Crossett City Council members were given an update on Media 3, adopted two resolutions and discussed a lawn maintenance issue during their meeting on Monday, Aug. 18.

In old business, Lisa Gulledge updated the council on franchise taxes owed by Media 3 to the city. Gulledge said the company, which was a year behind on taxes, is up to date and currently owes taxes on the second quarter for the year.

City Attorney James Hamilton gave a background on when the city entered into an agreement with the company. Hamilton said the city's contract is due for renewal. He also noted that if the city chooses not to renew the contract, the company may continue to provide service, but that the service, which is already poor, may become worse.

Mayor Scott McCormick said he is aware the contract is due for renewal and has been waiting for the company to contact the city to renew the service. It was also noted that the renewal was due in June.

The council also discussed service the company provides to citizens. Mayor McCormick said although a lot of people prefer satellite over cable, there are citizens who subscribe to cable and those he has spoken with do not appear satisfied with the service.

McCormick said he has spoken with other cable companies, but those he has spoken with do not feel it would be profitable to provide services to the city. "I know a lot of folks here in Crossett are upset with the cable system, and there are times I get upset with them because I have cable at my house," added the mayor.

The council approved a motion for Hamilton to contact Media 3 regarding the franchise tax and the company's intentions for its customers in Crossett.

Under new business, the council adopted two resolutions for the levy of five mills to be collected on real and personal property to be collected next year and a resolution to levy 2.4 mills for the ongoing maintenance expenses for the city public library to be collected in 2015.

In other business, Robert Wright spoke with the council concerning citizens blowing grass clippings onto city streets while mowing. Wright said although the city has a street sweeper, the sweeper can not keep up with an excessive amount of grass clippings being thrown out onto streets. Wright asked that citizens blow clippings back onto their lawns when mowing and stated that the clippings will actually assist in fertilizing lawns.

With no other business the meeting adjourned.

Here is the original post:
Crossett Council Gets Cable Report, Complaint about Lawn Clippings

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