Household chores can be tough enough put they can put extra pressure on military families when a spouse is deployed.

Something as simple as mowing the lawn can be a challenge but one local business is stepping up to help.

Sun Valley Landscaping is taking some of the pressure off for some families with free lawn mowing.

Joy Draper, a military wife whose Air Force husband is often deployed for months at a time, said, Once hes gone, it becomes painfully obvious how much you guys help each other and work together so it becomes, everything sort of falls on me."

Joy has two kids and a full time job. When she became overwhelmed, she was introduced to a program called Project Evergreen. It puts military families in her position in touch with lawn care businesses that want to help.

Since then, Sun Valley has been donating its services to the Draper family.

Paul Fraynd is an owner and partner with the company and he said, Specifically here, it's pretty near and dear. We do it just to help out. It's something that we offer. It's what we do for a living. It's a pretty easy thing for us to do and everybody takes a lot of pride in it."

It's difficult for Joy to ask for help but she's happy to know its available.

She said, Military spouses tend to be fiercely independent and have trouble asking for help, so it's one of those things that it's tough to admit when you need help. But if you can, there's people that want to desperately."

Sun Valley Landscaping adopts three to five families at a time. Theyre challenging other businesses to get involved with Project Evergreen.

View original post here:
Companies Lend a Hand to Military Families

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July 25, 2014 at 1:33 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Lawn Mowing Services