Andrew BurtonGetty Images

Of all the many reasons to oppose the Keystone XL pipelinethe continent-spanning death funnel and conservative fetish objectthe utter bad faith of TC, the Canadian energy giant formerly known as TransCanada, is right at the top of the list. It is a truism in this shebeen a) that pipelines leak, and b) that, when an inevitable leak happens, the companies that build and own pipelines will lie about it.

What many people dont realize is that TC already owns and operates the Keystone 1 pipeline. Last month, because it is a pipeline and pipelines leak, the Keystone 1 loosed almost 400,000 gallons of oil onto the landscape of North Dakota. And, because it is a pipeline company, TC is now accused of low-balling the extent of the damage. From CNN:

Honest to blog, enough with these people. There is no reason in the world to allow this company to run so much as a filling station at this point, let alone allow it to build and operate a death-funnel that transports the dirtiest fossil fuel ever discovered through some of the most delicate and valuable farmland on the planet.

Leakers and liars, all of them.

Read the rest here:
The Company Behind the Keystone Pipeline Shouldn't Be Allowed to Run a Gas Station at This Point -

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November 25, 2019 at 5:28 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Landscape Yard