Objections are mounting to a plan to build 35 houses on land north of Pangbourne.

The site off Pangbourne Hill is one which West Berkshire Council has identified as a preferred site for development.

Applicants Pangbourne Beaver Properties Limited put in an application to build ion the site in November.

The application has prompted more than 80 comments, many of them objecting to the scheme.

The plan is a hybrid application - part full and part outline - for 35 homes and a combined public amenity space and play area.

It includes pedestrian and vehicular access from Pangbourne Hill, a new footway, engineering and landscaping works along the Pangbourne Hill frontage and car park to serve Pangbourne Cemetery.

Almost half the homes, 40 per cent, will be affordable.

Among the comments on application on the West Berkshire Council planning website was an objection from Rev Brian Timms of Bere Court Road who registered "the strongest possible objection to this application" which he described as "ill-conceived and detrimental to this area of Pangbourne".

Andrzej Kopec, of Green Lane, said: "The site is within an area of archaeological importance based on finds from the Palaeolithic period onwards being recorded on it.

"There is a Roman cemetery and Roman deposits (sepulchral urns and coins) found 350m to the north of the development.

Excerpt from:
Pangbourne Hill development: objections to 35 homes mounting

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January 5, 2015 at 9:17 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Landscape Hill