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    The Below Deck Med Crew Will Come Together for a Season 5 Reunion – Bravo

    - September 11, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Below Deck Mediterranean's crew isn't done dishing on the unforgettable Season 5 just yet. The Wellington yachties will come together to discuss all of the buzzy moments at the upcoming Season 5 reunion, The Daily Dish has confirmed.

    Host Andy Cohen will sit down virtually with the Below Deck Med crew in an upcoming special episode of Watch What Happens Live to discuss all the departures, workplace drama, romance, and wild charter guest moments we witnessed this season. Secrets will be revealed, behind-the-scenes tea will be spilled, and jaws will be dropped as the Below Deck Med crew takes a deep dive into everything that went down.

    All aboard for an incredible Below Deck Med reunion.

    Want more Below Deck Med? New episodes air every Monday at 9/8c or catch up on the entire series through the Bravo app.

    The Below Deck Med Season 5 adventure isn't over yet. See what's coming up, below.


    Tension Between Jessica More and Robert Westergaard Continues to Rise

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    The Daily Dish is your source for all things Bravo, from behind-the-scenes scoop to breaking news, exclusive interviews, photos, original videos, and, oh, so much more. Subscribe to The Daily Dish podcast, join our Facebook group, and follow us on Instagramfor the latest news hot off the presses. Sign up to become a Bravo Insider and be the first to get exclusive extras.

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    The Below Deck Med Crew Will Come Together for a Season 5 Reunion - Bravo

    WATCH: Joe West appears to eject Nationals GM Mike Rizzo from third deck – CBS Sports

    - September 11, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Veteran umpire Joe West is well known in baseball circles -- and oftentimes it's for the wrong reasons. File what is coming below under the "wrong reason" label as well.

    During Sunday's Nationals-Braves (ATL 10, WAS 3) bout in Atlanta, West appeared to eject Nationals president and general manager Mike Rizzo, who was sitting in a suite high above home plate. West even called security.

    The moving pictures:

    Reports from those on the scene indicate Rizzo was in the third deck. To reiterate: Joe West ejected someone for yelling at him from the third deck. It's unclear exactly what sparked the ejection, but West repeatedly told him to "get out."

    Man, that's just sad, isn't it? As someone who constantly ignores vitriol on social media after years of getting worked up about it, take it from me: Your life becomes so much easier when you simply ignore the yelling. I can't even imagine it was very loud coming from three decks away, either. Be better than this, Joe.

    West has been a full-time umpire since 1978 and is president of the MLB Umpires Association. In a position of authority, he needs to be better than this.

    See more here:
    WATCH: Joe West appears to eject Nationals GM Mike Rizzo from third deck - CBS Sports

    Rob Westergaard Reveals What First Mate David Said to Him After That Docking Mishap – Bravo

    - September 11, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    It wasn't totally smooth sailing for The Wellington crew as they docked in Ibiza in the September 7 episode of Below Deck Mediterranean. The stern line fell into the water not once, not twice, but three times as deckhand Rob Westergaard tried to throw it to the dock.

    Rob eventually got the stern line successfully to the dock, but bosun Malia White was definitely not happy with how long it took the deckhand to do so, later explaining why every second counts during docking in the Below Deck Mediterranean Season 5 After Show, which you can view, above.

    "That's a thing on deck that's like a rite of passage is your heaving lines, you get those heaving lines on the dock. And if you don't, if it falls in the piss once, then that's usually a deck fine, meaning like a six-pack of beer. If it falls twice and then it falls a third time, that's rookie. That's a rookie, rookie error," Malia said. "I normally wouldn't get so upset, but that heaving line as we're coming in is critical for us docking. That was pulling our stern in, especially in that space where we were going."

    "We were about to lose the stern, and those are errors that just can't happen," Malia continued. "That's jeopardizing the boat and potentially putting us in a bad situation. So yeah, I came down on him."


    Malia White Needs Robert Westergaard to Work Faster

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    Though Captain Sandy Yawn couldn't see what was happening on the aft deck while docking the boat from the wing station, she later heard about the incident and reflected on what could have gone wrong. "When the line goes in the water, that's very dangerous," Captain Sandy said during the After Show. "I could crash into another boat, crash into the dock."

    Rob, who shared during the After Show that he felt "under pressure" and "like an idiot" during the docking, said that he knows how much damage a mistake like this could cause. "Captain Sandy's relying on the measures we take to secure the vessel. If it's just gonna be floating around and doing its own thing, that could cause a lot of s--t, going into other boats," he said. "I was in my head. I just f--ked up big time. I know the consequences of this. It's something so small, but it can have a big effect on everything."

    Knowing how crucial it is to successfully throw a heaving line, The Wellington's first mate David, who we don't usually see appear on-camera on Below Deck Med, offered to help Rob. "You know, David actually came to me and was like, 'We can go to the dock and learn how to throw a heaving line,'" Rob revealed in the After Show. "I know how to throw a heaving line; I just had a brain fart three times. Like, leave me alone. It happens to the best of us."

    Want more Below Deck Med? New episodes air every Monday at 9/8c or catch up on this season through the Bravo app.

    There's more docking drama on the way on Below Deck Med. Check out a preview, below.


    Tension Between Jessica More and Robert Westergaard Continues to Rise

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    The Daily Dish is your source for all things Bravo, from behind-the-scenes scoop to breaking news, exclusive interviews, photos, original videos, and, oh, so much more. Subscribe to The Daily Dish podcast, join our Facebook group, and follow us on Instagramfor the latest news hot off the presses. Sign up to become a Bravo Insider and be the first to get exclusive extras.

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    Rob Westergaard Reveals What First Mate David Said to Him After That Docking Mishap - Bravo

    The best Legends of Runeterra decks in Patch 1.8 Call of the Mountain [UPDATED 9/9] – InvenGlobal

    - September 11, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Artwork by Riot Games

    Call of the Mountain is now in its third week and the meta has finally started to take a more definite shape. Although deck tiers are still semi-defined, the primordial soup of experimental decks has made way to more refined lists.

    This article takes a look at some of the best decks in Legends of Runeterra (so far) in Call of the Mountain, updated as of September 9, 2020.

    Swain/Twisted Fate was the first deck to hit Master in Call of the Mountain and it's remained the absolute best deck in the expansion so far. It consistently hits Master at the hands of top players and is an absolute meta-defining deck.

    There's not much to say about it do chip damage to level up Swain, drop it as soon as you do, and use Riptide Rex plus The Leviathan to kill or stun-lock the opponent.

    Scouts are another old archetype, but what can we expect it's hard to come up with a new and better Demacia/Bilgewater deck with four new cards.

    This is a very standard list, virtually unchanged from the Rising Tides meta. Use Scouts' Rally to trigger multiple Miss Fortune effects and level her up quickly. Then, proceed to zerg rush the enemy.

    They Who Endure is just a fantastic card and has been the cornerstone of the Endure Midrange archetype since the early days of the Legends of Runeterra. It started as a slower midrange deck, moved to a more tempo version in Rising Tides, and has now gone aggressive in Call of the Mountain.

    This list by Swim uses Kalista as the only champion and lots of cheap Shadow Isles followers to apply early aggression. They Who Endure, of course, remains as the big finisher, but oftentimes the deck can just outright kill with its Kalista Aristocrats army.

    Together with Nocturne and Diana, Lulu has been one of the strongest champions in Call of the Mountain so far.

    The list runs all the usual Demacian suspects that you'll see in every Scouts deck, which are then empowered by the supporting of Lulu and Shen. Lulu can grow cheap units like Cithria of Cloudfield and Fleetfeather Tracker to threatening 4|4 size, giving a lot of early game power to the deck.

    The Lux/Sol Control is a relatively new deck, but one that's already making waves in the top Master ranks. The deck plays exactly as you'd expect from a Lux control few followers, lots of expensive spells, and high-end finishers in Aurelion Sol and Radiant Guardian.

    Sunburst into Lux's Spark is a fantastic board clear, while Starshaping and Hush can generate even more Lux fuel, enabling Spark after Spark, after Spark...

    The GP/Sejuani Tempo, sometimes called "Turbo Sejuani" is an old archetype from Rising Tides, which has gained prominence in the current meta due to its potency against aggro decks, which are dominating the game right now.

    The deck does a lot of chip damage with its Powder Monkeys, which level up Gangplank and Sejuani at the same time, meaning they almost always will come in play leveled up. The deck also has a lot of Nab effects, making it very difficult to play against it, as well as a lot of cheap damage removal, which is great against aggro. Definitely a deck to try if you're struggling against fast decks.

    Another Rising Tides archetype that got stronger in Call of the Mountain. The TF/GP combination is a fast midrange deck (sometimes it even goes full aggro), which can apply a lot of pressure, but also has ways to deal with aggro. It's cheap army not only helps to level up Gangplank fast, but can serve as blockers to survive against aggro decks until a level 2 GP enters the field after that, it's pretty much game over.

    Targon Ezreal is the only combo deck that's been getting good results in Call of the Mountain (Karma/Ezreal is trying to get back to top tier, but we'll see how far it'll go).

    The goal of the deck is like that of every single Ezreal-centric deck: play as much removal as you can to survive and level up Ezreal, while using Vi as your midrange threat/unit killer. After Ezreal is leveled up, you should have a lot of cheap burst spells between Gems, Rummage, Guiding Touch and Pale Cascade to one-turn-kill the opponent before they can even react.

    Trundle/Sol Ramp is the other good slow deck in the meta and it really is unmatched in the late stages of the game. Wyrding Stones and Catalyst of Aeons can accelerate mana production to get you to Trundle faster, which then stabilizes the mid/late game. The deck then wins with Infinite Mindsplitter and, of course, Aurelion Sol, as it completely takes over the late game.

    The challenge is, of course, to survive. The deck only runs Avalanche as removal and relies mostly on Nexus heals to live till Trundle. A strong aggro opening with no Avalanche in hand can therefore mean quick death for the Sol Ramp.

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    The best Legends of Runeterra decks in Patch 1.8 Call of the Mountain [UPDATED 9/9] - InvenGlobal

    Christmas Town, U.S.A., to deck the halls differently this year – WYFF4 Greenville

    - September 11, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Christmas Town, U.S.A., to deck the halls differently this year

    COVID-19 is prompting changes to McAdenville's famous Christmas display

    Updated: 11:41 AM EDT Sep 10, 2020

    Christmas Town, U.S.A. will be celebrating the holidays a bit differently in 2020 because of the pandemic.If you've never been before, that's the nickname for McAdenville, North Carolina. It's a small town near Charlotte that attracts about 600,000 visitors each Christmas, according to its website. Lines of cars have been known to extend for miles, even spilling out onto Interstate 85.Its website says it will "trim its annual tradition by introducing various pandemic precautions to ensure a safe and responsible seasonal celebration."People will still be able to walk or drive through the town to see homes decked out in lights from 5:30 to 10 p.m. Dec. 1-26. Christmas Town, U.S.A., recommends social distancing practices while doing so.However, the Yule Log Parade and the Tree Lighting Ceremony are canceled. Lights won't be displayed at Christmas Town Lake. The Christmas Town 5K will be virtual this year.

    Christmas Town, U.S.A. will be celebrating the holidays a bit differently in 2020 because of the pandemic.

    If you've never been before, that's the nickname for McAdenville, North Carolina. It's a small town near Charlotte that attracts about 600,000 visitors each Christmas, according to its website. Lines of cars have been known to extend for miles, even spilling out onto Interstate 85.

    Its website says it will "trim its annual tradition by introducing various pandemic precautions to ensure a safe and responsible seasonal celebration."

    People will still be able to walk or drive through the town to see homes decked out in lights from 5:30 to 10 p.m. Dec. 1-26. Christmas Town, U.S.A., recommends social distancing practices while doing so.

    However, the Yule Log Parade and the Tree Lighting Ceremony are canceled. Lights won't be displayed at Christmas Town Lake. The Christmas Town 5K will be virtual this year.

    See original here:
    Christmas Town, U.S.A., to deck the halls differently this year - WYFF4 Greenville

    How to Watch and Stream Below Deck –

    - September 11, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    All of the best reality shows turn into franchises with multiple iterations and locations (90 Day Fianc, RuPaul's Drag Race), and Bravo's Below Deck is no different. The original series started airing in 2013, and Below Deck Mediterranean and Below Deck Sailing Yacht premiered in 2016 and 2020, respectively.

    Below Deck follows the lives of the crew members who work and live on a yacht during charter season, and it shows how their personal issues often intersect with their professional lives as they try to serve the ship's guests. Because there are now three versions of the show, there are hours and hours of the marine drama for you to dig into, and there are also a multitude of ways to watch the series. Here's how you can watch and stream Below Deck.

    Subscribe to Men's Health

    For those with cable, Below Deck Mediterranean is currently airing on Bravo on Monday at 9 p.m, and Below Deck will likely premiere later this year.

    Below Deck, Below Deck Med, and Below Deck Sailing Yacht can be streamed on Bravo's website, but you'll need a cable log-in to watch it. Peacock also has every episode of Below Deck and Below Deck Med (except the reunions), and it's totally free. Other streaming options include digital TV services like Sling, YouTube TV, and Hulu with Live TV, and you can also buy episodes or the entire season on iTunes, Google Play, and Amazon.

    This content is created and maintained by a third party, and imported onto this page to help users provide their email addresses. You may be able to find more information about this and similar content at

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    How to Watch and Stream Below Deck -

    Below Deck Mediterranean Recap: Give It The Old Heave-Ho – Reality Tea

    - September 11, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Heave ho, heave ho, its off the dock we go. If last weeks Below Deck Mediterranean felt like a filler episode to reintroduce Aesha Scott, this week certainly ramped up the drama for poor Rob Westergaard. But not before enduring the rest of the drunken charter featuring Johnny Damon and his band of merry pals. Or before dragging out Jessica Mores heart palpitations from the end of last week into a full-blown medical crisis.

    Remember pre-quarantine when Captain Sandy Yawn had a heart attack during SoulCycle? Apparently one in three women die from a heart attack or a stroke. I was not aware of this statistic. But Sandy used the third stews heart palpitations as the perfect excuse to inject the episode with a PSA about womens heart health. First the captain lays Jess down on her couch and checks her blood pressure. She even goes as far as to text a cardiologist friend with Jess stats, but the doc says, and I quote, its not that bad. So, basically the entire medical emergency was all for naught. But I suppose if it helps even one female viewer be more aware of her heart health, its worth the tangent. And good thing Jess is OK! Well, at least before shes about to get her heart broken

    The Damons and their friends finally come back to the boat and Johnny is completely, utterly sloshed. Like, so drunk that Alex Radcliffe manages to strike him out using a biodegradable golf ball. That night, the crew throws a Great Gatsby-themed dinner for the final night of the charter. (Meaning Jess was subjected to ironing laundry in a 1920s flapper costume.) Captain Sandy joins the Damons and co. for dinner, and naturally, Johnny sends his filet back to be more well-done. Because if theres one thing weve learned about the MLB star over the past two seasons, its that he wants his food piping hot and overcooked. Also, is Tom Checketts not capable of plating a single meal without Malia White as his unofficial sous chef? His food may be great, but Kiko Lorran didnt get that same kind of help before being booted from The Wellington. Just saying.

    The emotional centerpiece of the episode is Rob. Sweet, sensitive beautiful Rob and his many, many mistakes. First hes 23 minutes late for morning shift on the last day of charter. (He slept through his alarm.) Thankfully, Alex covers for him, but it turns out to be a harbinger for whats to come. As the boat docks in Ibiza, Robs one job is managing the stern-side heaving line. (Look at me using nautical jargon!) However, as Sandy maneuvers The Wellington, Rob drops the heaving line. Not once. Not twice. But three times. THREE TIMES! Once the charter guests are off the boat, Malia comes down hard on the deckhand for making such a rookie mistake. Via confessional, Rob admits hes in his head about his relationship with Jess. So much so that its affecting his work on deck. One way or another, this is not going to end well.

    Robs next mistake is talking to Aesha, apparently. After the tip meeting, Aesha compares Jess relationship with Rob this season to hers with Jack Stirrup last year. (Hint: it ended badly after Season 4 wrapped.) However, once everyones talking in the crew mess, Demon Jess shows her jealous face over Robs conversation with the 2nd stew overmicropenises and wide vaginas? Yes, you read that correctly. It leads to a full-blown argument between the two on the dock, all while Bugsy Drake and Alex go on a cute, flirty date shopping excursion in Old Town Ibiza. However, I cant quite explain what the argument was even about. Attention? Communication? Looking for things to be upset about? Note: this wont be the last time an unintelligible argument happens this episode.

    The crew finally earns its first night out in Ibiza and theyre ready to go wild. Except Aesha isnt feeling particularly connected to the crew yet. Especially not when compared to the wild, foul-mouthed Sirocco crew of yesteryear. And Jess getting territorial over Rob surely isnt helping her feel all that welcome. However, Aesha isnt the problem at dinner, where Jess picks yet another fight with Rob over being present. It all starts when Jess points out that she, Alex and Rob all worked in West Palms Rybovich Superyacht Marina within weeks of each other before heading to the Mediterranean to film. Jess takes this as some sort of sign about destiny, but Rob doesnt see the point in focusing on the past.

    Andthey start arguing in front of everyone. Even Bugsy painting everyones faces with glitter cant quell the awkwardness. By the time dinner ends, Rob and Jess arent even speaking, fuming and staring silently out different windows in the van. In the other van, Malia ventures a guess that the two are ill-suited for each other. Much of the rest of the crew nods along, agreeing that Rob is spiritual while Jess is just shallow. Just look at the background of herself on her phone!

    The crew hits the club, where things go from bad to worse for the embattled couple. And this time it isbecause of Aesha. More specifically because, from Jessicas POV, Rob starts flirting with her fellow stew. Aesha is now officially competition and Demon Jess is ready to burn down this entire club with her wrath. While Malia and Tom tipsily talk about getting married, Rob and Jess face off, with Rob questioning why he changed his ticket to Bali a few episodes back if Jess is going to be so hot and cold with him.

    However, the biggest, happiest development of the night is actually between Alex and Bugsy! Thats right: after 15 episodes of flirty banter and will-they-or-wont-they, Alex seals the deal by making out with Bugsy on the dance floor. In the words of the shows resident teddy bear, bye bye, friend zone! And honestly, Im thrilled for the pair. Ok, mostly for Alex because Ive been hardcore rooting for him all season. But while Rob and Jess relationship goes down in flames, maybe Alex can have all of his dreams come true, weirdo to weirdo?


    [Photo Credit: Bravo]

    Go here to see the original:
    Below Deck Mediterranean Recap: Give It The Old Heave-Ho - Reality Tea

    Lockdown has shone a light on how much we rely on others – Sydney Morning Herald

    - September 11, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder


    When I was growing up in country New Zealand, we mowed our own lawns (that was what kids were for), cooked our dinner, made our clothes, cleaned our houses, cared for our babies until they went to kindergarten or even school in fact, did numerous chores that today we can outsource. I'm not saying this was better self-sufficiency has its merits, but women bore the brunt of it.

    Gradually, outsourcing has freed us to focus on our work and things we want to do, such as relaxing at the end of the day. The Ruthven Institute reportedly estimated we spend more than $500 billion in a financial year outsourcing household activities, with the average household paying for everything from oven cleaning to painting the spare room.

    Sites such as Airtasker and ServiceSeeking built their business models on this, as have food delivery services such as Uber Eats. Don't feel like doing something? There's an app for that.

    Now, though, lockdowns and social distancing mean that, aside from the food delivery, many services are denied us. It may be fun to bake sourdough or plant tomatoes, but we also face doing tasks we don't want to do, or may not even be capable of.

    Many who performed those tasks for us, gig economy workers with insecure employment, few rights, no leave and little bargaining power, have been left high and dry. In her introduction to the state government's Report of the Inquiry into the Victorian On-Demand Workforce, released in July, chair Natalie James wrote of a world changed by pandemic: "These events provide the ultimate demonstration of what it means to work 'on-demand'. 'Demand' has been suddenly and unexpectedly curtailed In times of economic downturn, it is 'on-demand' workers: casual employees and self-employed 'independent contractors'; who feel the impact first and fast. They are the first to be 'let go'."

    An estimated 1 million Australians, almost 250,000 Victorians, work in the gig economy. As restrictions ease, they will return. Some will have faced and may still be facing dire financial situations. We will welcome them with open arms, hopefully with a new appreciation for what they do. But let's hope that this is not accompanied by a financial race to the bottom, as those desperate for work so many more than when this began bid against each other for ever lower rates to win the work.

    When the report was released, James told The Age: "What we have is a large number of people in need of income, looking for work in a labour market which has now become even more competitive." When restrictions end, it's important that we let those who do the chores we don't want to do know how much we missed and appreciate them, but also that we put our money where our mouths are.

    Sue Green is a Melbourne journalist and writer.

    See the original post here:
    Lockdown has shone a light on how much we rely on others - Sydney Morning Herald

    The ins and outs of turf grass | Columns | – Valencia County News Bulletin

    - September 11, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Fall is a great time to plant turf grass in Valencia County. With New Mexicos climate, placing high importance on selection, preparation and maintenance of grasses is crucial for enjoying a green, luscious lawn in the summer months. There are several factors to consider when planning to plant turf grass.

    There are two basic classifications for grasses, cool season and warm season. Cool season grasses are generally suggested for the northern portion of New Mexico, and warm season grasses for the southern portion. However, due to the cooler temperatures of our springs, falls and nights, cool season grasses can be grown with success throughout the state.

    Understanding the different types of grasses can help planters develop a basic knowledge of what seed to plant for their specific area. But, there are also other factors to consider that will influence what, when and how you plant your turf grass.

    A first consideration is your location. How much traffic this location will receive can influence the type of seed to plant. Grass species have different levels of traffic resistance and choosing the right seed for the location is crucial to the longevity of the lawn.

    Understanding the type of soil can determine modifications needed for seed success. You can gain greater understanding of the soil on your property by having your soil tested. The Valencia County Cooperative Extension Service can provide information on how to submit a soil sample and determine proper protocols to modify your soil.

    Depending on your soil test results, there is a high chance a top soil will need to be added to reach an optimal grass growing environment. Ridding the bad plants or weeds already growing in the area is an important step as is preparing the soil by mowing, tilling and possibly spraying the area.

    Water availability is another factor in your seed decision. Cool season grasses require more water and warm season grasses utilize water more efficiently. Will you be able to put in a water system where you are planting, or will you be moving a sprinkler system around? If you are installing an irrigation system, be sure to place the system after you have prepared the ground and mark the areas where the heads are to avoid damage.

    Once the seed has been determined, consider the preferred planting time for your type of turf grass. In Valencia County, planting cool season grass is recommended in August to September. Warm season grasses are generally suggested for planting the middle of May to August. If you are planning to plant your lawn this fall, make sure your grass selection is a cool season grass. Also, be sure to think of the other factors previously mentioned and if a cool season grass is not right for you, consider choosing a warm season grass and plant this coming spring.

    When seeding, water more frequently in order to keep the seeds from drying out. Avoid over-watering and creating puddles of water for proper seed establishment. Once your seed is grown, maintenance will be crucial.

    The type of seed planted has a preferred mowing height. Mowing too short can cause damage to the lawn. A general rule to keep in mind is to mow only one third of the grass height. The grass should be fairly dry and mowing equipment should be sharp to reduce uprooting as well.

    If you are planning to use sod rather than seed, soil preparation is the same as seeding with an emphasis on your soil being level. The sod base needs to have contact with the soil in order to form strong roots. In Valencia County, the ideal time to lay sod will be in the spring, summer and fall. Planting in extreme heat can damage the grass and it should be laid relatively quickly once received. Be sure to keep the sod moist when laying and out of direct sunlight.

    Even though we live in the desert, a lush lawn can be achieved with proper preparation, seed selection and an ideal management strategy. Understanding how much water is available in your area is a key component for your lawn success.

    If you have further questions on seed selections or turf grass management please call the Valencia County Cooperative Extension Office.

    Program announcements

    To register for an upcoming program, call the Valencia County Cooperative Extension Service at 565-3002. For more information, visit

    Homeschool Extension Videos: Videos or presentations can be requested for home-schooling families for science and agriculture. A list of topics being offered for the fall semester are available upon request. Contact Sierra Cain at for more information.

    Valencia County 4-H Enrollment: The new enrollment year for 4-H begins Oct. 1 and ends Jan. 15. Please call the office for more information on enrolling or email Sierra Cain at You can also visit our webpage for 4-H information.

    (Visit NMSU Valencia County Cooperative Extension Service,, for upcoming programs, creative recipes, health tips, and fun activities.

    If you are an individual with a disability who is in need of auxiliary aid or service to participate in a program, please contact the Valencia County Cooperative Extension Service office at 565-3002 two weeks in advance of event.)

    Read more here:
    The ins and outs of turf grass | Columns | - Valencia County News Bulletin

    The Network Premiere of FENCES Will Air on Sunday, Sept. 27 on TNT – Broadway World

    - September 10, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    The film edition of August Wilson's play stars Viola Davis and Denzel Washington.

    Focused on telling groundbreaking stories throughout 2020, TNT will air the network premiere of Fences on Sunday, September 27th, at 10 p.m. ET. Fences joins TNT's growing diverse line up of poignant films that showcase the world in which we live.

    Based upon August Wilson's 1983 play, Fences follows THE JOURNEY of Troy Maxson, a cynical patriarch with a backbone of pride that rules and defines him. Troy works as a trash collector in the city of Pittsburgh and finishes his Friday shift the way he always does, with a pint of gin. Finding failure in his professional baseball pursuit, Troy believes society will never change for the black man and attempts to impose this belief on his son's athletic pursuits. Starring Denzel Washington, who also serves as director and producer of this powerful film, and Viola Davis, who won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for her role.

    Denzel Washington received his first Academy Award for the historical war drama Glory (1989) and his second for the crime drama TRAINING DAY (2001). In addition, he has received Academy Award nominations for his performances in Cry Freedom (1987), Malcolm X (1992), The Hurricane (1999), Flight (2012), and August Wilson's Pulitzer Prize-winning Fences, in which he reprised his Tony Award-winning role opposite Viola Davis.

    Davis made her Broadway debut in 1996's production of August Wilson's drama SEVEN GUITARS. She received a Theatre World Award and Tony and Drama Desk noms for playing spurned lover Vera.

    Watch the trailer for "Fences" here:

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