A piece of Second World War history will pay a visit to Boundary Bay Airport next week.

The Commemorative Air Force Airbase Arizona is flying its B-25J bomber Maid in the Shade to the East Ladner airport as part of a summer tour. It will be on display to the public from Monday to Thursday.

Visitors will be able to tour the aircraft, "breathe in the history" and talk with volunteers from the nonprofit organization about the plane.

Flights are also being offered.

"Ride of a life time, views are great, no matter where you sit," says Russ Gilmore, one of CAF Airbase Arizona's B-25 pilots.

"You can feel all those 1700hp kick in on take off, you will get a taste of what our veterans did flying aircraft like our B-25 in combat and the sacrifices they made for the freedom we enjoy today. All gave some and some gave all," he says in an email to the Optimist.

Flight prices are $395 US (waist gunner) and $650 US (flight deck).

Gilmore is a retired commercial airline pilot who volunteers with CAF Airbase Arizona and pilots both Maid in the Shade along with the group's B-17G Flying Fortress Sentimental Journey.

He says frequently asked questions by visitors include where are the repaired bullet holes and was this the type of aircraft used on Doolittle's Tokyo Raid.

The B-25 Mitchell was made famous by the Doolittle Raiders on April 18, 1942, states a press release from CAF Airbase

More here:
Bomber to visit Boundary Bay Airport

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August 2, 2014 at 4:29 am by Mr HomeBuilder
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