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    Types of Indiana University parking tickets, RANKED – The Crimson Quarry

    - September 18, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Heres another Lifestyle blog post from the people who brought you the Taco Bell on Walnut Hall of Fame. Man, it feels pretty good to be the first blog ever to cover sports, pop culture, music and tech, all in one place.

    Currently, the Big Ten is deliberating on whether or not to vote on whether it should vote about holding a meeting, where its presidents and chancellors might vote on whether or not to watch a presentation from the Big Ten Return to Competition Task Force, which will then prompt a vote on whether or not the Big Ten will hold a Zoom call on a random Sunday afternoon, where there will be a discussion about whether or not to vote on a fall football season, which will then decide THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION.

    No worries if you stopped reading the last paragraph somewhere in the second line, because thats about where I gave up on writing it.

    The point being, theres nothing going on in IU Athletics, at least in the ways were used to.

    Maybe soon well get back to a place where the IU mens soccer team hasnt allowed a goal in seven games, a grassroots Michael Penix Heisman campaign is building in the darkest crevices of Twitter, and IUs top-25 college basketball team, coached by Teri Moren, is preparing for a 25-win season and an NCAA tournament appearance.

    But today isnt that day.

    So were going to talk about parking tickets instead.

    Thanks to the power of the law, CQ has obtained IUs parking ticket data from the last four years (from the 2017-18 fiscal year to present), and were going to rank all 44 categories of them.

    Quote from man towed: What are you gonna do, tow me?

    3. Citation Circumvented (186 total): This sounds like a failed James Bond reboot. 007: Citation Circumvented. Id watch a six-part docu-series about the people who got these citations, because the fact that theyre listed on the spreadsheet means they did, in fact, still get a citation in addition to their original citation.

    4. Overnight Garage Parking (1,035 total): This is just classic 20-year-old galaxy brain thinking right here. Im in Bloomington for the night and I need a safe place for my car, surely the university wont check one of [checks notes] the two main parking garages near campus to see if anyone is parking there overnight.

    This is like the summer when one of my roommates and I refused to actually invest in a downtown parking spot or buy a bus pass, so every morning wed drive to work, park in the casino parking garage next door to our office, fully dressed for work slacks, collared shirts that were tucked in, work bags, etc. then walk through the casino at like 8 a.m., passing the people who were still up from the night before or who just needed a little jolt to start their work day. Wed walk past the casino greeters and security, who clearly knew we hadnt walked in through the front doors of the casino, then wed go to work. At the end of the work day, wed do the opposite, walking back through the casino, taking the elevator up to the parking garage and going home.

    Eventually, sensing the heat from casino security, I bought a bus pass. A few weeks later, my roommates car got towed from the casino.

    You know better and yet you still do it. This is the Overnight Garage Parking experience.

    This is the experience of being 20 years old.

    5. Altered/Counterfeit Permit (80 total): For better (for the IUPD) and for worse (for our entertainment), these citations are decreasing at an alarming rate. Just look at these advanced analytics:

    2017-18: 38 citations

    2018-19: 24 citations

    2019-20: 18 citations

    2020-21: 0 citations

    Im pretty sure during my fifth year at IU, a parking pass was like $10 for a calendar year. Even on a college students budget, the cost was negligible. If anything, it was more annoying to have to go to city hall and fill out the form, especially when we had two extra ghost tenants in a five-person house and we had to provide proof of residence for everyone in the house.

    But despite the Chipotle burritos worth of cost for a Bloomington parking permit, you have to respect the dedication of those who try to forge a parking pass, complete with the one-sided adhesive and shiny lettering.

    By the way, theres still one unpaid citation for an altered/counterfeit from the 2018 school year, which you know is being used as a pickup line at last call in a Broad Ripple bar.

    Yeah, thats really sad about your roommates dog. Anyway, did I tell you about the time I used a fake parking pass in college and never got busted? Yeah, it was no biggie. Bartender, two more rum and cokes. What do you say we get out of here?

    6. Fraudulent Permit Displayed (108 total): Hold on, there are fraudulent permits, which are somehow different than altered/counterfeit permits?

    7. Expired/No License Plate (47 total): NO license plate, you say?

    8. Car Pool Violation (1 total): As of Sept. 14, 2020, there have been 64,448 parking citations issued since the start of the 2017-18 fiscal year and only one renegade/dumbass/hero has been cited for a car pool violation.

    How does it feel, sir or maam?

    There was one tailgate where we fit, I think, 14 people in a car ride to the tailgate fields and no one batted an eye. My question now is just how many people does it take in one car to get a car pool violation?

    The over/under is 18.5.

    9. Parked Opposite of Traffic (33 total)

    10. Bicycle (118 total): The open-endedness of this category is intriguing.

    11. In or Near Bike Rack (14 total): Just how might one park a car in a bike rack?

    12. Parked in Wrong Area/Zone (14,367 total)

    13. Game Day-No Parking (1,202 total)

    14. No Valid Permit Displayed (22,032 total)

    15. Unauthorized Entry (1,241 total)

    16. Meter Expired (7,524 total): To everyone whos come 25 cents short or 15 minutes too late on their parking meter, just know that your citation has been avenged, whether you know it or not. One of my friends in college, [redacted], once accidentally backed into a parking meter, knocking it to its side and partially uprooting the base of it. This friend, one of those people who lifted biceps/back four times per week at the SRSC, then pulled out the parking meter by hand, took it home and broke it open to get the change out of it. He then took the tracking device, drove to Lake Monroe and threw it to the depths of Davy Joness locker.

    He did this for you.

    Youre welcome.

    17. Parked in Construction Area (11 total)

    18. Tow Warning (396 total)

    19. Tow Fee Refused (154 total): GTA VI: Bloomington Impound Lot

    20. Non Payment of Garage Fee (78 total): This is kind of like refusing to pay for the tow service. Without shifting space or time, how, exactly, do you get your car out of a garage without paying or taking off the mechanical arm at the garage?

    21. Parked on Crosswalk/Sidewalk (970 total)

    22. Parked on Hash Marks (39 total)

    23. Parked in Restricted/Reserved (2,920 total)

    24. Parked in Numbered/Reserved (1,026 total)

    25. Parked in Drive/Blocking (1,617 total): Surely, this classification is shorthand for cars that were parked in a driveway and were otherwise preventing someone from getting in or out of a driveway.

    extremely Stephen A. Smith voice: HOWEVER.

    Theres a 1% chance it could referring to someone parking their car but actually leaving it in Drive, which is way more exciting.

    26. Parked on Yellow Curb (1,118 total)

    27. Permit Balance Due (336 total): Slap it on your student bursar and make your parents pay for it, right?

    28. Parked On/Over Stall Marker (590 total)

    29. Vehicle Relocated (11 total): The word relocated feels like its doing a lot of work here, right? It sounds like the vehicle wasnt stolen but it wasnt moved with the owners consent, either. It was just relocated.

    30. Motorist assist (12 total)

    31. Parked in 24hr Zone (220 total)

    32. Parked in Loading/Unloading Zone (99 total)

    33. Parked in Delivery Zone (27 total)

    34. Unreturned Permit (70 total)

    35. Event Parking (1 total): Once again, who are these people who are the only ones, out of more than 64,000 citations, who find a way to get cited for something that no one else has?

    36. Parked in Fire Lane/15 feet (509 total)

    37. Cite Paid at Garage (124 total)

    38. Parked in Visitor Only Space (45 total)

    39. Parked Beyond Time Limit (647 total)

    40. Speeding/Unsafe Driving (5 total)

    41. Expired Permit Displayed (1,163 total)

    42. Improper Display of Permit (500 total): Note the wording, here. Its not that you dont have a permit. Its not that your permit is expired. Its that the display of your permit was improper. CQ is firmly against improper display of permit citations.

    43. Other (See Comments) (1,801 total): If theres anything Im not going to do, its reading almost 2,000 comments about why some college kid got a parking citation. No thanks.

    44. Parked in Disabled Sp/Aisle (652 total): Dont be an asshole.

    The rest is here:
    Types of Indiana University parking tickets, RANKED - The Crimson Quarry

    Feng Shui: What Is It and How to Apply It at Home

    - September 18, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Feng shui isnt just a buzzword for interior designers and real estate agents: Its an ancient Chinese philosophy that helps people find balance in the way they live their lives by harmonizing their living spaces with nature through spatial design. The key is qi (pronounced chee), or the energy that connects all living things. Through the implementation of specific design principles that promote auspiciousness, feng shui is said to allow your energy to flow uninhibited through your home, improving your overall quality of life.

    Over the last 30 years, the concept of feng shui has been developing a loyal following in the American interior design world, but the design philosophy has its roots in ancient China. The philosophy originated in astrology, with ancient cultures designing burial plots to align with celestial objects like stars. Over millennia, practitioners refined the philosophy, eventually expanding it into urban planning, then condensing it into the home itself. As for the name feng shui, feng means wind and shui means waterthe phrase is derived from an ancient poem about the connection of human life and the environment.

    In order to allow qi to flow effortlessly through your home, feng shui has quite a number of principles to follow, from dictating the precise places to set your furniture (never put a bed under a window!) to stipulating what color to paint your front door (it depends on which cardinal direction it faces). While different feng shui schools offer many variations on these principles, here are several commonalities that form the basis of the philosophy.

    Bagua, which translates to eight areas, is an energy map placed over the floor plan of your home. Its a three-by-three grid with eight boxes, each representing a different category of your lifeloosely translated into wealth, fame, love, family, children, knowledge, career, and helpful peoplewith the center box representing you. If any of these areas in your life need improvement, you should apply the appropriate feng shui principles in the corresponding space of your home.

    Feng shui principles also focus on the five elements: earth, metal, water, wood, and fire. While each can be taken literally in terms of incorporation into the home (i.e., wood furniture for a fireplace), they also correspond to certain emotions, colors, shapes, and areas on the bagua map. Ultimately, you should use interior design to balance all five elements for the best qi flow, tweaking per your needs as they change throughout your life.

    The philosophy of yin and yang permeates many ancient Chinese fields of study, from the martial arts to medicine to feng shui. Its a concept of duality, demonstrating that opposite forces are interconnected and work in tandem in order to create harmony: yin is a passive, soft energy, while yang is an aggressive, bold one. As it relates to interior design, youll want a balance of both types of energies, with yin energy in calm, relaxing spaces like your bedroom or bathroom and yang energy in your more social, productive spaces like your kitchen or home office.

    Pieter Estersohn

    Feng shui is a complex tradition, with numerous components that require quite a bit of study to interpret fully. While you can certainly take baby steps into the world of feng shui on your own, many people find it helpful to consult feng shui experts to really revamp their space.

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    Feng Shui: What Is It and How to Apply It at Home

    Feng Shui: The Basics – Around DB and Life on Lantau

    - September 18, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    In the first of a new series, Samantha Wong introduces the all-important theory of the five elements and reveals how you can put yourself in the command position

    Formalised as an art and science over 3,000 years ago in China, feng shuis aim is to improve quality of life. Feng means wind and shui means water, and we Chinese associate wind and water with good health, so if you get the feng shui in your home right, you can expect good things to follow.

    Feng shui contains elements of various branches of study, including physics, philosophy, astronomy and astrology. Its a complex body of knowledge that takes years to master but you dont have to be an expert or own a luopan (a feng-shui compass with 24 directions marked on it) to start working it into your home and reaping the benefits.

    The command positionThe first thing you need to know is that according to feng shui everyone and everything is interconnected, and everything is filled with chi (energy). For this reason, the placement of yourself and objects within a room affects your wellbeing. One basic tip is that the bed, desk and stove need to be placed in the command position this is important because the bed represents you, the desk represents your career and the stove represents your wealth. When you are in these spaces, be sure that you can see the door without being directly in line with it this puts you in the command position; you are in command of your life and you are receptive to positive outcomes.

    Feng shui is all about mindfulness too slowing down and noticing the details in your life and living space so that you can create harmony. Dusty corners represent areas of your life that are stagnant and ignored, so clean them up. Get rid of or fix any broken objects because they are obstacles in your life, causing stress that holds you back. And create space in your wardrobe. If its overstuffed, youre giving out the message that your life is complete and you dont need anything else.

    We often intuitively know when something is not quite right in our homes, so work out where you feel uneasy and sit there, quieting the mind. You may be able to energise the space simply by moving things around, for instance placing an armchair in front of a window, but if that doesnt do the trick, youll need to look to a core feng-shui principle, the theory of the five elements.

    The five elementsWood, fire, earth, metal and water the five elements are a big deal in feng shui. Simply put, feng shui works to balance these five natural elements in your home, and by extension in your life. You need to ensure that all five elements are present in each room and working harmoniously together. To achieve this in a living area, you might combine wood and metal furniture, light some candles (fire), install an aquarium (water) and place a potted plant (earth) in a corner. But you dont have to think so literally each element is represented by a specific colour (see the sidebar opposite), so colour-use is an easy and effective way to harmonise the five elements within your home.

    By using colour to include all the elements in your decor, you can improve your quality of life, but theres more to it than that. Each element is also associated with a specific life attribute wood with vitality; fire with passion and recognition; earth with stability; metal with clarity and self-discipline; and water with tranquillity and wisdom so upping the presence of a particular element in your home can bring you more of the attribute it represents. To go at it another way, if something is lacking in your life, you will likely see that the element it corresponds to is poorly represented in your decor.

    Lets say you lack stability and dont take good enough care of yourself. Chances are you need more of the earth element (yellow, orange, and brown) in your home. If youre looking for more clarity, self-discipline or structure, look to the metal element and surround yourself with grey, white, cream and metallic tones. Silver photo frames are a quick fix.

    By calling on the element of water, you can invite tranquillity and wisdom into your life. Try sitting on a black cushion when youre at your computer or painting a feature wall midnight blue. Wood energy, associated with the colour green, can help kickstart new beginnings and increase your vitality.

    Finally, if youre looking for passion or recognition, play around with red fire energy. Light some candles fire is symbolised by real flames or place red peonies in a favourite ase. Adopting a pet will also do the trick because having an animal in your home immediately fires things up.

    View original post here:
    Feng Shui: The Basics - Around DB and Life on Lantau Live: What are PRS, Ernie Ball, Taylor, Mono and Fender bringing to the show? –

    - September 18, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder Live is right around the corner, and were excited to share new details on what our partners PRS, Ernie Ball Music Man, Taylor, Mono and Fender will bring to the show. Its going to be one to remember.

    When it comes to guitar-making, few are as celebrated as Paul Reed Smith, founder of PRS Guitars and a true luthiery legend. And who better to learn the ins and outs of guitar-making than Smith himself.

    In his masterclass, Smith will go through both electric and acoustic guitar designs with a nose to tail approach to explain why and how everything on a guitar matters. Hell reveal the secrets of builders and techs, arming you with the knowledge needed to diagnose, repair, upgrade and modify your cherished instrument.

    The second season of PRS Guitars popular YouTube series Long Distance will only launch in October, but Live attendees will get a teaser of the modern-day guitar heroes they can expect to see.

    In season one, we got to listen in as Paul Reed Smith phoned up famous friends the likes of Steve Vai, Warren Haynes, Alex Lifeson and Orianthi. Season two continues with even more candid conversations on music, unusual hobbies and, yes, coping in quarantine. Tune in to the Showcase stage for this very special preview!

    With an acclaimed sixth album, a number one hit and a massive world tour planned, 2020 was shaping up to be a massive year for Mark Tremonti and his Alter Bridge bandmates. Then, COVID-19 threw a wrench in the works. Rather than keeling over, the band rose to the occasion and recorded their new track, Last Rites, completely in quarantine.

    Join us for a one-on-one interview with Tremonti, where hell discuss Alter Bridges forthcoming EP Walk The Sky 2.0 and Creeds six-times platinum record Weathered, which celebrates its 20th anniversary in 2021.

    Ernie Ball Music Man has been especially hush-hush about what it plans to unveil at Live but weve just heard that the brand will be hosting a panel with some of its signature artists. Theyll discuss their playing styles, gear quirks and what its like to design an instrument they can call their own, in collaboration with an iconic brand.

    Image: Ernie Ball

    In addition to the panel, Ernie Ball Music Man is taking the opportunity at Live to unveil something its never done before: a replica of a famous vintage instrument.

    Exactly what it is and who owns it is a mystery, but the brand did leave us with a clue: We have replicated a 41-year-old instrument with all its wear and battle scars down to the last screw! Its got four strings on it and played by a world-renowned musician in one of the most revered rock bands around the globe!

    Whats the game-changing new guitar that Taylor has been so tantalisingly teasing these few weeks? Well, find out at Live! Details are scant, but what we do know is that it was designed from the ground up and it promises to inspire players in a whole new way.

    Alongside the mystery guitar, Taylor will also be demoing some of its latest guitars introduced this year, from the ultra-premium Builders Edition instruments to the exceptional American Dream series.

    Back in 2011, Taylor Guitars became the co-owner of a local sawmill in Cameroon and The Ebony Project was born. The objective: create a more socially responsible and environmentally sustainable way of sourcing ebony for guitar-making purposes.

    At Live, follow Taylor all the way to Africa virtually, at least to discover more about The Ebony Project and how its helped not just the environment but the local community in Cameroon.

    We hope you come away with a deeper appreciation for the important steps that begin the process of bringing those guitars to life, said Taylor. Youll also learn more about the lives and families you are supporting when you buy a Taylor guitar, along with Taylors efforts to cultivate a more sustainable future in Cameroon through a scalable replanting program.

    Used and abused by musicians around the entire world, Mono cases and bags are among some of the industrys hardest working, yet unsung, heroes. At Live, the Mono family is about to get even bigger the brand will show off two very exciting, brand new products at the show!

    Grant Klassen (left) and Mikey Woodward of Goodwood Audio

    Mono will also convene a panel of pedalboard experts to help you perfect your set up. Join the likes of Grant Klassen from Australias Goodwood Audio and Eirik from the one-and-only Living Room Demos as they delve deep into the feng shui of board design, and share some pro tips and tricks along the way.

    Image: Fender

    If you love vintage Strats, youre going to love playing this guitar, said Kenny Wayne Shepherd when he lifted the lid on his new collaboration with Fender. At Live, hear from the blues-rocker as he runs through his signature Strat and illustrates how it stands out from the pack.

    Youve marvelled at the instruments and heard the stunning sounds but whats a day in the life of a Fender Custom Shop Master Builder like? Join Carlos Lopez, a 13-year veteran of the Dream Factory as he tells Mike Adams (better known on Instagram as @puisheen) what it means to be able to build six-string wonders every day inside the legendary Custom Shop. Live is a new, one-of-a-kind virtual event where artists, brands and six-string fans alike come together from 2-4 October and its completely free! Register now at for early access and advance updates.

    Read the original post: Live: What are PRS, Ernie Ball, Taylor, Mono and Fender bringing to the show? -

    What your face reveals about your life from who youll marry to fertility – The Sun

    - September 18, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    YOUVE had quite an adventurous love life but the relationships havent ended well, says the lady who is reading my face, adding that she can tell this from the big gap between my eyebrows.

    Thats probably just over-plucking! I joke.


    But she isnt laughing. Inside, neither am I. Because though I dont tell her this, she is right. Like many people, Ive gone through a lot of changes during lockdown. The most dramatic one was ending my relationship with my fianc after six years.

    Now Ive found myself nervously wondering what my future will hold. So searching for answers (and for want of a better solution) I turned to face-reading to find out.

    Face-reading, also known as physiognomy, is enjoying a moment right now, having featured in hit Netflix series Indian Matchmaking, where its used by would-be lovers trying to find their perfect match. But its a skill that promises far more than that.

    A Chinese art that dates from the 12th century, linked to astrology and feng shui, face-reading involves taking a detailed topography of someones face, noting features such as a small nose or weak chin, to reveal insights into a persons health, wealth and romantic life.


    Face-reading may have been around for nine centuries but still I admit I was sceptical as I booked my appointment with Priya Sher, a London-based practitioner. Since face-reading featured on Netflix, Priya, who trained as a reader under Grand Master Chan Kun Wah in 2001, has been inundated with requests.

    She says: I usually get ten calls a week for face-readings. Now its eight to 12 a day. Usually she meets her clients face-to-face but given Covids social-distancing limitations we do our sitting virtually instead. Priya asks me to send her a series of photographs of my face, showing me in a series of poses hair up, smiling, profiles from both sides.

    She stresses the pictures must be without make-up. At first this gives me a panic attack. Im not keen on sending a stranger close-ups of my far-from-flawless skin. Still, I decide it will be worth it if she can sort out my hopeless love life.

    I snap selfies for Priya, including detailed pictures she asks for of my philtrum (the space between the nose and top lip) and my ear lobes. Looking so closely at my face makes me self-conscious its hard not to judge your own looks.



    Still, Priya reassures me her readings are certainly not based on whether youre hot, and says: Sometimes youll think someones beautiful but from a face-reading perspective its not great. For me its all to do with balance and how your features sit on your face.

    I also learn quickly that Priya isnt reading how well (or badly) Ive aged when she tells me: Youve got the face of someone whos had an intense life. Do you mean my wrinkles? I snap. Not at all! she laughs back, But even though youre 39 your face shows youve done a lot in your life.

    Priyas reading involves dividing my face into three parts, which represent equal thirds of my life. My forehead to eyebrows are my early years, my eyebrows to nose tip my middle-age and my nose tip to chin the later part of my life. We start at my hairline and work down. Your early life wasnt that easy, says Priya, reassuring me that its not my furrowed brow that suggests it.

    Instead shes looking at a slight indent near my temples, which she says indicates having lived through difficulties. Perhaps your early life was unstable, you moved around a lot or there were arguments between parents that had an impact on you, she says. I quietly nod. Some of Priyas reading focuses on my personality and my career prospects. She tells me my high forehead, strong nose and strong brow bone all suggest Im independent and opinionated.



    Youre not scared to speak out if you believe in something, she says. Too right! I agree. She says the bulging top half of my forehead suggests Im well- travelled and could make a career out of it which bodes well for my future as a travel influencer.

    My high forehead is apparently a sign of intelligence and my strong cheekbones suggest Im powerful. My eyes (my favourite feature and supposedly the windows to our soul) reveal that Im a kind person. So far its all going so well. Then we get to my big nose a feature I hate.

    However, Priya reassures me: Youve got a really good nose from a face-reading perspective. Its funny to hear my hooter complimented, and even better to learn its a sign that I will come into money or marry someone rich. In the past I admit Ive wondered about getting a nose job.

    Interestingly though, Priya warns me that plastic surgery and cosmetic tweaks can lead people to take on new characteristics from their new facial features. She gives the example of Michael Jackson, who had a really nice, meaty, thick nose before he made it very thin and small adding: That affected his money and then later things became difficult for him.



    My lips, which apparently are very balanced and in proportion, are a sign that Im trustworthy and have great leadership qualities. Perhaps they look like theyd be good at shouting. The laughter lines around my nose and mouth suggest Im reliable, and Priya adds: Youve got really good ones.

    This is someone whose life gets better as they get older. Im not sure anyones praised my wrinkles before. I point out that, like Priti Patel, I have a slightly lopsided grin. Priya tells me this is a sign of someone who loves gossiping, but insists mine isnt too pronounced.

    She adds: Youre a very kind person, I can see by your meaty ears. Having never paid much attention to my lobes before, I find myself examining them. She tells me: Youve got nice, thick ears, with good rings around them. You have a very earthy face which shows you love food and/or cooking, and good lips which show you appreciate good food.

    I am too polite to suggest she might have also told this by my chubby cheeks. Finally, we get to my love life. Having just left a disastrous relationship Im hoping for good news, and it is. Relationships havent been easy for you, Priya says, explaining she can tell this from my partner position the area under my brow bone and the distance between my eyebrows.


    She notices something Im conscious of my right eyebrow is slightly higher than my left and warns me this is a sign I can take the lead too much in a relationship and need to learn to compromise. However, the good news is that going into my 40s, my love life will only improve.

    She says: Youve got better luck in your relationships as you get older and thats because you have a really good nose, pointing out that this also signals I have good marriage prospects later in life. Your face is getting better as you get older. The bottom third is the best part. Youve got a very strong later life.

    Priya suggests that when Im hunting for my next partner, there are particular characteristics I could look for. If I want someone intelligent I should look for someone with big, high and thick ears. A big forehead will mean theyre intelligent.

    And big, open nostrils suggest theyre a big spender. All of which goes some way to explaining my crush on Jamie Oliver. Priya has only one warning for me, that a small mole on my philtrum could indicate fertility problems. Id freeze your eggs now, she recommends. Its weird taking a tour of my face like this.


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    Instead of critically obsessing over my wrinkles, spots and flaws, I find myself looking objectively at my characteristics and what they mean. Face-reading is more than skin deep.

    Its not just caring about how attractive you are, but what your facial features reveal about who you are and can become. Theres something really appealing about that.

    By the end of my session with Priya, I feel like Ive had therapy, without opening my mouth. I guess I havent had life is written all over my face.

    GOT a story? RING The Sun on 0207 782 4104 or WHATSAPP on 07423720250 or

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    What your face reveals about your life from who youll marry to fertility - The Sun

    How to Help Prepare Your Home Against the Threat of Wildfires – The New York Times

    - September 16, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Wildfires are spreading across California, Washington and Oregon at an astonishing rate, leaving thousands of scorched homes and businesses in their wake.

    Flying embers from wildfires can ignite and destroy homes up to one mile away. If you are not under immediate threat from a wildfire, there are steps you can take to make your home more resistant to fires.

    If you live within one of Californias Responsibility Areas, the state requires you to keep a defensible space around your property that is clear of brush or vegetation.

    Having defensible space does make a big difference, said Brian Centoni, the public information officer for the Fire Department in Alameda County, where the S.C.U. Lightning Complex was 95 percent contained as of Thursday afternoon.

    However, you must leave your home if authorities order you to evacuate. Mr. Centoni said that when evacuation orders for the S.C.U. Lightning Complex were issued in mid-August it meant to leave home as soon as possible in order to save lives.

    Home hardening, a term used to describe the process of modifying a home to make it more fire-resistant, can help protect firefighters too. The Federal Emergency Management Agency recommends plugging a garden hose into a water line so fire departments can have access to it. You should identify and maintain water sources like hydrants, ponds and pools and make sure they are accessible. You can also ensure that your driveway is clear for emergency vehicles and make sure your address signs are clearly visible from the road.

    California has some of the strictest building codes in the nation and new homes are required to be constructed with certain fire-resistant materials. Some have taken to building homes entirely out of flameproof materials.

    FEMA recommends regularly clearing your roof and gutters of dry leaves and other debris. To prevent embers from flying in, enclose or box in eaves, soffits, decks and other openings in the homes structure; fine wire mesh can be used to cover vents, crawl spaces and the area underneath porches and decks. A defensible space around the perimeter of the house should be well-irrigated and free of brush, vegetation and other materials that could fuel a fire. Adding fuel breaks such as gravel walkways or driveways can also help.

    [Sign up for California Today, our daily newsletter from the Golden State.]

    If you are unable to make major changes to your house or landscaping, Carrie Bilbao, a spokeswoman for the National Interagency Fire Center, recommends conducting a quick assessment of your property and making small but critical changes such as removing flammable items couch cushions and brooms that are stored outside.

    One thing that people do need to remember is that its not just an individual effort but a community effort, Ms. Bilbao said. You can do all you can for your own home but if your next-door neighbor doesnt, the potential for fire to come and impact you is greater.

    See the original post:
    How to Help Prepare Your Home Against the Threat of Wildfires - The New York Times

    Ronald O. Perelman Performing Arts Center Tops Out in the Financial District – New York YIMBY

    - September 16, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    The Ronald O. Perelman Performing Arts Center has topped out in theWorld Trade Center complex as steel assembly continues.The 138-foot-tall Financial District structure is designed by REXwith Davis Brody Bond Architects as the executive architect and developed by thePort Authority of New York and New Jersey.

    Recent photos from Three World Trade Center and atop Greenwich Street reveal the scope of the performing arts centers frame. The V-shaped diagonal members and cubic outline is clearly visible.

    The Ronald O. Perelman Performing Arts Center. Photo by Michael Young

    The Ronald O. Perelman Performing Arts Center. Photo by Michael Young

    Progress on the main entrance is also moving along steadily. The grand staircase has not been fully assembled yet, but the steel members that support the bottom of the steps are partially in place. To the east is a sloped triangular surface topped with sheet metal, most likely awaiting the placement of steel and concrete. The final marble cladding will then be installed directly above, as well as on the rest of the buildings exterior walls.

    The Ronald O. Perelman Performing Arts Center. Photo by Michael Young

    An elevator hoist is beginning to climb up toward the parapet on the eastern side facing Greenwich Street.

    The Ronald O. Perelman Performing Arts Center. Photo by Michael Young

    The Ronald O. Perelman Performing Arts Center. Photo by Michael Young

    The Ronald O. Perelman Performing Arts Center. Photo by Michael Young

    The platform atop the perimeter of thick diagonal trusses above the ground floor is being used as a staging area for arriving steel and equipment. This square surface will eventually make way for 99-, 250-, and 499-seat theaters, along with a rehearsal room that can be transformed into a fourth venue space.

    The Ronald O. Perelman Performing Arts Center. Photo by Michael Young

    The Ronald O. Perelman Performing Arts Center. Photo by Michael Young

    Upon closer inspection, multiple groups of construction crews can be seen performing welding work in makeshift boxes lined with black plastic sheets. They are focused around the steel belt that circles near the midpoint of the building.

    Crews welding together the Ronald O. Perelman Performing Arts Center. Photo by Michael Young

    Crews welding together the Ronald O. Perelman Performing Arts Center. Photo by Michael Young

    Crews welding together the Ronald O. Perelman Performing Arts Center. Photo by Michael Young

    Overall, the facility has a respectful and non-overbearing presence in terms of size, height, and scale. It rises nicely above the Swamp Oak trees of the 9/11 Memorial and two reflecting pools.

    The Ronald O. Perelman Performing Arts Center. Photo by Michael Young

    The Ronald O. Perelman Performing Arts Center and the adjacent 9/11 Memorial. Photo by Michael Young

    The Ronald O. Perelman Performing Arts Center. Photo by Michael Young

    The Ronald O. Perelman Performing Arts Center. Photo by Michael Young

    Looking west on Fulton Street toward the Ronald O. Perelman Performing Arts Center. Photo by Michael Young

    The Ronald O. Perelman Performing Arts Center. Photo by Michael Young

    Work is also proceeding simultaneously on the pedestrian plaza and entrance on the eastern elevation of One World Trade Center. It looks like a number of sunken garden beds are being created for trees that would line the walkways on this side of the 1,776-foot supertall.

    The future eastern plaza between One World Trade Center and the Ronald O. Perelman Performing Arts Center. Photo by Michael Young

    The future eastern plaza between One World Trade Center and the Ronald O. Perelman Performing Arts Center. Photo by Michael Young

    The Ronald O. Perelman Performing Arts Center. Rendering by REX Architecture and Davis Brody Bond Architects.

    The Ronald O. Perelman Performing Arts Center is anticipated to be completed in time for the 20th anniversary of 9/11.

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    Ronald O. Perelman Performing Arts Center Tops Out in the Financial District - New York YIMBY

    Features Crop Protection Crop clean out: Tips and tricks – Greenhouse Canada

    - September 16, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    As many greenhouse vegetable crops start to wind down, it is critical to conduct a thorough clean out between crops. Not only can this reduce carryover of arthropod pests and plant pathogens, it also improves the success of integrated pest management (IPM) programs in the next crop.

    Here are three critical steps to a thorough cleaning:

    1. Remove organic matter (OM): Why?Because OM protects pests and can neutralize/inactivate disinfectants.

    2. Wash with detergent, rinse, dry: Why?Because washing/scrubbing with detergent first can eliminate more OM and begin to break down pathogens.

    3. Disinfect, rinse, dry: Why?Because this final step can catch what was missed in steps 1 and 2.

    Tips to keep in mind during clean out:

    Keep this checklist handy to make sure youve covered all your clean out tasks.

    Crop disposal

    Treat crop before removal to kill active pests

    Remove and properly dispose of:

    Remove remaining plant residues; sweep and vacuum focusing on gaps in floor covering, walkways, corners, ledges, etc.

    Remove drippers from media; keep lines slightly charged to maintain moisture

    Disconnect pH and EC sensors

    Remove filters

    Flush lines:

    Clean and disinfect:

    Replace emitters and other parts when necessary

    Apply disinfectant with a power washer or specialised equipment on low pressure. Image credit: OMAFRA

    Be sure to remove remaining plant residues by sweeping or vacuuming, focusing on gaps in floor coverings, walkways, corners, ledges and other hard-to-reach areas. Image credit: OMAFRA

    When washing and disinfecting different parts of the greenhouse, be sure to let soak (wet) for a minimum of 15 minutes up to 60 minutes. Though longer contact time is generally more effective, be mindful of corrosiveness of disinfectants. Rinse well with water and let dry completely between steps. Do not forget door handles, keyboards and other surfaces touched by employees.

    Wash and disinfect structure

    Wash and disinfect all horizontal surfaces, including:

    Wash and disinfect all tools and equipment, including:

    Wash and disinfect other common areas, including:

    Gone through the checklist above? Now you are ready for planting!

    Disclaimer: Always check federal, provincial and municipal regulations when choosing pesticides and disinfectants. It is critical to store, handle, apply and dispose in a proper manner to avoid or eliminate negative impacts on personal health and safety and the environment. Always check safety data sheets (SDS) recommendations before using any product. Check warning labels for required personal protective equipment (PPE).

    Cara McCreary, MSc., is the greenhouse vegetable IPM specialist with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. She can be reached at .

    Read this article:
    Features Crop Protection Crop clean out: Tips and tricks - Greenhouse Canada

    Coronavirus: Government office fined after staff failed to follow social distancing rules – Sky News

    - September 16, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    A government office has been fined for health and safety breaches after failing to take adequate steps to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

    An inspection found the management at the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) site in Leeds had not done enough to ensure workers could socially distance during the coronavirus pandemic.

    Staff were seen congregating around desks talking in contravention of the two-metre guidance, including with a line manager present, while designated two-way routes were found to be too narrow and some communal areas had not been cordoned off.

    It comes after Leeds was added to the government's watchlist after COVID-19 cases spiked.

    The DWP has said it had taken "urgent action to rectify all issues identified" at the Quarry House office.

    The Health and Safety Executive carried out the inspection on 25 August after concerns were raised "regarding poor social distancing practices" at the office.

    The subsequent report stated: "You are failing to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of your employees at work because you have not implemented necessary measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19."

    An accompanying letter sent by the inspector said: "You will have to pay a fee because I have identified contraventions of health and safety law which are material breaches."

    The report also said the DWP's risk assessed occupancy rate for the office of about 50% "may be ambitious and unrealistic", and highlighted the risk of congestion and difficulties of social distancing.

    It said: "The main walkways around the building and floors which are occupied by DWP at QH have been designated two-way travel with highlighted crossing points.

    "Many of these walkways are little more than 1m wide and pass very close to desks that are designated as usable.

    "The pedestrian traffic was relatively frequent as staff moved around the building to get to work locations, tea points and toilets."

    Stairs designated for two-way travel also "don't appear to be sufficiently wide enough to allow 2m distancing to be maintained, even at designated passing points".

    The report added: "Staff were seen to be congregating around desks talking and not following social distancing, especially just prior to leaving, including a line manager giving instruction to a group of staff about the following day.

    "Line managers are an important level of management in respect of health and safety policies and procedures and should be used to both lead by example and encourage compliance to social distancing rules via effective supervision."

    The DWP was given a deadline of Tuesday 15 September to confirm action had been taken to resolve the issues highlighted in the report.

    A DWP spokesperson said: "We take the health and safety of staff extremely seriously, and have implemented COVID-secure measures across our sites to ensure they comply with government guidelines.

    "We have taken urgent action to rectify all issues identified by the HSE."

    Mark Serwotka, general secretary of the PCS union, said: "The HSE report on the DWP Leeds Office shows that the government has failed staff and the wider community by not adhering to basic health and safety legislation.

    "There is a very real danger of a second Covid spike and this incident makes a mockery of DWP's insistence that offices open until 8pm to the public when they can't even maintain social distancing.

    "It is unlikely this is an isolated incident and Boris Johnson should re-think forcing thousands of civil servants back to the office when the rate of covid infection in the country is rising significantly."

    View original post here:
    Coronavirus: Government office fined after staff failed to follow social distancing rules - Sky News

    Pool, cabana helps move Lytton Park house – The Globe and Mail

    - September 16, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    182 Glengrove Ave. W., Toronto

    Asking price: $4,495,000

    Selling price: $4.3-million

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    Previous selling price: $1,629,000 (2010)

    Taxes: $18,472 (2019)

    Days on the market: 14

    Listing agents: Andre Kutyan and Robert Greenberg, Harvey Kalles Real Estate Ltd.

    The 105-year-old house has roughly 4,600 square feet of living space.

    The Print Market

    Andre Kutyan knew several agents with clients seeking multimillion-dollar homes, such as this five-bedroom residence on a 50-foot lot, so he arranged preview tours for qualified buyers before it opened to the public late May. Coupled with Coming Soon promotions, more than a dozen parties turned up in the following weeks.

    The summer is quieter in these areas like Lytton Park, Lawrence Park, Forest Hill and Rosedale because there are a lot of cottagegoers in the area, but theres very little inventory available, Mr. Kutyan said.

    We didnt sell it over asking, but we still did well given there were two other competing offers.

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    The house has both formal living and dining rooms.

    The Print Market

    This 105-year-old house has roughly 4,600 square feet of living space, with both formal living and dining rooms and more casual family areas. There is backyard access from the main and lower levels.

    Several of the main floor rooms have coffered ceilings and there are three gas fireplaces and seven bathrooms. Outside, theres a cabana in the partly converted garage servicing the salt water pool and cedar sauna.

    The house has five bedrooms and seven bathrooms.

    The Print Market

    Rarely do I see an addition/renovation to this calibre; its like a new house, Mr. Kutyan said.

    [Plus], its got a third level, which could be an extra bedroom or working space, which is a big deal.

    The average lot size in Lytton Park is 134- or 135-feet deep, while this is 170, which allowed for them to have a pool, a lot of green space and nice, big ipe deck, Mr. Kutyan said.

    A lot of people are getting stuck at home, looking for these kinds of homes where they can entertain, use the pool and dont have to leave the city or go on holiday. Theyve got everything at their fingertips.

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    See original here:
    Pool, cabana helps move Lytton Park house - The Globe and Mail

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