2.5 billion commercial development that will contribute to Tech Central in Sydneys Central Business District, will comprise new commercial buildings and public realm improvements that will enhance the southern gateway to the CBD.

    The project will comprise approximately 1.6 million sf of office and retail space and be one of the most sustainable commercial developments in Australia, powered by 100% renewable energy, with workplace environments that integrate nature and a range of amenities.

    Central Place Sydneys focal point is a major new civic space wrapped with activated retail edges, enriched by two commercial towers and a landmark central building. It will redefine the precinct, completing Sydneys vision for a third square, Fender Katsalidis Design Director Mark Curzon said in a release.

    The design features two commercial towers, rising 37 and 39 stories, woven together by a low-rise building that anchors the development and enlivens the precinct at street level. The two towers are expressed as three individual forms in order to reduce their visual density. The building podiums are distinguished from the towers above, each with a height, massing, and material palette that complements adjacent heritage buildings. Landscaped public spaces surround the buildings meant to enhance connections between neighboring communities and the citys most prominent commercial axis.

    The central building ascends in a series of tiers that are staggered to open up garden terraces and views at each level. The ground floor is highly permeable and accommodates a retail experience that flows into the plaza, while the upper commercial levels will be linked to the new towers to create campus-style floorplates.

    Each floor is conceived as a unique neighborhood, connected by winter gardens, mixed-mode environments, light-filled atria, and outdoor terraces. Workspaces will be highly flexible, with the possibility to be combined and expanded both within and between floors. The adaptable spaces will be able to accommodate technology companies as they evolve in scale and cultural.

    The buildings will be naturally ventilated via operable windows and an automated, AI-controlled facade system. The facade system, which the architects claim is the first of its kind in the world, will use AI technology to shade the interiors from direct sunlight and reduce heat gain throughout the day.

    Central Place Sydney will be the focal point for the burgeoning Tech Central precinct and civic space, which will also include the new HQ for Atlassian, a building that is set to become the worlds tallest hybrid timber tower.

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    New Sydney towers will have the world's first AI-driven facade system - Building Design + Construction

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