Im far from the greed and emotion of Wall Street and able to conduct the kind of independent thinking that keeps us ahead of the pack, not chasing it. I love my job and consider it a stewardship of other peoples hard-earned money. I want to do this the rest of my life.

-Jeff Auxier (Trades, Portfolio)

Jeff Auxier (Trades, Portfolio) is one of the favored gurus followed by GuruFocus. He is the president and chief executive officer at Auxier Asset Management and is in charge of the Auxier Focus Fund. The fund manager comes to the industry with 30 years of experience and in that time has mustered up quite a track record as well as insight into nearly every market bump or bubble.

Biography and Career

According Auxier Assets website,Jeff Auxier (Trades, Portfolio) got his start in finance at the early age of 11, when he had a job mowing the long-time Georgia Pacific CEO Robert Pamplins lawn. He learned quite a bit from the CEO including what he considers to be a very important factor to running a business: Mr. Pamplin always put his shareholders first and believed business should be transparent. Moving on from these early years Auxier went on to graduate from the University of Oregon with a degree in Finance and an emphasis in accounting, and from then on Auxier went on working towards making connections with financial savants such as Warren Buffett (Trades, Portfolio).

Jeff Auxier (Trades, Portfolio) began his professional career in 1982 at Foster Marshall-American Express, or what is now known as Smith Barney, in Portland. Because of his connections and ties to Warren Buffett (Trades, Portfolio) and the likes, Auxier really connected with and made sense of Value Investing, so in the late 80s he assisted his company in creating the Portfolio Management Advisory Board which created policies that were aimed at better serving client and shareholder interests.

It was in 1998 when Auxier realized what he actually wanted to do for a living. The guru left Smith Barney to start his own investment fund, Auxier Asset Management, and not long after he began the Auxier Focus Fund. Auxier says that he wanted to start a fund where the manager is held highly accountable, so he put his money where his mouth is and remains one of the Auxier Focus Funds largest shareholders. Jeff owns over 166,000 shares of this fund, the entirety of his personal retirement fund, and he promised not to sell a single share until he is no longer manager. Not only is his money tied up in the fund but his familys assets are also included in the money management portion of Auxier Asset Management, and not only that but members of the Auxier Asset Management team also maintain large percentages of their own net worth locked up in the Focus Fund.

Jeff Auxier (Trades, Portfolio) and his family live rather far away from the hustle of Wall St., maintaining a large farm on the outskirts of Portland as well as massive ranch in the high desert of Central Oregon.

Auxier Asset Management

"I'm far from the greed and emotion of Wall Street" - A Look at the Patience and ...

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