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    This column stinks and so does the way FL handles its poop – Florida Phoenix

    - October 1, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Last week, Gov. Ron DeSantis held a big event at Weeki Wachee Springs State Park, which is the only government facility in the nation where mermaids work as state employees.

    The governor wasnt there to cavort with the ladies with prosthetic tails, though. He was there to pose for pictures with a giant-sized check, which he said represented the start of a $50 million program to restore the states springs to their former glory.

    Of course, this was not strictly accurate. The $50 million program DeSantis announced was actually the third year of a $150 million program originally unveiled by his predecessor, former Gov. Rick Scott, according to the Florida Springs Council.

    I looked over the list of projects included in the Scott-DeSantis springs program. Turns out a lot of them were all about one thing: Poop.

    For instance, to help clean up Weeki Wachee Springs for the mermaids, the plan calls for design, permitting, and construction of 3 million gallons a day [mgd] of advanced wastewater treatment.

    For Rainbow Springs, its construction of a new 0.80 mgd expansion and upgrade to advanced wastewater treatment.

    For Silver Springs, theres decommissioning the Ocala East Villas Wastewater Treatment Facility and pumping the wastewater to Marion Countys wastewater treatment plant.

    For Ichetucknee Springs, the plan calls for abandonment of up to nine septic systems and connecting the parcels to existing sanitary sewer.

    The fact that so much of this needs fixing shows how Florida has repeatedly done an execrable job of dealing with its excrement.

    Everybody poops, as a popular childrens book points out. But some people try to ignore that fact of life.

    The Chamber of Commerce boasts about how 900 people a day move to Florida, but nobody talks about how all those new residents put a strain on our sewer systems and septic tanks.

    No developer wants to pay impact fees to upgrade those systems, either. Meanwhile, local governments often balk at making a sewer system fix a priority, especially if doing so requires raising taxes or rates.

    Then one rainy day the sewer pipes or the wastewater treatment plant get so overloaded they cant handle the load anymore. Suddenly BLOOP! they dump a big bucket of nasty into the nearest waterway. Weve seen this happen in St. Petersburg, Tampa, Sarasota, Jacksonville, DeFuniak Springs, Boca Raton name a Florida city and its had a major sewage spill, often more than one.

    Olympic pools full of poo

    Nine months ago, Fort Lauderdale had so many sewer mains break that they spilled nearly 127 million gallons of the stinky stuff, which the South Florida Sun Sentinel reported was enough to fill 192 Olympic-sized pools. (Now theres an image I never wanted in my head.)

    Having all that fecal mess fouling the water is bad enough. Whats worse is that it can spur the growth of toxic algae blooms.

    Remember when red tide laid siege to Floridas coastline from November 2017 to early 2019? At its peak in October 2018, red tide was afflicting all three of the states coasts the beaches of the Panhandle, the Gulf, and the Atlantic. That rust-colored bloom shut down beaches with the sickening stench of massive fish kills, chasing tourists away as its choking toxins wafted in on every sea breeze.

    A new scientific study published this month in the journal Harmful Algae confirmed what experts have long suspected. Red tide blooms begin 40 miles or so out in the Gulf of Mexico, no one knows why, but once the bloom moves near to shore were the ones giving it more fuel.

    The study examined all the red tide blooms that occurred off Charlotte Harbor between 2012 and 2018 and found that stormwater runoff polluted with sewage and fertilizer fed the explosion of tiny critters so it could keep going, like a really rank version of the Energizer Bunny.

    Are we making things worse with our storm runoff? Yes, said the studys lead author, Miles Medina, an environmental scientist at the University of Florida. Were increasing the intensity and the duration of the bloom.

    Something similar happens with the vile blue-green algae blooms that explode on both the Atlantic and Gulf coasts whenever the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers dumps excess water out of Lake Okeechobee. The blooms begin in the lake then get flushed out via the Caloosahatchee River to the west and via the St. Lucie River to the east, coating both coasts in green gunk that at times resembles toxic guacamole. Once again, the existing bloom is fed by our waste.

    (Get ready for another one, by the way. The Corps of Engineers just announced that because of all the rain weve been getting lately, the agency would probably have to release lots of polluted water from the lake in the near future along with whatever is growing in there.)

    The pollution-fueling-algae-bloom problem has gotten so bad that the Weeki Wachee mermaids have even worked it into their show for the tourists. They warn about nitrate pollution from sewage and fertilizer tainting the spring, giving power to an algae monster called Mr. Scrunge, described as a green villain with his own theme song.

    First in Feculence!

    Two years ago, DeSantis campaigned on a promise to stop the coastal version of Mr. Scrunge, the blue-green algae blooms that had damaged tourism-related businesses on both coasts. Once elected, he appointed a Blue-Green Algae Task Force that recommended some changes in the law, which the Legislature turned into a bill that resembled the stuff flowing out of the broken sewer plants.

    The bill was so bad, environmental groups said it actually would make things worse. They called on DeSantis to veto it and push for something stronger, something better. Instead, in June, he signed it into law.

    One of the problems the critics pointed out with the bill named (I kid you not) the Florida Clean Waterways Act is that it failed to address Floridas growing population over the next 20 years, just like all the prior regulations. Another is that too much of it depends on voluntary participation by the polluters.

    The state is going backwards with regard to pollution control, Gary Goforth, a Ph.D. with 35 years of experience in Florida water resources management, told me this week. For instance, he said, the state gave the agricultural industry millions of dollars to come up with ways to voluntarily cut the nutrient pollution flowing off over-fertilized farmers fields, he said, yet the nutrient loads are worse now than when they started.

    This is the way we always do things in Florida, though. We give the polluters whatever they want, even let them write the rules theyre supposed to abide by, all in the name of keeping our economy roaring.

    Then when theres a disaster a sewage spill or an algae bloom that harms that same economy we throw a lot of taxpayer dollars at the problem, although rarely enough to actually fix whats wrong.

    Heres my suggestion: Lets stop trying to fix our poopy problem.

    We never want to spend the money or impose the regulations that will really deal with it, so lets just give up the pretense of being effective. Instead, lets let our overloaded sewer systems break. Let the poo-poo flow unimpeded into our bays and rivers and creeks. Let toxic algae bloom in every color of the rainbow!

    While were at it, lets also stop trying to hide whats going on.

    Lets advertise it instead. Lets take that big cardboard check the governor displayed last week and give it to Visit Florida to pay for billboards all over the country that feature Mr. Scrunge boasting, Floridas First in Feculence! and Were No. 1 in No. 2!

    If we do that, I bet those 900 people a day will quit moving to Florida. Maybe then well get serious about cleaning up our waterways, which is something the mermaids would probably appreciate.

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    This column stinks and so does the way FL handles its poop - Florida Phoenix

    Everything you need to know about duct cleaning Toronto – The Upcoming

    - October 1, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Everything you need to know about duct cleaning Toronto

    Did you know poor duct cleaning Toronto of the HAVC system can lead to re-contamination? Well, it can. When some parts of your ventilation system are left uncleaned, they spread dirt to the clean parts, making the entire process a waste of time and money.

    So, according to Comfort Clean, when you embark on the cleaning project of your ductwork, its worth making sure you know the details of how your contractors are going to work on your system. According to the duct cleaning Toronto requirements by the certification body, NADCA, these components must be cleaned:

    After understanding the components of your HAVC system and those that a cleaning contractor includes on their cleaning work, look into the key components. They are:

    Breaking the contaminants loose

    Duct cleaning professionals start with identifying the sources of contaminants in your HAVC system. After that, they use agitation devices such as brushes, compressed air nozzles and air whips to loosen these contaminants. Additionally, the technicians can use contact vacuuming or hand brushing for agitation.

    Collection of contaminants

    Technicians use negative pressure when cleaning your HAVC system so they do not spread contaminants. A vacuum is used in the process. Contaminants are loosened into airborne particles when negative pressure is applied.

    The collective device is tightly sealed to ensure that these particles do not escape into the air after cleaning is thorough and the HAVC system switched on.

    System access

    System access is when the cleaner wants to see the inside part of your ductwork. It can be done through existing openings such as return grills, existing service openings and such. When these openings are used, system access is a simple process.

    However, when system access has to be created by the cleaning technician, specialised skill is required. It helps in preventing damaging your ductwork.

    Equipment requirement

    NADCA certified professionals can use a range of duct cleaning Toronto equipment, varying from moveable to those mounted on a truck. These professionals focus on cleaning without causing re-contamination.

    Antimicrobial chemicals

    These are products that cleaning technicians use in handling contaminations caused by microbes. Additionally, they help in dealing with odours in your ductwork. They include disinfectants, sanitisers and deodorisers.

    However, technicians do not use these products on all occasions. They consider using them after mechanical cleaning is complete and there is a necessity for such treatments.

    The duct cleaning Toronto process

    If you have no idea where to find a cleaning professional for the work, you can check in NADCAs online directory in your area. It provides a list of certified cleaners and you can choose from there.

    The editorial unit

    See the original post here:
    Everything you need to know about duct cleaning Toronto - The Upcoming

    The One Thing in Your Home You’re Not Cleaning That’s Making You Sick – Yahoo Lifestyle

    - October 1, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    With COVID-19 still spreading throughout the U.S. and beyond, many people are paying closer attention to their health and well-being than ever before, from practicing diligent hand hygiene to wearing a mask out in public. However, in many cases, what's inside your home could be making you sick, as well. In fact, one single item that you're neglecting to clean regularly could be the culprit behind some serious health issues, coronavirus included: your HVAC filters.

    Indoor air filters can harbor many types of harmful bacteria and fungipathogens that can be redistributed into your home environment if your filters aren't cleaned frequently. Plus, an oft-cited COVID study released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that one air-conditioned restaurant in Guangzhou, China spread COVID to three families via "strong airflow from the air conditioner."

    In another study, which has not yet undergone scientific review, researchers in Oregon collected samples from inside a hospital's HVAC system and found genetic material from SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Their findings demonstrate that it may be possible for the virus to be transmitted through HVAC systems, especially those that are not regularly and thoroughly cleaned.

    COVID aside, filthy HVAC filters are a serious health risk. In a 2014 study published in Mycobiology, researchers discovered nine fungal species on the high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters studied, noting that many of these fungi were known to prompt allergenic responses. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) explains that indoor air pollution, such as that caused by the redistribution of allergens in a space, can cause headaches, fatigue, dizziness, and irritation of your nose, eyes, and throat, among other effects.

    "When [HVAC systems] are poorly maintained or neglected, allergens get stuck and are stored inside the ducts for a long period of time," explains Natalie Barrett, service quality supervisor at Nifty Duct Cleaning. "In fact, if you live in a building with other apartments, not cleaning your air ducts can harm your neighbors as well."

    Story continues

    If you want to ensure you're doing your best to keep yourself (and your neighbors) healthy, make sure you're not only cleaning, but replacing your filters regularly.

    "HVAC and furnace filters need to be changed at least every 90 days," says Bailey Carson, head of cleaning for Handy. She recommends replacing your filters at the beginning of the winter and then again three months later.

    That's not the only potential contributor to your poor health inside your home, though. Read on to discover what other household items could be making you sick without proper cleaning. And if you want to get your home spotless, check out these Genius Tricks That Will Cut Your Cleaning Time in Half.


    The rubber seal around your dishwasher could be harboring a shocking amount of bacteriaand potentially redistributing it onto your dishes. According to a 2019 study published in BMC Microbiology, among a sample of 30 dishwashers, 632 types of bacteria were discovered, including E. coli, a potential indicator of fecal contamination. As a result, the study's researchers note that "dishwashers cannot be ignored as potential sources of human infections."

    However, if you want to get your dishwasher seal clean, a soap and water scrub followed by a spray of hydrogen peroxide can help. And for more great tips delivered to your inbox, sign up for our daily newsletter.


    If you're not disinfectingor, better yet, replacingyour kitchen sponge frequently, you could be putting yourself at risk for illness. In a 2016 study published in the International Journal of Food Science, 201 sponges from food establishments were tested for contamination, with researchers discovering that 64.9 percent had significant amounts of coliform bacteria, a bacterial category that includes E. coli. Plus, 72.8 percent had detectable amounts of yeast and 45.7 percent had mold.

    If you want to kill the pathogens on your sponge, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) recommends microwaving your sponge while damp (as long as it has no metal scrubbing components) or putting it through the dishwasher, cleaning methods that both kill over 99.9 percent of bacteria. And for more filthy objects inside your house, check out The Absolute Germiest Thing in Your Home, according to science.


    While you likely clean your cutting boards on a regular basis, if you're not sanitizing them, you could be putting your health in jeopardy. A 2018 study published in Foodborne Pathogens and Disease reveals that, even after washing, many cutting boards harbored dangerous salmonella bacteria.

    If you want to disinfect your cutting board, cleaning company Molly Maid recommends removing visible debris and wiping your board with either white vinegar or three percent hydrogen peroxide, then rinsing the board and allowing it to dry thoroughly afterward.


    You use your mop to clean up around your house, but when's the last time you actually cleaned the mop head itself? Unfortunately, if the answer is never, you could be significantly increasing the amount of bacteria in your home. According to a 2018 paper published in the Journal of Hospital&Medical Management, "the mopping procedure can actually spread heavy microbial contamination."

    However, there's an easy fix: Simply toss that mop head in the wash on a hot cycle and dry it thoroughly or opt for single-use mopping pads instead. And for more ways to level up your cleaning routine, check out these Genius Products That Make Cleaning So Much Easier.

    See the original post here:
    The One Thing in Your Home You're Not Cleaning That's Making You Sick - Yahoo Lifestyle

    Bedford County School Board list their capital improvements at meeting, will present to BCBOS – Smith Mountain Eagle

    - October 1, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Bedford County Public Schools will be getting additional aid from the second round of CARES Act that was designated to them by the Board of Supervisors at their latest meeting on September 14. $1.5 million was designated to the school division in round 2 of the CARES Act to help out with the HVAC systems that need replacing at Huddleston and Moneta Elementary Schools.

    Im most appreciative of the supervisors for prioritizing these two projects. Theyre much needed and theyve been on our CIP for a while, District 2 representative Jason Johnson said.

    Their potentially could be a third round coming to the school board according to the Bedford County schools chief operations officer, Mac Duis, who said the board was open for providing additional CARES Act money for other projects that the school system may need that qualify under the CARES Act funding.

    In response to that, the school board organized a list of their top five capital improvement projects. The list includes:

    Replace HVAC system at Big Island Elementary - $600,000

    Replace HVAC system at Forest Elementary - $800,000

    Duct cleaning for all schools - $810,000

    Air filters - $250,000

    Replacing 20-30 year old carpet with vinyl tile - $450,000

    Find out more in the upcoming edition of the Smith Mountain Eagle newspaper. Pick up a copy or subscribe view articles in the print and/or e-edition version.

    More here:
    Bedford County School Board list their capital improvements at meeting, will present to BCBOS - Smith Mountain Eagle

    Roofing Materials Market 2020 by Growth, Size, Share, Key News and Top Companies Overview to 2026 – The Daily Chronicle

    - September 29, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    The global roofing materials market is expected to rise with an impressive CAGR and generate the highest revenue by 2026.Fortune Business Insights in its latest report published this information. The report is titled Roofing Materials Market Size, Share & Industry Analysis, By Material (Bituminous, Tile, Metal, Elastomeric, and Others), and By End-Use (Residential, Non-Residential, and Industrial), and Regional Forecast, 2020-2027. The report discusses research objectives, research scope, methodology, timeline and challenges during the entire forecast period. It also offers an exclusive insight into various details such as revenues, market share, strategies, growth rate, product & their pricing by region/country for all major companies.

    For more information, Get sample pdf @

    The report provides a 360-degree overview of the market, listing various factors restricting, propelling, and obstructing the market in the forecast duration. The report also provides additional information such as interesting insights, key industry developments, detailed segmentation of the market, list of prominent players operating in the market, and other roofing materials market trends. The report is available for sale on the company website.

    The Report Lists the key Companies in the Market:

    Rising Refurbishment Activities to Aid Expansion in Asia Pacific

    The market in Asia Pacific generated a revenue of USD 44.61 Billion in 2019 and is predicted to grow rapidly during the forecast period. The growth in the region is attributed to the growing construction sector. The refurbishment activities of commercial and residential buildings in India and China will contribute positively to the growth of the market in the region. The surge in industrial operations and growing population will have a positive impact on the market. The expansion of various commercial spaces and offices will promote the growth of the market. In addition, the flourishing residential construction activities in India will enable the healthy growth of the market. For instance, the Indian government has announced a target of 20 million affordable houses by 2022. These factors together will favor the growth of the market in Asia Pacific.

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    Regional Analysis for Roofing Materials Market:

    Major Table of Contents for Roofing Materials Market:

    Other Exclusive Reports:

    About Us:Fortune Business Insights offers expert corporate analysis and accurate data, helping organizations of all sizes make timely decisions. Our reports contain a unique mix of tangible insights and qualitative analysis to help companies achieve sustainable growth. Our team of experienced analysts and consultants use industry-leading research tools and techniques to compile comprehensive market studies, interspersed with relevant data.

    Contact:Name: Ashwin AroraEmail:[emailprotected]Phone: US +1 424 253 0390 / UK +44 2071 939123 / APAC: +91 744 740 1245

    See the original post:
    Roofing Materials Market 2020 by Growth, Size, Share, Key News and Top Companies Overview to 2026 - The Daily Chronicle

    Global Roofing Underlayment Market 2020 Growing Factors, Status and Future Projection 2026: Boral Roofing LLC, Braas Monier Building Group Services…

    - September 29, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Heres our newly published research report on the Roofing Underlayment Market offers insightful details on the growth outlook of the global Roofing Underlayment market. It also delivers shortest and durable growth projections of the Roofing Underlayment industry along with the detailed analysis of the several growth factors that are responsible for shaping up the Roofing Underlayment market performance and profitability. The Roofing Underlayment market also focuses on both positive and negative elements related to the international marketplace.

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    Request a sample copy of this report:

    The Roofing Underlayment market is said to be an investigative study of the international marketplace along with brief analysis of its major segments. The report on the global Roofing Underlayment market has been constructed through primary and secondary research methods. The data furnished in the Roofing Underlayment market report has been collected with the help of essential techniques and tools from the industry experts as well as professionals. Moreover, the research report on the global Roofing Underlayment market drops light on different opportunities, growth prospects, key trends, major segmentation, competitive analysis and challenges.

    The global Roofing Underlayment market offers a brief overview of the competitive landscape along with a deep assessment of product specification, revenue estimation, company profiles, Roofing Underlayment market size, gross margin and Roofing Underlayment market share. The study document on the world Roofing Underlayment market report studies the tactical initiatives taken by the major firms in order to expand their Roofing Underlayment industry size, customer base and revenue. It also evaluates important industry trends, sales volume and distribution channels.

    Key Industry Vendors Profiled in this report:

    Boral Roofing LLCBraas Monier Building Group Services S.A.CarlisleCertainTeed RoofingDuro-Last Roofing, Inc.GAFIKO Industries Ltd.Keene Building ProductsMFM Building Products Corp.NovaSeal roof underlaymentOwens CorningPolyglassTAMKO Building Products, Inc.VaproshieldWrap Manufactures

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    The global Roofing Underlayment market report provides a futuristic outlook of the Roofing Underlayment market scenarios for the predicted period of 2020 to 2026. Furthermore, the report delivers an extensive analysis of the global Roofing Underlayment market involving current and emerging trends of the Roofing Underlayment industry. Both qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the Roofing Underlayment market gives precise insights into the global Roofing Underlayment market that allow the readers to capitalize on the upcoming opportunities.

    Besides this, the research study on the global Roofing Underlayment market demonstrates an in-depth competitive environment alongside the comprehensive analysis of the Roofing Underlayment market size, product range, innovative methodologies, Roofing Underlayment industry patterns, and technological advancements. It also discusses differential factors such as joint ventures, mergers, partnerships, product launches, mergers and much more.

    Most-Detailed Roofing Underlayment Market Segment By Types, Application and Regions:

    Product Types can be segmented as:

    Asphalt-Saturated FeltRubberized AsphaltNon-Bitumen Synthetic

    The Roofing Underlayment market segmentation by Application:


    Regions involved in Roofing Underlayment Industry report:

    North America (US, Canada) Europe (Germany, France, Italy, Russia, U.K.) Asia Pacific (China, Japan, South Korea, India, Australia, Taiwan, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam) Latin America (Mexico, Brazil, Argentina) Middle East and Africa (Turkey, Saudi Arabia, U.A.E)

    For Better Understanding Review Our Sample Report of Roofing Underlayment Market 2020:

    Roofing Underlayment Market Table of Content as Follows:

    Chapter 1 Roofing Underlayment Market Study CoverageChapter 2 Roofing Underlayment Market Executive SummaryChapter 3 Global Roofing Underlayment Competitor Landscape by PlayersChapter 4 Roofing Underlayment Market Size by Type (2015-2026)Chapter 5 Roofing Underlayment Market Size by Application (2015-2026)Chapter 6 North America Market Sales and Revune by Country with Facts & Figures by Type and ApplicationChapter 7 Europe Market Sales and Revune by Country with Facts & Figures by Type and ApplicationChapter 8 Asia Pacific Market Sales and Revune by Country with Facts & Figures by Type and ApplicationChapter 9 Latin America Market Sales and Revune by Country with Facts & Figures by Type and ApplicationChapter 10 Middle East and Africa Market Sales and Revune by Country with Facts & Figures by Type and ApplicationChapter 11 Company Profiles Roofing Underlayment Business Overview with Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)Chapter 12 Roofing Underlayment Market Future Forecast by Regions (Countries) (2021-2026)Chapter 13 Roofing Underlayment Market Opportunities, Challenges, Risks and Influences Factors AnalysisChapter 14 Roofing Underlayment Market Value Chain and Sales Channels AnalysisChapter 15 Roofing Underlayment Market Research Findings and ConclusionChapter 16 Appendix, Research Methodology, Author Details and Disclaimer

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    Global Roofing Underlayment Market 2020 Growing Factors, Status and Future Projection 2026: Boral Roofing LLC, Braas Monier Building Group Services...

    Global Roofing Chemicals Market Status And Forecast, By Players, Types And Applications | 2027 – The Daily Chronicle

    - September 29, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    The study on theGlobal Roofing Chemicals Market Research delivers a profound comprehension of the market dynamics like drivers, the challenges, trends, and opportunities. The analysis further elaborates on the micro and macro-economic facets which can be predicted to shape the increase of the Roofing Chemicals Market through the forecast period.

    Report Focuses:

    The report covers industry trends in the global market to help players develop effective long-term strategies. Business growth strategies adopted by developed and developing markets are highlighted. The report analyzes recent developments to understand the competitive market scenario and demand. Market trends and outlook coupled with factors driving and restraining the growth of the global Roofing Chemicals market. Detailed overview and segmentation of the global market, as well as its dynamics in the industry, are given.

    NOTE: Our analysts monitoring the situation across the globe explains that the market will generate remunerative prospects for producers post COVID-19 crisis. The report aims to provide an additional illustration of the latest scenario, economic slowdown, and COVID-19 impact on the overall industry.

    Click Here To Remain Ahead of Your Competitors, Request forFree Sample Report Of Roofing Chemicals Market @

    To avoid getting left behind in an intensive competitive Global Roofing Chemicals Market, global companies need a new approach to ensure they create value in this environment. Amid increasing activities of M&A and growing activist-investor activity, Roofing Chemicals companies must strengthen their capabilities to maintain their market shares in the Roofing Chemicals industry.

    Analytical Insights Contained from the Roofing Chemicals Market Report:

    Prominent Key Players Covered in the report:

    Alchimica, DuPont de Nemours, Inc., Eastman Chemical Company, Evonik Industries AG, Exxon Mobil Corporation, H.B. Fuller Company, National Coatings Corporation, North American Roofing Services, Inc, CERTAINTEED, GAF, Saint-Gobain Group, Dow, BASF SE, Owens Corning, 3M, Kuber Chemicals among other domestic and global players..

    The regional analysis covers:

    A complete value chain of the Global Roofing Chemicals Market is presented in the research report. It is associated with the review of the downstream and upstream components of the Roofing Chemicals Market. The market is bifurcated on the basis of the categories of products and customer application segments. The market analysis demonstrates the expansion of each segment of the Global Roofing Chemicals Market. The research report assists the user in taking a decisive step that will be a milestone in developing and expanding their businesses in the Global Roofing Chemicals Market.

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    Furthermore, Global Roofing Chemicals Market following points are involved along with a detailed study of each point:

    Major Players: The report provides company profiling for a decent number of leading players of the global Roofing Chemicals market. It brings to light their current and future market growth taking into consideration their price, gross margin, revenue, production, areas served, production sites, and other factors.

    Global Roofing Chemicals Market Dynamics: The report shares important information on influence factors, market drivers, challenges, opportunities, and market trends as part of market dynamics.

    Global Roofing Chemicals Market Forecast: Readers are provided with production and revenue forecasts for the global Roofing Chemicals market, production and consumption forecasts for regional markets, production, revenue, and price forecasts for the global Roofing Chemicals market by type, and consumption forecast for the global Roofing Chemicals market by application.

    Regional Market Analysis: It could be divided into two different sections: one for regional production analysis and the other for regional consumption analysis. Here, the analysts share gross margin, price, revenue, production, CAGR, and other factors that indicate the growth of all regional markets studied in the report.

    Roofing Chemicals Market Competition: In this section, the report provides information on Competitive situations and trends including merger and acquisition and expansion, market shares of the top three or five players, and market concentration rate. Readers could also be provided with production, revenue, and average price shares by manufacturers.

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    Note In order to provide more accurate market forecast, all our reports will be updated before delivery by considering the impact of Covid-19.

    (*If you have any special requirements, please let us know and we will offer you the report as you want.)

    Table of Contents:

    1. Executive Summary

    2. Assumptions and Acronyms Used

    3. Research Methodology

    4. Market Overview

    5. Global Market Analysis and Forecast, by Types

    6. Global Market Analysis and Forecast, by Applications

    7. Global Market Analysis and Forecast, by Regions

    8. North America Market Analysis and Forecast

    9. Latin America Market Analysis and Forecast

    10. Europe Market Analysis and Forecast

    11. Asia Pacific Market Analysis and Forecast

    12. Middle East & Africa Market Analysis and Forecast

    13. Competition Landscape

    In conclusion, the Roofing Chemicals Market report is a reliable source for accessing the research data that is projected to exponentially accelerate your business. The report provides information such as economic scenarios, benefits, limits, trends, market growth rates, and figures. SWOT analysis is also incorporated in the report along with speculation attainability investigation and venture return investigation.

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    See the rest here:
    Global Roofing Chemicals Market Status And Forecast, By Players, Types And Applications | 2027 - The Daily Chronicle

    NLCS board: Roofing project awarded to Steve’s Roofing | Local –

    - September 29, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    BEDFORD The North Lawrence Community Schools board met in special session Thursday to award a contract for roof replacement.

    Steves Roofing and Sheet Metal of Bloomington submitted the low bid to re-roof the North Lawrence Learning Center (former Stalker Elementary School). The firm submitted a bid of $588,000 for a metal roof and alternate bid of $51,300 for new gutters and downspouts, which was also accepted.

    The other bid received was from B&L Sheet Metal and Roofing of Bloomington for $1.4 million to replace the roof with a metal roof and alternate bid of $110,000 for replacing downspouts and gutters.

    NLCS Superintendent Ty Mungle also told the board that the corporations numbers of students and staff who have had to quarantine at home because of exposure to coronavirus or were experiencing virus-like symptoms are declining. He said the quarantine numbers peaked Sept. 3 with 227 at home. He noted those virus exposures included community exposures outside of school. He thanked all school staff, parents and teachers for their efforts to adjust to new practices to prevent the spread of infection.

    Here is the original post:
    NLCS board: Roofing project awarded to Steve's Roofing | Local -

    Comprehensive Analysis On Metal Roofing Market Based On Types And Application – The Daily Chronicle

    - September 29, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    A new research study has been presented by offering a comprehensive analysis on the Global Metal Roofing Market where user can benefit from the complete market research report with all the required useful information about this market. This is a latest report, covering the current COVID-19 impact on the market. The pandemic of Coronavirus (COVID-19) has affected every aspect of life globally. This has brought along several changes in market conditions. The rapidly changing market scenario and initial and future assessment of the impact is covered in the report. The report discusses all major market aspects with expert opinion on current market status along with historic data. This market report is a detailed study on the growth, investment opportunities, market statistics, growing competition analysis, major key players, industry facts, important figures, sales, prices, revenues, gross margins, market shares, business strategies, top regions, demand, and developments.

    The Metal Roofing Market report provides a detailed analysis of the global market size, regional and country-level market size, segment growth, market share, competitive landscape, sales analysis, impact of domestic and global market players, value chain optimization, trade regulations, recent developments, opportunity analysis, strategic market growth analysis, product launches, and technological innovations.

    Get a Free Sample Copy of the Metal Roofing Market Report with Latest Industry Trends @

    Major Players Covered in this Report are: NCI Building SystemsKingspan GroupBlueScope Steel LimitedCertainTeed RoofingFletcher BuildingHeadwaters IncNucor Building SystemsTata Steel EuropeThe OmniMax International, IncMetal Sales Manufacturing CorporationMcElroy MetalSafal GroupCarlisle SynTec SystemsIsopan S.p.A.Firestone Building ProductsDrexel Metals Inc.BilkaInterlock RoofingATAS InternationalPruszynski LtdFuture RoofChief IndustriesWellaJinhu Color Aluminum GroupReeds MetalsIdeal Roofing Co. LtdEDCOBalex Metal SpHa

    Global Metal Roofing Market SegmentationThis market has been divided into Types, Applications, and Regions. The growth of each segment provides an accurate calculation and forecast of sales by Types and Applications, in terms of volume and value for the period between 2020 and 2026. This analysis can help you expand your business by targeting qualified niche markets. Market share data is available on the global and regional level. Regions covered in the report are North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, the Middle East & Africa, and Latin America. Research analysts understand the competitive strengths and provide competitive analysis for each competitor separately.

    By Types:Steel RoofingAluminum RoofingCopper RoofingOthers

    By Applications:ResidentialNon-Residential

    To get Incredible Discounts on this Premium Report, Click Here @

    Global Metal Roofing Market Regions and Countries Level AnalysisRegional analysis is a highly comprehensive part of this report. This segmentation sheds light on the sales of the Metal Roofing on regional- and country-level. This data provides a detailed and accurate country-wise volume analysis and region-wise market size analysis of the global market.

    The report offers an in-depth assessment of the growth and other aspects of the market in key countries including the US, Canada, Mexico, Germany, France, the UK, Russia, Italy, China, Japan, South Korea, India, Australia, Brazil, and Saudi Arabia. The competitive landscape chapter of the global market report provides key information about market players such as company overview, total revenue (financials), market potential, global presence, Metal Roofing sales and revenue generated, market share, prices, production sites and facilities, products offered, and strategies adopted. This study provides Metal Roofing sales, revenue, and market share for each player covered in this report for a period between 2016 and 2020.

    Make an Inquiry of this Report @

    Why Choose Us:

    Table of Contents1. Executive Summary2. Assumptions and Acronyms Used3. Research Methodology4. Market Overview5. Global Market Analysis and Forecast, by Types6. Global Market Analysis and Forecast, by Applications7. Global Market Analysis and Forecast, by Regions8. North America Market Analysis and Forecast9. Latin America Market Analysis and Forecast10. Europe Market Analysis and Forecast11. Asia Pacific Market Analysis and Forecast12. Middle East & Africa Market Analysis and Forecast13. Competition Landscape

    About Industrygrowthinsights:INDUSTRYGROWTHINSIGHTS has set its benchmark in the market research industry by providing syndicated and customized research report to the clients. The database of the company is updated on a daily basis to prompt the clients with the latest trends and in-depth analysis of the industry. Our pool of database contains various industry verticals that include: IT & Telecom, Food Beverage, Automotive, Healthcare, Chemicals and Energy, Consumer foods, Food and beverages, and many more. Each and every report goes through the proper research methodology, validated from the professionals and analysts to ensure the eminent quality reports.

    Contact Info:Name: Alex MathewsAddress: 500 East E Street, Ontario,CA 91764, US.Phone No: US: +1 909 545 6473 | IND: +91-7000061386Email: [emailprotected]Website:

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    Comprehensive Analysis On Metal Roofing Market Based On Types And Application - The Daily Chronicle

    Sally vs. roofs, Hwy 231 opening, and this weeks weather –

    - September 29, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    From todaysDown in Alabamapodcast:

    After a powerful hurricane blows through a Gulf Coast town, one of the common sights from above is the blue-dotted neighborhoods from all the tarps covering damaged roofs.

    Once a roof is compromised, wind can get inside and tear out more roof, come through the ceiling, tear sheetrock off the walls and all kinds of bad stuff.

    And of course rain gets in and gets blown around and often does as much damage as the wind.

    One thing that is believed can make a difference in some of these storms is roofs with the Fortified certification.

    Listen to the Down in Alabama podcast episode above to hear more about those Fortified roofs and how the 16,000 of them fared during Hurricane Sally.

    Also, we talk about how Highway 231 has been reconnected in Morgan County. And Leigh Morgan joins us to talk about this weeks weather.

    The Down in Alabama podcast is short and free. Listen to it by clicking on the player above or subscribe by looking for Down in Alabama on the device of your choosing. Get this and otherAL.comnewslettershere.

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    Sally vs. roofs, Hwy 231 opening, and this weeks weather -

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