CoeurdAlene Park is looking a little ragged around theedges.

So the Brownes Addition Neighborhood Council and the Friends of CoeurdAlene Park are teaming up to write a new master plan and make somechanges.

Theyve hired landscape architect Bob Scarfo to help them come up with the changes they would like tosee.

Topping the list is removing some of the overgrown shrubs that they say are a haven fortransients.

During a neighborhood meeting in November, one resident told a story of two men who emerged from a shrubby hiding spot and

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Bob Scarfo, a landscape architect who is gathering ideas from the community for CoeurdAlene Park, stands in the park in Brownes Addition on Dec. 3,. The neighborhood council and Friends of CoeurdAlene Park are starting a process of gathering ideas from the neighborhood about desired improvements in thepark. (Full-size photo)(All photos)

CoeurdAlene Park is looking a little ragged around theedges.

So the Brownes Addition Neighborhood Council and the Friends of CoeurdAlene Park are teaming up to write a new master plan and make somechanges.

Read the original post:
Facelift pondered for historic Coeur dAlene Park - Thu, 11 Dec 2014 PST

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December 12, 2014 at 1:17 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Landscape Architect