VOL. 7 | NO. 50 | Saturday, December 06, 2014

Its hard to decide whats less fun, mowing the lawn or raking leaves. If you loathe both in equal measure, however, help may be just a few clicks away.

Mowz, an app-based service offering a mobile way to book multiple landscaping services, has made its way to Nashville. Its the latest offshoot from Plowz, which began as a snowplowing-assistance app in upstate New York last winter and has since migrated to more than 20 cities.

With Mowz, the service now offers non-winter landscaping services such as mowing, leaf raking and removal, says William Mahoney, who co-founded Plowz with Andrew Englander.

Plowing [snow] made sense, given the area where we started, but soon we had a lot of other cities on our radar, and they didnt have the winter snows and needs that the Northeast does, Mahoney says. So we began to think about other services we could offer during the rest of the year, and began reaching out to other providers.

Local landscaping companies in a targeted market either contact Mowz or are contacted by the Mowz team via social media, and once a vetting process has occurred, are signed up as vendors. Then, when a user requests services via the app, he or she is matched with the closest and best-qualified provider to do the work.

Its not like were connecting you with some guy off the street with a lawnmower, Mahoney explains. All the providers are landscaping companies, and have at least $500,000 in general liability insurance.

Our providers have an average of seven years in business; this is their living, and this is what they do.

Plowz grew by strong word of mouth and positive social-media reviews, Mahoney says, and he expects Mowz to the same thing. Nashville got onto his radar thanks to his sisters relocation here, and her difficulty in finding a good landscaping provider.

We had it on our list of cities, but that helped identify it as a good market to enter with the new service, he says. Its an up and coming city in a lot of ways, and the kind of connection our app makes do well in that environment.

Read the original here:
Yard Work Waiting? Hit Mowz App and Take a Nap

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December 6, 2014 at 1:22 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Landscape Yard