PMT2014-04274 4750 Eighth St.; $249,553.44; Lee Kuh; Koelbel Urban Homes; New single-family dwelling (please refer to LUR2013-00033 for site review approval). Total of 2,443 square feet of habitable area, including 1,637 square feet of finished floor area (as defined on approved site review plans), with 806-square-foot finished basement, and 106-square-foot front porch. Please refer to separate permit for detached garage. Lot 5.

PMT2014-04276 4750 Eighth St.; $21,535.80; Lee Kuh; Koelbel Urban Homes; New detached garage (264 square feet) associated with new single-family dwelling (Ref: PMT2014-04274). Lot 5.

PMT2014-04290 4740 Eighth St.; $253,748.22; Lee Kuh; Koelbel Urban Homes; New single-family dwelling having 1,901 square feet, 806 square feet of which is a below-grade finished basement. See TEC2014-00025 and LUR2013-00033 approvals. Scope of work includes associated MEPs and a front porch of 106 square feet. Detached garage (264 square feet) under a separate permit (PMT2014-04292). Lot 6.

PMT2014-04292 4740 Eighth St.; $10,515.12; Lee Kuh; Koelbel Urban Homes; Detached garage (264 square feet) in association with single-family dwelling under PMT2014-04290. Lot 6.

PMT2014-05467 555 University Ave.; $71,146.95; Jane Patrick; Addition (850 square feet, with 525-square-foot studio and 325-square-foot greenhouse) and remodel (130 square feet) to existing detached garage. Scope of work establishes a new conditioned studio above garage parking area with associated staircase for access, as well as a new unconditioned greenhouse on first level. Includes associated MEPs. (greenhouse is a deferred submittal item see case notes and approval conditions)

PMT2015-00343 4950 Thunderbird Drive; $202,000; Frasier Meadows; Modification to cover existing entry canopy steel of residential care facility with wood for softer appearance. Scope also includes demolition of rotunda roof and replace with roofed trellis to allow for more natural light on north side of garden level and replacement of deck wall with new glass guardrail. (Resubmittal March 2, 2015, reduces scope of work and valuation) (Rotunda work removed from scope)

PMT2015-00412 2576 Baseline Roa; $106,153.92; Skunk Creek; Harber's House Repair; First-time tenant finish to existing storage space to create a fitness room (Barbell Strategy LLC). Total of 1,798 square feet. Includes associated MEPs. Please reference ADR2014-00174

PMT2015-00563 2680 Sixth St.; $66,279; Paul Young; Remodel and addition to single-family dwelling detached dwelling. The addition consists of approximately 59 square feet of living room space with crawl space below. Remodel scope includes kitchen, living room, stair (relocated), bedroom, and entry.

PMT2015-00578 2580 55th St.; $139,971.20; Flatirons North; Provident Construction Inc.; Interior remodel of 1,660 square feet of existing technical office space for Tendril on two levels. Remodel to include new office and conference room layout, electrical changes to new AV equipment and cubical locations, and mechanical and plumbing modifications.

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Boulder building permits: April 6, 2015

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April 7, 2015 at 3:43 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Office Building Construction