Two weeks ago, a series of abandoned mobile homes appeared on private property, rural county roads and pastures up and down the vast Weld County landscape.

Weld County Sheriff's Office

And the sheriffs office says there could be more out there.

So whats the deal?

Weld County officials say a man dumped these trailers all over the county over the past two weeks to avoid a code violation. Authorities so far have found seven mobile homes, including one just across the Wyoming border. Most were discovered in northeast Weld County, near Briggsdale and Hereford.

The man, who has not been publicly identified, has been somewhat cooperative in helping county workers remove three of the trailers so far, said Joe Moylan, a Weld County sheriffs spokesman.

The man has not been charged with a crime, Moylan said, and the case is being worked as a civil matter.

At first, the man decided he didnt want the trailers so he started storing them on someone elses abandoned property, Moylan said. When the property owners decided they didnt want them on their land, the man had to move them.

His resolution was just to dump them, Moylan said.

The problem with these trailers is that they were built prior to 1976 and arent up to modern housing codes, so the county cannot issue permits for them, said Tom Parko, Weld Countys director of planning services.

They cant even be in the county, he said.

The sheriffs office has asked the public to report any additional sightings of abandoned trailers by calling non-emergency dispatch at 970-350-9600, prompt 4.

Whats going on with these abandoned mobile homes in Weld County? - The Denver Post

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February 16, 2020 at 1:44 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Mobile Homes