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    Panola County Sheriff’s Office Blotter: Man tears down fence over property dispute with sister –

    - September 1, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    The following items were submitted by the Panola County Sheriffs Office.

    While on patrol, Deputy Robert Delconte and Deputy Randy Payne initiated a stop on a vehicle for no front license plate. Deputies then made contact with the female drive and male passenger. While speaking with the female driver, she admitted to deputies that there was marijuana inside the vehicle. Deputies then conducted a search of the vehicle and located two suspected marijuana joints, which the female subject advised belonged to her. Deputies also located a mason jar containing two bags of suspected marijuana inside the male subjects belongings. The female subject was issued a citation for possession of drug paraphernalia and the male subject was placed under arrest for possession of marijuana as well as three local warrants.

    Deputy Hollie Mojica took a report of theft that occurred on County Road 1512. Complainant stated that some unknown actor(s) came onto this property and stole his 6-foot cultipacker. This case is being investigated

    Read more from the original source:
    Panola County Sheriff's Office Blotter: Man tears down fence over property dispute with sister -

    Plymouths Meg Marcel will try to knock down some fences as part of ASFLs Home Run Derby – Wicked Local Plymouth

    - September 1, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Meg Marcel will compete with the best home run hitters in the state for charity.

    PLYMOUTH - Meg Marcel didnt hit a softball until she was 13-year-old but shes quickly made up for lost time. The Plymouth native and recent Archbishop Williams graduate will put her powerful swing up against the top power hitters in the state as part of the inaugural A Shot for Life Home Run Challenge.

    The event will take place over the weekend of Sept. 12 at the Austin Prep School in Reading. Money raised from the event will be donated for ongoing cancer research being conducted by the Dr. Curry Research Laboratory at Massachusetts General Hospital.

    A similar ASFL charity challenge to crown the top boys and girls basketball shooters in the state has been a successful event for the last eight years under the direction of ASFL CEO Mike Slonina. This year 16 softball players and 17 baseball players are in this event two-day event. Each participant was asked to raise $1,000 to compete.

    Plymouth South senior Amelia Freitas, a teammate of Marcel on the Mass Drifters Showcase AAU softball team, will also take part in the contest.

    Im honored that Ive been asked to take part in this competition, said Marcel, who was settling in over the weekend as an incoming freshman at Bryant University. Its raising money for a great cause and I get to play the game I love. I jumped at the chance to be a part of this.

    Speaking of jumping, the softball has a tendency to jump off the bat of the 18-year-old, 58 right-handed hitter.

    I can hit the ball with some power, said Marcel, who had a legitimate shot at breaking the Bishops career home runs record if her senior season had not been canceled by the Coronavirus pandemic. Ive learned that you cannot swing for home runs. You need to make a good swing and get solid contact with the softball and then let the pitcher provide the power.

    That hitting philosophy has served Marcel very well. She was a three-time Central Catholic League All-Star as the starting shortstop with Archbishop Williams and is now a member of the NCAA Division I Bryant University softball program. She will major in Business and carry a minor in Sports Management.

    I love the campus and everyone was very nice to me when I came here for my visit, Marcel said about the Smithfield, RI university where classes started on Tuesday. One of my teammates is my roommate and the rest of the softball team is coming in this week. I think weve got a couple weeks of conditioning practices to start and then theyll add on more in a couple weeks as long as everything remains safe.

    Marcel grew up playing baseball in the Plymouth Youth Baseball and Softball league before switching over to softball at the age of 13. The angle the ball comes to you at the plate is one of the bigger differences she encountered in her switch from one sport to the other because the softball comes at you from a lower spot than a baseball, which is thrown over the top.

    You meet a softball and a baseball at different points in the swing so that was something I had to make some adjustments for, she said.

    The adjustments she made worked out very well for Marcel. She batted .463 as a freshman and came back as a sophomore to club eight homers and 20 RBI. She saw her batting average continue to climb as a junior when she was named a Patriot Ledger, Boston Globe and Boston Herald All-Scholastic.

    Along with choosing a college, Marcel also had to pick what sport she wanted to play at the next level. She played four years with the Bishops girls basketball program, making it to four Division 3 South title games, winning three of them, and she was also a part of two state championship hoop teams.

    I was playing basketball as soon as I could walk. I thought I was going to be a basketball player when I started high school but softball came along and I grew to love it, Marcel said. I have some great memories of playing basketball for Archbishop Williams. Ill miss my teammates and (Head Coach Matt Mahoney) was the best to play for but I think it will be better for me now that I can concentrate on playing just one sport.

    You can donate to any competitor in the ASFL Home Run Derby at . Make sure you indicate which player you are donating to in your message.

    Email the reporter at and you can follow him on Twitter, @DavidWolcott1.

    More here:
    Plymouths Meg Marcel will try to knock down some fences as part of ASFLs Home Run Derby - Wicked Local Plymouth

    Can a 2,000ft fence save Hawaii’s rare native birds from destruction? – The Guardian

    - September 1, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Sign up for monthly updates on Americas public lands.

    Before the first Polynesian settlers arrived roughly 1,500 years ago, the Hawaiian Islands were ruled from the sky. Not a single land-dwelling reptile or mammal called the archipelago home just winged insects, one variety of bat, and a truly vast array of birds.

    While Hawaii is still flush with life today, many of those birds are now gone roughly 67% of all endemic Hawaiian birds have been wiped from existence since humans first arrived on the islands. Although habitat loss and more recently, climate change have played a role in that decline, one especially persistent threat to these native birds has been predatory invasive species, which were introduced inadvertently or otherwise to the islands by humans. For example: feral rats stowed away on canoes used by early Polynesian settlers.

    To protect Hawaiis native birds from these and other four-legged predators, conservationists at the Klauea Point national wildlife refuge on the island of Kauai are trying something new: building a sprawling wall around the birds nesting ground.

    In 2014, the wildlife refuge unveiled a state-of-the-art, predator-proof fence; standing two meters tall and spanning 624 meters (2,050ft) across, it creates a physical barrier that blocks invasive predators from accessing nesting seabirds and their young. The fence is capped with a rolled hood to stop attempts of climbing over, and an underground extension of its base wards off predators who can burrow and dig. The fence with its very fine mesh can prevent anything larger than a one-day-old mouse from getting through, according to the US Fish and Wildlife Service.

    In addition to non-native invasive species like feral cats, dogs, rats and pigs Hawaiis rare native birds also face the looming threat of climate change, according to Jen Waipa, a local employee of the Fish and Wildlife Service. To that effect, the fence is also composed of marine-grade stainless steel to withstand natural disasters.

    The fence the second of its kind in Hawaii was installed at the behest of the Nihoku ecosystem restoration project, which is dedicated to preserving the archipelagos coastal ecosystems and establishing safe breeding grounds for Hawaiian seabirds.

    While the barrier is designed to protect the seabirds from bodily harm, the wildlife refuge ultimately wants the birds to thrive which necessitates a large number of ongoing side projects. One is habitat restoration just as predatory mammals are catastrophic to Hawaiis birds, invasive plants have crowded the islands, choking out native flora that can be used as a food source for Kauais birds. Each year, the Nihoku project transforms one acre of the wilderness refuge, uprooting all introduced vegetation and replacing it with native species. Volunteers also build artificial burrows, which provide the birds with reliable shelter.

    The Nihoku project is also working to attract animals to Klauea Point. Seabird calls are broadcast from a large speaker to attract the attention of adult birds, while volunteers search for hatchlings.

    The gradual loss of biodiversity across Hawaii has painted a bleak picture, but Klauea Point serves as a beacon of hope for the archipelagos future.

    We have six protected seabird species that are believed to breed annually, including one threatened species. In addition, we have the largest breeding population, approximately 160 pairs, of threatened nn [an endemic goose] in the state, states Waipa. Although breeding is unconfirmed, several breeding behaviors have [also] been documented for black-footed albatross, great frigate bird, Bulwers petrel, Kermadec petrel, and the endangered Hawaiian petrel.

    In the coming years, the Fish and Wildlife Service aims to double the number of breeding species at Klauea Point; the service highlights the success of Hawaiis Lehua Island in the north-west as cause for optimism.

    And while many of the unique species that once called Hawaii home are now extinct, Klauea Point serves as another source of hope. Human settlers and colonizers may have started some of the troubles facing the islands endemic birds but careful conservation and creative thinking could now help protect whats left of them for future generations.

    See original here:
    Can a 2,000ft fence save Hawaii's rare native birds from destruction? - The Guardian

    Airport to receive grant for fencing project – The Republic

    - September 1, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Columbus Municipal Airport will receive more than $2.5 million in Federal Aviation Administration Airport Improvement Program (AIP) grants for infrastructure and safety improvements. The funds will be used for the airports fencing project.

    The grants, which total $2,793,500, were announced Friday by Rep. Greg Pence, R-Ind. The funding includes $279,350 from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, which Pence supported in March.

    Airport Director Brian Payne said that once the funds arrive, all of the money will go toward the airports fencing project, which includes not just perimeter fencing but also work on back-access drives behind hangars.

    Were very happy with receiving the grant, and appreciate the support that weve got from Congressman Pence and the FAA to receive these funds, Payne said. Thatll be a huge improvement for our airport thats been needed for quite some time, so were looking forward to the project.

    He said that while the board has already voted to accept the grant, there are still some decisions that need to be made before the airport submits its final plans to the FAA.

    The debate for aviation board members now is what type of fence will be requested of the FAA, Payne said.

    The design for 10-foot fencing between hangars, which was the initial plan submitted to the FAA, was created by Payne, the airport and its consulting firm. He believes it to be the safest and most secure option.

    Tenants, on the other hand, asked the airport to look at a smaller fence between hangars and a larger fence on the outside.

    The main concern from the airports standpoint, the administrations standpoint, is that we would have more people coming through what would be the larger fence and the larger gate into their hangar complex or their hangar buildings, Payne said.

    He said that some people have also raised concerns about the appearance of the fencing. Payne said the plan is to have a more ornamental black, iron fence around the terminal building and black, PVC-coated chainlink for the rest of the property, not nearly as institutional as some people have feared.

    Payne said the airport board will meet this afternoon to discuss the fencing project and hopefully come to a decision about which fence to request. Once a decision has been made, the airport will submit its final plan and numbers to the FAA for final review.

    He said that the final numbers shouldnt be that far off from what was originally estimated. Depending on which fence option is chosen, there would be a difference of about 100 or 200 lineal feet of fencing, Payne said.

    Payne said that the foremost function of the fence will be to keep out wildlife. He added that it will also limit the number of vehicles that are able to access the airfield.

    Where to learn more

    More information about the Columbus Municipal Airport is available at

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    Airport to receive grant for fencing project - The Republic

    Everything to Know About Scale and Proportion in Design –

    - September 1, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Alexa Hampton @alexahamptoninc

    Lauren Tamaki

    You know when you see something that just looks right, but you cant put your finger on why? Chances are it has to do with its scaleand more often than not proportions influenced by classical architecture, says Alexa Hampton, who built a foundational knowledge of such buildings while traveling with her father, the legendary American decorator Mark Hampton. But this concept isnt just something from the history books: Its built around function.

    If you dig back into why things are the way they are, its all about the sizing of people," explains Hampton. For example: "The reason why I like sconces at five foot six off the ground, is because that is generally where eyeballs are," she says.

    The general consistency in human size has resulted in a sort of template for design that has existed across generations and continents. Many of the lessons of proportion Hampton cites date back to classical antiquity. Understanding classical decor is a lot like the idea that modern dancers must first learn balletits about grasping the foundations of any art form, which empowers you to employ them in new combinations. "As Julie Andrews said, once you know the notes to sing, you can sing anything," Hampton says.

    So how to learn those notes? Well, "the easiest education you can get in design is to look at classical architecture," Hampton urges. "Look at Buckingham Palace or Gothic architecture or Russian palaces. The more you look, the more youll understand it."

    To go along with these observations, Hampton offers some notes. Think of this as your study guide, and once you read it, go back and look at some of your favorite buildings and spacesit just may make you see them in a whole new light.

    As Hampton said, it's all based on the human forma template that won't change, whether you're in a grand estate or a modest apartment. And it's worth keeping that in mind when you decorate: "I don't actually believe that furniture should scale up if your room is biggerI think that's ridiculous," Hampton says. "It should all be scaled to the human body."

    "Sometimes people get these huge homes and they think they have to scale up," says the designer. "They put the pictures too high and the furniture far apart, and it just looks off."

    Instead of scaling up for a larger space, Hampton suggests creating multiple groupings of human-scaled furniture within it.

    Of course, sizing based off of humans is inherently logical. "There's always a vein of practicality running through the whole process," says Hampton of her interior design work. This concept is a good one to fall back on when you're feeling unsure. What height should your countertops be? Probably just above your waist, so you can easily work at them while standing. How big should a rug in your bedroom be? Wide enough for you to set your feet down on it when climbing out of bed. Where should you hang a painting? Roughly at eye level so you can see it. Once you begin approaching design in these terms, you realize its "rules" are less strict barriers and more sensible

    "One of the central ways I think to be more fluid about proportion is to have pieces of many different proportions in a room," Hampton says. "If you have all furniture of the same size, there's no rhythm, there's no balance movement, it's very static."

    But still, she advises, the central barometer should beyou guessed itthe human form. "Once you establish that framework, you can go above and below, or that through line, go up and below it," she says. "But it all is tethered to that line."

    That line, in fact, is what connects pieces of smaller and larger scales. Speaking by phone from a room her father decorated, Hampton says, "This room has a really large sofa, and then these tiny slipper chairs. And if I were to just show these chairs and this sofa to a client, they would think I was crazy. But it's not in a vacuum: It has pieces of other sizes connecting them. And those together make it scaled both to the room and to the human body."

    Not only do you want proportional variation in your furniture, you want it in your layout. In a large room, break the footprint into sections with rugs of varying sizes. Oftentimes you want a really big rug to amplify and to connect the spaces," Hampton says. "But then you might put a smaller rug under the coffee table and part of the sofa, to punctuate that space as a destination of its own."

    This will also direct the flow of a room: "You need to think of traffic patterns," says Hampton. "There needs to be a path from the opening into the room to the door going outside." These pathways can be dictated both by furniture placement and rug outlines. "For example, you can't have the edge of a rug be your path," Hampton says. "Your path is either covered by rug, or it's not covered by rug." If you are decorating a room that connects two other rooms, serving as a kind of transitional space, make sure there is a clear path from one door to the other.

    As Hampton says, the more you look at your surroundings (or books and magazines featuring great interiors), the better you'll come to understand what worksand what doesn't. The designer recalls one instance as a teenager that confirmed the importance of education by seeing.

    "Right after I graduated from college, my father was supposed to go on this trip to Italy with the American Academy in Rome," she recalls. "And at the last minute, he couldn'tso my mother and I went. I was totally thrilled." Their companions on the trip were a group of top architects, designers, and artists.

    "One day, I found myself standing next to Michael Graves, and we were on this hillside overlooking a building," Hampton recalls. "And he said to me, 'Can you tell me what's wrong with that house?' What a question to be asked by a genius in his field," Hampton says. "I was terrified."

    "My mind was racing, and I finally said, 'there are four windows on that side and there should be five,'" she recalls. Graves nodded "and I ran away as fast as I could," laughs Hampton.

    "I've thought a lot about this story over the years. And at the end of the day I think it wasn't luckit was just, if you look enough and see enough, eventually, you can tell if something's off."

    Follow House Beautiful on Instagram.

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    Everything to Know About Scale and Proportion in Design -

    Half of Brits consider career change with medical professions, gardening and teaching topping list of – The Sun

    - September 1, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    ALMOST half of Brits are considering a change of career - with medical professions, landscape gardening and teaching topping the list of preferred industries.

    A survey of 2,000 adults revealed this years events had left two-thirds thinking life is too short to be working in a job they hate.


    This could mean a shift in careers for millions, with a fifth (21 per cent) admitting they dont enjoy their job and 42 per cent seriously considering a change in profession.

    Three in 10 (31 per cent) of those polled by the National Lottery said lockdown had made them realise how important a good work-life balance is.

    The desire to work in a traditional office role has gone out of the window, with 23 per cent considering a medical career, 12 per cent saying theyd love to be a gardener and 11 per cent wanting to retrain as a teacher.

    One in 10 said theyd like to start again as a chef or baker, eight per cent would now like to join the charity sector, and one in twenty (six per cent) have spent so much time online that they now want to become a social media influencer.

    The National Lottery carried out the research ahead of tonights EuroMillions rollover draw - where an estimated 126 million jackpot is up for grabs.

    Despite the life-changing sums won on the lottery, 22 per cent of Lottery millionaires have chosen to carry on working by retraining for a new career in an industry theyre more passionate about.

    The survey revealed just three in 10 Brits would give up working if they won the lottery, with 36 per cent learning a new trade.

    When asked what role theyd take on if they scooped a big prize, 16 per cent said theyd train to be a pilot while 13 per cent said theyd like to learn how to be a florist.

    Barbara Derry-McClellan is one of the lucky winners to quit their unfulfilling job to start a new career after she scooped the 2.3 million Lotto Jackpot in 2000.

    She didnt want to sit at home all day so, two years later, followed her passion and started her own florist shop.

    Eighteen years later, Barbara and her husband Ian own both a flower shop, Pinks of Hazlemere, and run a florist wholesale business supplying to flower shops and floral artists across the UK.

    She said: I hated my job at a courier company, it was so boring and unfulfilling.

    I didnt really have any other skills apart from being good at talking to customers but I did think my mum (a florist) was super talented and that Id love to be able to do what she did.


    Medical ProfessionalGardenerTeacherChef/BakerDecorator/Interior DesignerCharity Worker/VolunteerFloristCare WorkerPhotographerDelivery DriverPersonal TrainerShop AssistanYouTube StarNovelistCounsellor/TherapistSocial Media InfluencerPoliticianVideo CreatorMusicianFilm Maker

    The National Lottery win gave me that chance to try my hand at flower arranging and I have loved every minute, first working in the shops and now supplying other flower businesses direct.

    It can be incredibly busy and hard work, especially on big occasions like Mother's Day and Valentines but I find it really rewarding.

    I probably wouldnt have made the leap if it hadnt been for the Lotto win and now Im surrounded by beautiful blooms everyday what more could a girl ask for?

    Three quarters (78 per cent) of those surveyed said the events of 2020 had made them reconsider their lifestyle and priorities.

    Two thirds (66 per cent) have pledged to become healthier, 45 per cent want to spend more time with their loved ones, and 32 per cent are committed to travelling the world, as soon as its safe to do so.

    Andy Carter, Camelots senior winners advisor, added: 2020 seems to have left many of us wanting more from our jobs, thinking about what our next career move might be or jacking it all in to do something that we really love.

    Our passion for gardening and cooking in lockdown and months of home-schooling has clearly inspired the nation to consider a career overhaul and realise the importance of job satisfaction.

    The importance of our careers doesnt appear to change even after a lottery win, with only a number of the people looking to quit their jobs if they get lucky.

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    Over half of National Lottery winners still work in some capacity with many starting their own business after their win, turning their hand to floristry, hairdressing we even have a winner thats invented their own spicy sauce.

    Tonights EuroMillions draw is a rollover with an estimated 126 million jackpot up for grabs.

    Players can check their tickets online at, via the National Lottery app or in their local store.

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    Half of Brits consider career change with medical professions, gardening and teaching topping list of - The Sun

    Dan Gill’s mailbag: Sod webworms and harvesting tips for eggplants and limes –

    - August 31, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    We have spent the past month dealing with what we believe are sod webworms. We have thousands of the little moths fluttering around in our grass and bushes. We have tried both bifenthrin granules and spinosad spray applications to the entire yard, in addition to an acephate mixture sprayed directly onto the moths. So far, nothing has worked, and we have even more moths now than we did when we started treating for them a month ago. Do you have any suggestions? Melinda and Peter Broussard

    Large numbers of small tan or gray moths flying around the lawn alert you to a problem with sod webworms. However, the adult moths are not the issue, and there is really no practical way to control them. Insecticide applications are meant to control the destructive caterpillars, not the adult moths. It is the sod webworm caterpillars that damage our lawns.

    If your lawn has remained damage free (and I assume it has because you did not mention lawn damage in your question), then your insecticide treatments have done the job they were intended to do.

    As long as you continue to see large numbers of adult moths, you may continue to treat with the bifenthrin or spinosad (organic) every seven to 10 days following label directions. If you want to minimize spraying, you may hold off on additional insecticide treatments and watch for lawn damage. As soon as you see damage start to show up, treat promptly. Since the caterpillars just eat the blades of grass and leave the roots, runners and growing points alone, healthy lawns generally recover very well from damage.

    Everyone needs to be aware of the continuing problem we are having with this pest in area lawns this year. Several generations of sod webworms may occur, and you may see damage any time from June to October. If you see the moths in your lawn, dont treat immediately. Remember, insecticide treatments are not done to control the moths. But watch your lawn carefully. At the first sign of damage, treat promptly. The insecticides will not be effective until the eggs have hatched and the caterpillars are feeding.

    How do I know when my purple eggplants are ready to harvest? Barry Henderson

    We harvest eggplants in the unripe, immature stage. As such, you cannot harvest them too early. Baby eggplants are a delight to eat. But you can definitely leave them too long. Eggplants should be harvested when they are one-third to two-thirds full mature size. But size can be confusing, and it is best to go by the skin. When harvesting purple eggplants, the skin should be glossy and dark.

    When the skin begins to turn dull, this indicates over maturity, and you should harvest immediately no matter what size. Harvest eggplants using pruning shears since the stem is tough. If you leave the fruit on way too long, it will begin to change color. When fully ripe, eggplants will turn yellow, seedy, bitter and inedible. Dont waste perfectly good eggplants by leaving them on the bush too long.

    Any eggplant bushes still growing should be left in the garden if they are in good shape. Apply some fertilizer now. Large fruited eggplants often produce poorly through the heat of summer, but will set abundant eggplants once the weather cools. If you would like to add eggplants to your garden for fall production, plant transplants as soon as possible.

    How do I know my limes are ripe to pick? Cathy Behrens

    Limes are generally harvested from late August into October. Because they are harvested in the green, unripe stage, it is not a matter of waiting for them to ripen. Pick a couple now and see how you like them. Continue to harvest through September and into October and see how/if the flavor changes. This may help determine when you will do most of your harvesting in the future.

    Hidden among the hustle and bustle of the downtown Covington area is a native plant oasis tucked at the end of a dead-end road near St. Tamman

    Gardening mistakes generally occur due to a lack of knowledge (or sometimes bad advice). If people would take the time to get the correct, loc

    What might cause the tips of the leaves of a cast iron plant to become brown and the leaves to yellow? Is there a fix? Hector Ramones

    Dan Gill is a retired consumer horticulture specialist with the LSU AgCenter. He hosts the Garden Show on WWL-AM Saturdays at 9a.m. Email gardening questions to

    Dan Gill's mailbag: Sod webworms and harvesting tips for eggplants and limes -

    Grass-Alutiiq Word of the Week-August 30th – Alaska Native News – Alaska Native News

    - August 31, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    More than sixty-five varieties of grasses grow in the Kodiak Archipelago, as well as many types of sedges and rushes. The most widely harvested grass is beach rye grass (Elymus arenarius), a plant common across the northern hemisphere. This tall, sturdy grass grows in open environments, particularly at the margins of saltwater beaches. It has wide, flat, coarse leaves that are known for their stiffness, particularly in comparison with other types of grasses. Beach rye grass was traditionally gathered by both Alutiiq men and women and used both fresh and dried.

    Grass was an especially important raw material in Kodiaks treeless regions. Alutiiq people used it in building and insulating structures. Each fall grasses were cut to thatch the roofs of sod houses, provide a clean floor covering, and create fresh bedding. Grass was also used in food storage and preparation. Storage pits were lined with grass, grass provided tinder for cooking fires, and it was used as a cutting surface: a clean place to butcher fish and meat. Alutiiq people once used rye grass to create a variety of household objects. They wove baskets, drinking cups, mittens, and socks from this grass and tied it into banya switches. Rye grass, which can be harvested throughout Alaska, remains a popular weaving material among Native peoples.

    Source:Alutiiq Museum

    Read more here:
    Grass-Alutiiq Word of the Week-August 30th - Alaska Native News - Alaska Native News

    Global and China Grass & Lawn Seed Market Emerging Flexible Market Trends And Forecast 2020-2026 | | Pennington Seed, The Scotts Company,…

    - August 31, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Global and China Grass & Lawn Seed Market

    Los Angeles, United State, , The report on the global Global and China Grass & Lawn Seed market is comprehensively prepared with main focus on the competitive landscape, geographical growth, segmentation, and market dynamics, including drivers, restraints, and opportunities. It sheds light on key production, revenue, and consumption trends so that players could improve their sales and growth in the Global Global and China Grass & Lawn Seed Market. It offers a detailed analysis of the competition and leading companies of the global Global and China Grass & Lawn Seed market. Here, it concentrates on the recent developments, sales, market value, production, gross margin, and other important factors of the business of top players operating in the global Global and China Grass & Lawn Seed market.

    With deep quantitative and qualitative analysis, the report provides encyclopedic and accurate research study on important aspects of the global Global and China Grass & Lawn Seed market. It brings to light key factors affecting the growth of different segments and regions in the global Global and China Grass & Lawn Seed market. It also offers SWOT, Porters Five Forces, and PESTLE analysis to thoroughly examine the global Global and China Grass & Lawn Seed market. It gives a detailed study on manufacturing cost, upstream and downstream buyers, distributors, marketing strategy, and marketing channel development trends of the global Global and China Grass & Lawn Seed market. Furthermore, it provides strategic bits of advice and recommendations for players to ensure success in the global Global and China Grass & Lawn Seed market.

    Get PDF template of this report:

    Global and China Grass & Lawn Seed Market Leading Players

    , Hancock Seed, Pennington Seed, The Scotts Company, Barenbrug Group, Turf Merchants, Green Velvet Sod Farms, Bonide, Jonathan Green, Pickseed, PGG wrightson Turf, Natures Seed, Allied Seed, Newsom Seed

    Global and China Grass & Lawn Seed Segmentation by Product

    , Bluegrass Seed, Ryegrass Seed, Fescue Grass Seed, Bahia Grass Seed, Bermudagrass Seed, Buffalograss Seed

    Global and China Grass & Lawn Seed Segmentation by Application

    Landscape Turf, Golf Turf, Gardens, Other

    Regions and Countries

    The Middle East and Africa (GCC Countries and Egypt) North America (the United States, Mexico, and Canada) South America (Brazil etc.) Europe (Turkey, Germany, Russia UK, Italy, France, etc.) Asia-Pacific (Vietnam, China, Malaysia, Japan, Philippines, Korea, Thailand, India, Indonesia, and Australia)

    Key Questions Answered

    What is the size and CAGR of the global Global and China Grass & Lawn Seed market?

    Which are the leading segments of the global Global and China Grass & Lawn Seed market?

    What are the key driving factors of the most profitable regional market?

    What is the nature of competition in the global Global and China Grass & Lawn Seed market?

    How will the global Global and China Grass & Lawn Seed market advance in the coming years?

    What are the main strategies adopted in the global Global and China Grass & Lawn Seed market?

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    Table of Contents

    1 Study Coverage1.1 Grass & Lawn Seed Product Introduction1.2 Market Segments1.3 Key Grass & Lawn Seed Manufacturers Covered: Ranking by Revenue1.4 Market by Type1.4.1 Global Grass & Lawn Seed Market Size Growth Rate by Type1.4.2 Bluegrass Seed1.4.3 Ryegrass Seed1.4.4 Fescue Grass Seed1.4.5 Bahia Grass Seed1.4.6 Bermudagrass Seed1.4.7 Buffalograss Seed1.5 Market by Application1.5.1 Global Grass & Lawn Seed Market Size Growth Rate by Application1.5.2 Landscape Turf1.5.3 Golf Turf1.5.4 Gardens1.5.5 Other1.6 Study Objectives1.7 Years Considered 2 Executive Summary2.1 Global Grass & Lawn Seed Market Size, Estimates and Forecasts2.1.1 Global Grass & Lawn Seed Revenue 2015-20262.1.2 Global Grass & Lawn Seed Sales 2015-20262.2 Global Grass & Lawn Seed, Market Size by Producing Regions: 2015 VS 2020 VS 20262.3 Grass & Lawn Seed Historical Market Size by Region (2015-2020)2.3.1 Global Grass & Lawn Seed Retrospective Market Scenario in Sales by Region: 2015-20202.3.2 Global Grass & Lawn Seed Retrospective Market Scenario in Revenue by Region: 2015-20202.4 Grass & Lawn Seed Market Estimates and Projections by Region (2021-2026)2.4.1 Global Grass & Lawn Seed Sales Forecast by Region (2021-2026)2.4.2 Global Grass & Lawn Seed Revenue Forecast by Region (2021-2026) 3 Global Grass & Lawn Seed Competitor Landscape by Players3.1 Global Top Grass & Lawn Seed Sales by Manufacturers3.1.1 Global Grass & Lawn Seed Sales by Manufacturers (2015-2020)3.1.2 Global Grass & Lawn Seed Sales Market Share by Manufacturers (2015-2020)3.2 Global Grass & Lawn Seed Manufacturers by Revenue3.2.1 Global Grass & Lawn Seed Revenue by Manufacturers (2015-2020)3.2.2 Global Grass & Lawn Seed Revenue Share by Manufacturers (2015-2020)3.2.3 Global Grass & Lawn Seed Market Concentration Ratio (CR5 and HHI) (2015-2020)3.2.4 Global Top 10 and Top 5 Companies by Grass & Lawn Seed Revenue in 20193.2.5 Global Grass & Lawn Seed Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3)3.3 Global Grass & Lawn Seed Price by Manufacturers3.4 Global Grass & Lawn Seed Manufacturing Base Distribution, Product Types3.4.1 Grass & Lawn Seed Manufacturers Manufacturing Base Distribution, Headquarters3.4.2 Manufacturers Grass & Lawn Seed Product Type3.4.3 Date of International Manufacturers Enter into Grass & Lawn Seed Market3.5 Manufacturers Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans 4 Market Size by Type (2015-2026)4.1 Global Grass & Lawn Seed Market Size by Type (2015-2020)4.1.1 Global Grass & Lawn Seed Sales by Type (2015-2020)4.1.2 Global Grass & Lawn Seed Revenue by Type (2015-2020)4.1.3 Grass & Lawn Seed Average Selling Price (ASP) by Type (2015-2026)4.2 Global Grass & Lawn Seed Market Size Forecast by Type (2021-2026)4.2.1 Global Grass & Lawn Seed Sales Forecast by Type (2021-2026)4.2.2 Global Grass & Lawn Seed Revenue Forecast by Type (2021-2026)4.2.3 Grass & Lawn Seed Average Selling Price (ASP) Forecast by Type (2021-2026)4.3 Global Grass & Lawn Seed Market Share by Price Tier (2015-2020): Low-End, Mid-Range and High-End 5 Market Size by Application (2015-2026)5.1 Global Grass & Lawn Seed Market Size by Application (2015-2020)5.1.1 Global Grass & Lawn Seed Sales by Application (2015-2020)5.1.2 Global Grass & Lawn Seed Revenue by Application (2015-2020)5.1.3 Grass & Lawn Seed Price by Application (2015-2020)5.2 Grass & Lawn Seed Market Size Forecast by Application (2021-2026)5.2.1 Global Grass & Lawn Seed Sales Forecast by Application (2021-2026)5.2.2 Global Grass & Lawn Seed Revenue Forecast by Application (2021-2026)5.2.3 Global Grass & Lawn Seed Price Forecast by Application (2021-2026) 6 China by Players, Type and Application6.1 China Grass & Lawn Seed Market Size YoY Growth 2015-20266.1.1 China Grass & Lawn Seed Sales YoY Growth 2015-20266.1.2 China Grass & Lawn Seed Revenue YoY Growth 2015-20266.1.3 China Grass & Lawn Seed Market Share in Global Market 2015-20266.2 China Grass & Lawn Seed Market Size by Players (International and Local Players)6.2.1 China Top Grass & Lawn Seed Players by Sales (2015-2020)6.2.2 China Top Grass & Lawn Seed Players by Revenue (2015-2020)6.3 China Grass & Lawn Seed Historic Market Review by Type (2015-2020)6.3.1 China Grass & Lawn Seed Sales Market Share by Type (2015-2020)6.3.2 China Grass & Lawn Seed Revenue Market Share by Type (2015-2020)6.3.3 China Grass & Lawn Seed Price by Type (2015-2020)6.4 China Grass & Lawn Seed Market Estimates and Forecasts by Type (2021-2026)6.4.1 China Grass & Lawn Seed Sales Forecast by Type (2021-2026)6.4.2 China Grass & Lawn Seed Revenue Forecast by Type (2021-2026)6.4.3 China Grass & Lawn Seed Price Forecast by Type (2021-2026)6.5 China Grass & Lawn Seed Historic Market Review by Application (2015-2020)6.5.1 China Grass & Lawn Seed Sales Market Share by Application (2015-2020)6.5.2 China Grass & Lawn Seed Revenue Market Share by Application (2015-2020)6.5.3 China Grass & Lawn Seed Price by Application (2015-2020)6.6 China Grass & Lawn Seed Market Estimates and Forecasts by Application (2021-2026)6.6.1 China Grass & Lawn Seed Sales Forecast by Application (2021-2026)6.6.2 China Grass & Lawn Seed Revenue Forecast by Application (2021-2026)6.6.3 China Grass & Lawn Seed Price Forecast by Application (2021-2026) 7 North America7.1 North America Grass & Lawn Seed Market Size YoY Growth 2015-20267.2 North America Grass & Lawn Seed Market Facts & Figures by Country7.2.1 North America Grass & Lawn Seed Sales by Country (2015-2020)7.2.2 North America Grass & Lawn Seed Revenue by Country (2015-2020)7.2.3 U.S.7.2.4 Canada 8 Europe8.1 Europe Grass & Lawn Seed Market Size YoY Growth 2015-20268.2 Europe Grass & Lawn Seed Market Facts & Figures by Country8.2.1 Europe Grass & Lawn Seed Sales by Country8.2.2 Europe Grass & Lawn Seed Revenue by Country8.2.3 Germany8.2.4 France8.2.5 U.K.8.2.6 Italy8.2.7 Russia 9 Asia Pacific9.1 Asia Pacific Grass & Lawn Seed Market Size YoY Growth 2015-20269.2 Asia Pacific Grass & Lawn Seed Market Facts & Figures by Country9.2.1 Asia Pacific Grass & Lawn Seed Sales by Region (2015-2020)9.2.2 Asia Pacific Grass & Lawn Seed Revenue by Region9.2.3 China9.2.4 Japan9.2.5 South Korea9.2.6 India9.2.7 Australia9.2.8 Taiwan9.2.9 Indonesia9.2.10 Thailand9.2.11 Malaysia9.2.12 Philippines9.2.13 Vietnam 10 Latin America10.1 Latin America Grass & Lawn Seed Market Size YoY Growth 2015-202610.2 Latin America Grass & Lawn Seed Market Facts & Figures by Country10.2.1 Latin America Grass & Lawn Seed Sales by Country10.2.2 Latin America Grass & Lawn Seed Revenue by Country10.2.3 Mexico10.2.4 Brazil10.2.5 Argentina 11 Middle East and Africa11.1 Middle East and Africa Grass & Lawn Seed Market Size YoY Growth 2015-202611.2 Middle East and Africa Grass & Lawn Seed Market Facts & Figures by Country11.2.1 Middle East and Africa Grass & Lawn Seed Sales by Country11.2.2 Middle East and Africa Grass & Lawn Seed Revenue by Country11.2.3 Turkey11.2.4 Saudi Arabia11.2.5 U.A.E 12 Company Profiles12.1 Hancock Seed12.1.1 Hancock Seed Corporation Information12.1.2 Hancock Seed Description and Business Overview12.1.3 Hancock Seed Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)12.1.4 Hancock Seed Grass & Lawn Seed Products Offered12.1.5 Hancock Seed Recent Development12.2 Pennington Seed12.2.1 Pennington Seed Corporation Information12.2.2 Pennington Seed Description and Business Overview12.2.3 Pennington Seed Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)12.2.4 Pennington Seed Grass & Lawn Seed Products Offered12.2.5 Pennington Seed Recent Development12.3 The Scotts Company12.3.1 The Scotts Company Corporation Information12.3.2 The Scotts Company Description and Business Overview12.3.3 The Scotts Company Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)12.3.4 The Scotts Company Grass & Lawn Seed Products Offered12.3.5 The Scotts Company Recent Development12.4 Barenbrug Group12.4.1 Barenbrug Group Corporation Information12.4.2 Barenbrug Group Description and Business Overview12.4.3 Barenbrug Group Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)12.4.4 Barenbrug Group Grass & Lawn Seed Products Offered12.4.5 Barenbrug Group Recent Development12.5 Turf Merchants12.5.1 Turf Merchants Corporation Information12.5.2 Turf Merchants Description and Business Overview12.5.3 Turf Merchants Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)12.5.4 Turf Merchants Grass & Lawn Seed Products Offered12.5.5 Turf Merchants Recent Development12.6 Green Velvet Sod Farms12.6.1 Green Velvet Sod Farms Corporation Information12.6.2 Green Velvet Sod Farms Description and Business Overview12.6.3 Green Velvet Sod Farms Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)12.6.4 Green Velvet Sod Farms Grass & Lawn Seed Products Offered12.6.5 Green Velvet Sod Farms Recent Development12.7 Bonide12.7.1 Bonide Corporation Information12.7.2 Bonide Description and Business Overview12.7.3 Bonide Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)12.7.4 Bonide Grass & Lawn Seed Products Offered12.7.5 Bonide Recent Development12.8 Jonathan Green12.8.1 Jonathan Green Corporation Information12.8.2 Jonathan Green Description and Business Overview12.8.3 Jonathan Green Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)12.8.4 Jonathan Green Grass & Lawn Seed Products Offered12.8.5 Jonathan Green Recent Development12.9 Pickseed12.9.1 Pickseed Corporation Information12.9.2 Pickseed Description and Business Overview12.9.3 Pickseed Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)12.9.4 Pickseed Grass & Lawn Seed Products Offered12.9.5 Pickseed Recent Development12.10 PGG wrightson Turf12.10.1 PGG wrightson Turf Corporation Information12.10.2 PGG wrightson Turf Description and Business Overview12.10.3 PGG wrightson Turf Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)12.10.4 PGG wrightson Turf Grass & Lawn Seed Products Offered12.10.5 PGG wrightson Turf Recent Development12.11 Hancock Seed12.11.1 Hancock Seed Corporation Information12.11.2 Hancock Seed Description and Business Overview12.11.3 Hancock Seed Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)12.11.4 Hancock Seed Grass & Lawn Seed Products Offered12.11.5 Hancock Seed Recent Development12.12 Allied Seed12.12.1 Allied Seed Corporation Information12.12.2 Allied Seed Description and Business Overview12.12.3 Allied Seed Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)12.12.4 Allied Seed Products Offered12.12.5 Allied Seed Recent Development12.13 Newsom Seed12.13.1 Newsom Seed Corporation Information12.13.2 Newsom Seed Description and Business Overview12.13.3 Newsom Seed Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)12.13.4 Newsom Seed Products Offered12.13.5 Newsom Seed Recent Development 13 Market Opportunities, Challenges, Risks and Influences Factors Analysis13.1 Market Opportunities and Drivers13.2 Market Challenges13.3 Market Risks/Restraints13.4 Porters Five Forces Analysis13.5 Primary Interviews with Key Grass & Lawn Seed Players (Opinion Leaders) 14 Value Chain and Sales Channels Analysis14.1 Value Chain Analysis14.2 Grass & Lawn Seed Customers14.3 Sales Channels Analysis14.3.1 Sales Channels14.3.2 Distributors 15 Research Findings and Conclusion 16 Appendix16.1 Research Methodology16.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach16.1.2 Data Source16.2 Author Details16.3 Disclaimer

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    Global and China Grass & Lawn Seed Market Emerging Flexible Market Trends And Forecast 2020-2026 | | Pennington Seed, The Scotts Company,...

    Scout earns Eagle status with landscaping project | McFarland Thistle –

    - August 31, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    A hot, humid day couldnt stop Madison Boy Scout Blake Johnson from getting closer to his goal of becoming an Eagle Scout.

    Johnson and 13 adult and Scout volunteers spent all day Saturday, Aug. 22, laying landscape rocks along the north side of the American Legion Post 534 in McFarland to prevent damage from the riding lawnmower striking the building. The crew also installed rocks around the perimeter of the flag pole and floodlight that shines upward toward the flag at night.

    The American Legion Post 534 is located at 4911 Burma Road, across the street from McFarland High School.

    Johnson, who will be a senior at Abundant Life High School, was responsible for planning, developing and leading the project. According to the Boy Scouts website, life skills developed by Eagle Scouts through these projects added to the skills learned through Scouting remain with them for life. Eagle Scout is the highest rank in the organization.

    Johnson said the area in front of the building had 28 hostas that were removed and replanted in nearby areas. The grass was removed with a sod cutter, plastic edging was installed, the dirt was graded, landscaping fabric was placed on the dirt and then the crews shoveled in the rocks.

    The (wooden) siding was getting chipped up by the lawnmower, and it was running up against the building, Johnson said. They dont have to mow for weeds or pull weeds. It saves the American Legion a lot of work.

    The project began after the legion posts chaplain, Dale Sankey, contacted Johnsons troop to see if he would be interested in doing some work around the building.

    He mentioned putting a rock border around the building, and I didnt think that seemed so hard, Johnson said.

    Most materials used to complete the project were donated by Slinde Trucking and Materials of Madison, McFarland True Value Hardware, Rienders Landscaping Supplies of Madison and Staples Office Supplies in Monona. Concrete Service Company of Stoughton provided the Bobcat.

    Johnson, who has been a Scout for 11 years, said achieving Eagle Scout status signifies all the work he has put in as both a Cub Scout and Boy Scout.

    After graduating from Abundant Life, Johnson said he may attend UW-Platteville and study to become a mechanical engineer.

    McFarland High School sophomore Keegan Bell, one of the Boy Scout volunteers, said it was fun to help Johnson get closer to his goal of becoming an Eagle Scout.

    We all participated in every job and helped out each other in every way, Bell said. It really helps out Blake, and it helps out the other kids with their service hours so they can advance in rank. Its a nice day and Blakes a nice guy. He deserves the Eagle.

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    Scout earns Eagle status with landscaping project | McFarland Thistle -

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