Extra vigilance for outdoor fires required

A restricted fire season for rural areas in the Auckland region will be implemented from 15 December. Lighting an outdoor fire on rural land is still possible but a permit is required for fires in the open air.

A total fire ban is now in place for all Hauraki Gulf Islands.

With summer on its way the days are growing longer and warmer which means fire risk increases. All outdoor fires need to be carefully managed to prevent the spread of fire.

Conditions are very windy for this time of year and last week there were a number of fire incidents around the region due to controlled burns getting out of control, says Auckland Council Principal Rural Fire Officer Bryan Cartelle.

Council will be issuing fire permits in Aucklands rural zones which include farms, forestry areas and large blocks of land. Permits are free of charge.

Auckland Council is introducing an Outdoor Fire Safety Bylaw to manage the risk of all outdoor fires in both rural and urban areas. The bylaw will continue with seasonal restrictions but also gives guidance on the types of fire and fuel allowed with an aim to protect people, property and the environment from the risk of fire. The bylaw is due to come into effect on 20 December.

For information on fire safety and tips for the safe lighting of open air fires call Auckland Council on 09 301 0101 or visit aucklandcouncil/ruralfire.govt.nz

Anyone who sees a suspicious fire should call the fire service immediately on 111.


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Extra vigilance for outdoor fires required

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December 8, 2014 at 7:27 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Outdoor Lighting