Amendments to two city ordinances regarding mowing lawns and snow and ice removal in Boone passed first readings at the city council meeting Monday night.

We are looking to change the ordinances for snow and ice accumulation and mowing, said Director of Public Safety and Boone Police Chief Bill Skare. He requested the change so the ordinances would mirror each other. Right now theyre different.

The snow and ice removal ordinance requires owners of commercial property to remove snow and ice within 24 hours and residents within 48 hours after a snowstorm. If removal is not done, the city can hire a contractor to do it and fees are assessed to property owners.

All lawns, which, according to city code, must be kept below 12 inches in height, weeds included. If a yard is found in violation, the city can hire a contractor to mow it and assess the contractors fee to the property owner.

If council approves the amendments, notices of fees will no longer be sent through the mail, but assessed on property owners taxes. Penalties for violations of either city code will be a $50 civil fee and $5 administration fee, plus the contractors fee, which is different for each property.

Were trying to cut out some of the paperwork and streamline it so Mike (Salati, community service officer) doesnt spend so much time on the (administration) stuff so that he can do other things, Skare said.

Currently, if Salati answers a complaint or finds a yard in violation, he will send the property owner a letter informing them they need to mow the lawn. The property owner has 10 days to comply. After the 10-day period has expired, Salati has to go out and confirm that the lawn has been mowed. If not, he hires a contractor to do it. By then, Skare said, the grass may be two feet tall.

What this does is once Mike finds it at 12 inches, instead of going back and sending a letter, hes getting a contractor right away, Skare said. It gets us away from that two feet of grass.

If council approves the amended ordinances, public notices would be published in the spring and fall, respectively, in the Boone News-Republican, reminding citizens of the requirements, Skare said.

He is also planning on sending out information about the amended ordinances with the city water bills, if the ordinances are approved.

Continued here:
Lawn mowing, snow removal ordinances considered

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October 9, 2014 at 9:14 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Lawn Mowing Services