
Untitled (Red and Yellow Cliffs) by Georgia OKeeffe captures the geology and colors of the Ghost Ranch area. (Courtesy of the Georgia OKeeffe Museum)

Red Hills and White Flower is a pastel on paper-covered board by Georgia OKeeffe. (Courtesy of the Georgia OKeeffe Museum)

Rams Head, Blue Morning Glory is in the Ghost Ranch Views exhibition at the Georgia OKeeffe Museum. (Courtesy of the Georgia OKeeffe Museum)

Pelvis IV was done by Georgia OKeeffe in 1944. (Courtesy of the Georgia OKeeffe Museum)

Geralds Tree 1 is an oil on canvas by Georgia OKeeffe. (Courtesy of the Georgia OKeeffe Museum)

In this photograph by Maria Chabot, artist Georgia OKeeffe is shown on the roof of the Ghost Ranch house. (Courtesy of the Georgia OKeeffe Museum)

SANTA FE To put paint to canvas, Georgia OKeeffe only had to look out her window.

Ghost Ranch Views showcases the results at the Georgia OKeeffe Museum through March 22.

Abounding in landscapes of the cliffs and mesas surrounding her, the paintings reveal OKeeffes steady exploration of abstraction, always based firmly in nature. Compositions viewed through the lens of a hip joint hang near images of the towering cliffs she simplified with undulating lines and delicately blended pinks, corals and yellows.

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Ghost Ranch exhibit highlights the landscape Georgia OKeeffe called home

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December 8, 2014 at 7:23 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Landscape Hill