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John Moseley, 96, at his home on Camino Lejo. Moseley traveled the world, working as a landscape architect for the National Park Service, and he survived the Bataan Death March. Chris Quintana/The New Mexican

Posted: Saturday, January 25, 2014 10:00 pm

Bataan Death March survivor, retired landscape architect focuses on beauty Bataan Death March behind him, retired landscape architect focuses on beauty |

War veteran and former National Park Service landscape architect John Moseley, 96, doesnt have many wants, but if he could, he said, he would like to go back to Amman, Jordan, to paint a landscape.

Moseleys home is already adorned with watercolor paintings from scenes that illustrate his travels to countries such as Turkey and Ireland. Other pictures depict adobe walls lined with glowing farolitos. But all reveal a man who can spot and re-create the beauty of his surroundings.

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Bataan Death March survivor, retired landscape architect focuses on beauty

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