Welcome to StrawBale.com

My name is Andrew Morrison and welcome to my straw bale building site dedicated to anyone interested in building their own straw bale house. If you are brand new to straw bale or are a straw bale construction specialist there's something for you at StrawBale.com.

Click here if you are NEW TO STRAW BALE BUILDING and want to know the basics about straw bale construction. I have a ton of information for you including: photo gallery, step-by-step instructional videos, information about straw bale workshops around the world, free straw bale articles, free straw bale social network, and a full straw bale building blog. Be sure to sign up for my e-mail updates and my free 16 day straw bale e-course so we can keep you posted of the latest developments in the ever-changing world of straw bale. If you are eager to fast track your education in straw bale construction, click here.

Happy Baling! Andrew

My Latest Blog Entries Are Below

Just a quick note to let you know that there is only one spot left in the Australia workshop. If you want to join us, be the first person to sign up here. I look forward to meeting youwhomever you may be!!! If you are not the first person to sign up, I will automatically []

Heres a great use for any left over bags of natural hydraulic lime you may have from your straw bale plastering job.

Many of you know that our friend Curtis has been selling some delicious lime putty in Wichita, Kansas. He is now down to his final drums of lime putty for sale and needs to move them before he is left with no option but to throw them away. It would be a shame to see []

We are so looking forward to our trip back Down Under in March, 2015 to teach a 7 day workshop on Engas straw bale house! Not only will this build teach participants what they need to know in order to bale their own house, but it will also serve as a testing grounds for theArchitecture []

I recently did an interview about straw bale construction for the Harry Helmet Blog. At first, I had no idea what the Harry Helmet Blog was, and then I learned it was about gutters. It makes sense to me to get the word out about straw bale construction however possible, and the importance of quality []

Read the original here:
StrawBale.com | Straw Bale House Construction Information

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