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Members of the City of Laurel Park Board are of the mind that more cooks in the kitchen may bring the long-simmering issue of undocumented city property leases to a boil.

Per MCA 7-16-4223, the Park Board is tasked with the duty to lease all lands owned by the city acquired for parks. Additionally, Montana code restricts such leases to no longer than 5 years and not longer than 1 year without the concurrence of two-thirds of the entire board.

Bruce McGee called on fellow board members to draw up leases for the Laurel Jaycees, Laurel Rifle Club, the Laurel Rod and Gun Club, and American Legion Post 123, which have traditionally held leases on buildings in the Riverside Park.

Complicating Riverside Park leases is the issued of pervasive mold growth in the Rifle Club and Rod and Gun Club buildings, remediation of which far outstrips funds available and possibly the value of the buildings.

The Jaycees Hall and the American Legion building are still usable, albeit facing deferred maintence issues.

But what is a fair price for leasing city property?

Heres the deal: Were a community. And we as a community value organizations... doing their function, so we as a community are willing to provide them a facility to use at a reduced rate because of the benefit to the community, said McGee. We should be willing to consider that they get this at a much reduced price than fair market value.

Here is the original post:
Monday, February 2, 2015

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February 3, 2015 at 5:04 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Mold Remediation