EERE offers webinars to the public on a range of subjects, from adopting the latest energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies, to training for the clean energy workforce. Webinars are free; however, advanced registration is typically required. You can also watch archived webinars and browse previously aired videos, slides, and transcripts.

Webinar Sponsors: EERE Tribal Energy Program, DOE Office of Indian Energy, Western Area Power Administration

The Energy Department's Office of Indian Energy, Tribal Energy Program, and Western Area Power Administration will present a live webinar titled "Successful Project Financing Mechanisms: ESPCs and UESCs" on Wednesday, September 24, from 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time. Attendees will learn about two popular mechanisms developed for federal agencies to finance renewable energy and energy efficiency projects: energy savings performance contracts (ESPCs) and utility energy service contracts (UESCs), and how these two methods allow tribes to develop the projects with limited to no up-front capital costs.

Register to attend the webinar.

Webinar Sponsors: Weatherization and Intergovernmental Programs Office

The Energy Department will present a live webinar titled "High Performance Outdoor Lighting Accelerator" on Thursday, October 2, from 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time. The Energy Department recently announced the expansion of the Better Buildings platform to include the newest initiative for the public sector, the High Performance Outdoor Lighting Accelerator (HPOLA), designed to accelerate the deployment of high performance street and outdoor lighting across at least 50% of a city's inventory over the next few years by demonstrating practical and effective best practices and improving system-wide replacement processes at the municipal level.

Crystal McDonald of Better Buildings will discuss how the HPOLA can support participating states, cities, and regional energy networks with access to credible information on potential energy and cost savings, procurement specifications to ensure high quality products, viable financing models, frameworks for addressing regulations, and policies limiting newer technologies.

Register to attend the webinar.

Webinar Sponsor: Better Buildings Challenge

The Energy Department will present a live webinar titled "PACE Financing for Energy Efficiency: Success Stories" on Tuesday, October 7, from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time. The webinar will feature Better Buildings Challenge Partners, who will describe their successful experiences with property assessed clean energy (PACE) financing as program developers, city administrators, and property owners. PACE financing is a vehicle to pay for energy efficiency improvements or renewable energy installations on private property. Local or state governments and other organizations fund the upfront costs of the improvements, which are paid back over time through property assessments added to the owner's property tax bills. Speakers include: John Kinney, Clean Fund; Eric Shambarger, City of Milwaukee; and Steve Thompson, Hilton Los Angeles/Universal City.

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DOE Announces Webinars on Successful Project Financing Mechanisms, the High Performance Outdoor Lighting Accelerator ...

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September 19, 2014 at 9:13 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Outdoor Lighting