OTTAWA Canadas youth employment policies over the last 20 years will go under the microscope today in Ottawa.

Statistics Canada is releasing a comprehensive study of the occupational profile and over-qualification of young workers across the country.

The study looks at young people and the jobs they filled between 1991 and 2011.

Here are some other events happening in Ottawa today:

The Canadian Medical Association, along with other national medical specialty groups, will launch Choosing Wisely Canada, a campaign designed to help doctors and patients talk about unnecessary medical tests, treatments and procedures;

The major political parties are gathering separately for their weekly caucus meetings;

And Candice Bergen, the minister of state for social development, will speak at the second annual Autism on the Hill event.

Note to readers: This is a corrected story. A previous version contained outdated information and was moved in error.

Go here to see the original:
Today on the Hill: Language commish to talk about immersion programs

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April 2, 2014 at 7:17 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Landscape Hill