Like dandelion sprouts carried by the twisting, battling winds to every corner of the yard, many of last Mays high school graduates are beginning to scatter throughout the college landscape, to military service or other opportunities.

There is a new horizon in each of their lives lives which never again will be able to return to carefree childhood years.

Among this group are many athletes who I got to know either personally or through article coverage during the past many years.

For these departing seniors, this is a time of great excitement and great sadness the latter being felt especially by the parents or guardians. There are pills for headaches, diarrhea, toenail fungus and many other ailments but theyve never discovered a quick cure for separation heartbreak or homesickness.

Time and gratitude for all those past years and memories are the best remedies.

As Ive reflected on the departure of so many of yesterdays high school athletes and hard-working students and overall good kids, Ive thought back to some of the lessons Ive observed during the years.

First, when someone nears the end of life, I doubt theyre going to regret not having gone to more meetings or having missed a Saturday round of golf, or be thinking of the game-winning shot they hit during a pick-up basketball or the perfect grade they received in calculus.

Not that those things arent important in their own sphere.

But, history tells us many people who are on their death bed have their last thoughts on their families, the way they treated other people and their faith.

With that in mind, I think its a good idea to:

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New horizon for each departing senior

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August 6, 2014 at 4:48 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Landscape Yard