JOLIET If all goes as planned, the Will County Recorder of Deeds and Coroner offices will move into the former Social Security Administration building downtown before the end of the year.

County and local officials Thursday celebrated the start of construction on the building, 158 N. Scott St.

Montgomery-based Lite Construction Inc. is remodeling the 11,500-square-foot building for $1.4 million under the guidance of architecture firm Cordogan Clark & Associates.

The design includes several sustainable and energy efficient features, including a high-efficiency HVAC system, LED Lighting, low-flow plumbing fixtures and recycled carpeting.

The 42-space parking lot will be renovated and the surrounding wrought iron fence reconfigured. New exterior building signs and planters will be added. The interior will be renovated and redesigned, as well.

Denise Winfrey, who chairs the Will County Board's Capital Improvements Committee, said the renovations are one of the first strategic steps to help the county move forward on its master capital plan.

Moving the coroners administrative office frees up space in the Emco Building, 57 N. Ottawa St. The Emco Building, also known as the Court Annex, houses the states attorneys office and could one day serve as space for the public defenders office.

By shifting the recorder of deeds office to the former Social Security building, County Executive Larry Walsh said the move will result in annual savings of $250,000 in lease expenses alone.

Winfrey said she was happy to see construction workers from Laborers Local 75 working Thursday.

"It's our project and we wanted our guys working," Winfrey said.

See the rest here:
Construction underway on former Social Security Adminstration building

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September 19, 2014 at 8:44 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Office Building Construction