PMT2014-05049 2480 49th St.; $61,570.20; Suite E: tenant finish of distillery manufacturing and tasting room with upgrades to existing bathroom. Occupant load is 14- LLA 3/12/15

PMT2014-05411 450 13th St.; $23,290.00; Zane Blackmer; new detached unconditioned garage of 562 square feet; includes associated electrical. No plumbing or mechanical work. This application is in association with PMT2014-05413 (alteration to main house). (application for modifications to main house withdrawn)

PMT2015-00019 2970 21st St.; $200,000.00; Jessica Emich and Marek Emich; Custom Design Woodworking; addition and remodel project. Main level addition of 321 square feet. Upper level addition of 1,014 square feet, remodel of 285 square feet and new front porch addition of 143 square feet. Scope of work includes associated MEPs, including a new boiler for hydronic heat and two new bath sets.

PMT2015-00264 709 Baseline Road; $63,000.00; Michelle Theall and Amy Thompson; construction of new two-car detached garage. Building to be 768 square feet and will include 192 square feet of storage in addition to two garage bays. Includes associated electrical.

PMT2015-00364 3115 Fifth St.; $120,000.00; David Scott; new accessory structure that is 476 square feet of garage and 295 square feet of office space. Scope of work includes a half bath and two upper level offices. Upper level to have mini-spilt system; portion of lower area to have electric baseboard heat. Note: the proposed retaining wall appears to be part of the foundation wall. See HIS2014-00107 approval that considered demolition of existing garage.

PMT2015-00403 4700 Pearl Parkway; $8,110,910.00; LLC Eat-1416; Wyatt Construction Co. Inc.; redevelopment of former RTD park-n-ride into a three story office building with industrial service center uses on first floor and portion of the second floor. Develop new vehicular and pedestrian access into and out of the site, while also developing a new parking lot with landscaping.

PMT2015-00424 901 Pearl St., Units 301 and 302; $780,000.00; Eldridge 901; Harrington Stanko Construction; tenant finish for two residential condominiums, with core and shell permitted under PMT2014-00549. Unit 301 proposed to be 2,170 square feet, Unit 302 proposed to be 1,010 square feet. Includes all associated MEPs.

PMT2015-00519 1202 Folsom St.; $97,000.00; Mountain Rocky; Rocky Mountain Construction Co.; tenant remodel to the existing Fellowship hall, kitchen, and two bathrooms of thew Rocky Mountain Lutheran Church.

PMT2015-00523 300 Bellevue Drive; $200,000.00; Daniel Naistadt and Agness Naistadt; Rob Luckett Builders; addition and minor remodel to existing single-family dwelling. Additions: Unconditioned garage and mudroom (731 square feet); bedroom and bathroom (315 square feet); new canopies (total of 119 square feet); new deck (273 square feet). Remodel frame in new window on main level (10 square feet). All associated MEPs included.

Original post:
Boulder building permits: April 13, 2015

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April 13, 2015 at 11:42 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Office Building Construction