Media release

07 January 2015

Outdoor fire permits needed as risk increases

Across the region people are enjoying a warm, dry start to 2015 but with this comes an increase in fire risk. Aucklanders are being urged to carefully manage all outdoor fires.

A restricted fire season for rural areas in the Auckland region is still in place which allows lighting of outdoor fires on rural land but a permit is required for fires in the open air. A total fire ban is now in place for all Hauraki Gulf Islands.

The hot and dry summer means risks of vegetation fires are higher so people needed to be vigilant around their properties, clearing easily flammable fuel such as dry leaves and debris. Council will be issuing fire permits in Aucklands rural zones free of charge but people are advised to plan ahead as permits take three to five days to issue.

Conditions are very warm, dry and windy for this time of year and last week there were a number of fire incidents around the region, says Auckland Council Principal Rural Fire Officer Bryan Cartelle.

The councils rural fire team advised people to be aware of the conditions and check before lighting outdoor fires in urban areas as well, including any non-gas barbecues.

When lighting a fire think of your neighbours and check our fire safety requirements and whether the fire is allowed in an urban area.

In late December 2014, Auckland Council introduced an Outdoor Fire Safety Bylaw to manage the risk of all outdoor fires in both rural and urban areas. The bylaw continues with seasonal restrictions but also gives guidance on the types of fire and fuel allowed with an aim to protect people, property and the environment from the risk of fire.

Read more:
Outdoor fire permits needed as risk increases

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January 7, 2015 at 6:25 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Outdoor Lighting