Revered architect Blair Wilson. Photo: Wilson Architects

A Brisbane architect who designed Brisbanes La Boite Theatre and the iconic Greek Orthodox Church at West End has been remembered as moving Brisbane architecture style away from post-war brutalism to softer, curved, more organic lines.

Blair Wilson, from prominent Brisbane architectural firm Wilson Architects, passed away last week aged 83.

Wilsons Architects has a 130-year link to Brisbane and in 1884 designed the Plough Inn hotel in South Brisbane, now part of South Bank, beginning their ties to Brisbane.

The Greek Orthodox Church at West End. Photo: Wilson Architects

Blair's son, Hamilton Wilson, now the principal architect for Wilsons Architects, said his fathers views on architecture were shaped by early trips through Europe after graduating.


He travelled throughout Europe again after winning the 1973 national Clay Brick Prize for architecture for the La Boite Theatre in Hale Street at Milton.

Like many architects, he went overseas and did a stint in London and travelled quite extensively throughout Europe, Hamilton Wilson.

The former Kindler Theatre at Queensland University of Technology. Photo: Wilson Architects

Read the rest here:
Brisbane architect marked the shift to city's organic lines

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August 3, 2014 at 6:24 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Landscape Architect