For the Record

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(Listed by owner, tenant or building name. This weekly update lists new commercial construction, expansions and enlargements of more than $50,000. Information is from initial applications and is subject to change. Dollar amount is valuation declared by owner.)

M&M Drywall, 4707 S. 101st East Ave., new construction/business office, $325,000.

McCormick Office Building, 1713 S. Peoria Ave., new construction/commerical, $550,000.

Salata, 6030 S. Yale Ave., interior alteration/restaurant, $225,300.

Char Char, 6560 E. 91st St., interior alteration/restaurant, $125,000.

Bancfirst, 7625 E. 51st St., interior alteration/office, $197,000.

Meridian Tower, 5100 E. Skelly Drive, interior alteration/reconfigured offices, $250,000.

(From filings in the Tulsa County Clerks office)

17-024728 Marlene Byrne, Teletalk Therapy Solutions, 2750 N. Seventh St., Apt. 3216, Broken Arrow, counseling.

17-024729 Marlene Byrne, Words of the Heart Greeting Cards, 2750 N. Seventh St., Apt. 3216, Broken Arrow, greeting cards.

17-024853 Antonio Moreno, Northeastern Oklahoma Landscapes, P.O. Box 842, Broken Arrow, landscaping.

17-025171 Cody Nichols, Nichols Pursuits, 204 W. 34th Place, Sand Springs, sole proprietorship.

17-025489 Trenton Dentis, Legend Construction, 4917 S. 265th West Ave., Sand Springs, construction.

17-027022 Jamey Durbin, Barbie Trapp House, 12770 E. 39th St., manufacture and sell clothes.

17-027067 Justin Thompson, Junk Free Removal and Hauling Services, 14453 S. Hudson Ave., Bixby, junk removing and hauling.

17-027199 Olena Lobova, Smiling Kid, 2515 S. 91st East Ave., babysitter.

17-027291 Aleta Capel, Urban Lotus Feng Shui, 401 W. Knoxville St., Broken Arrow, interior decorating and consultations.

17-027406 Daniel Glowacki, Lite Load Concrete, 21661 E. 46th St., Broken Arrow, concrete company.

(Weekly update includes filings classified as business in the numerical list of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court, Northern District in Tulsa, and which also list business as nature of debt on bankruptcy document.)

See the rest here:
For the Record: Commercial building permits, partnerships, bankruptcies - Tulsa World

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April 2, 2017 at 5:45 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Office Building Construction