A mayor from the south-east of South Australia has gone on trial facing three charges of illegally clearing native vegetation.

Adelaide Magistrates Court heard Richard John Vickery cleared a large area of his property at Shaugh in 2008 so he could lease the land to an onion farmer.

Prosecutor Sam Whitten alleged Vickery cleared the land in contravention of the Native Vegetation Act.

He says chemicals were used and all seeds and stumps removed, leaving the land sterile.

"The land had approximately 90 species of native vegetation, supporting a high diversity of native plants and animals," the court was told.

Mr Whitten says the land had been cleared in the past but in a way that allowed native vegetation to regrow.

"What happened in 2008 was of an entirely different scale and extent," he said.

"By completely removing seeds and vegetation and using chemicals the soil was effectively sterilised. The native vegetation is unlikely to ever regenerate."

Mr Whitten says Mallee stumps removed might have been decades old.

"The prosecution accepts the land was suitable for use of rough grazing but was not suitable, due to the presence of native vegetation, for intense cultivation," he said.

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Tatiara Mayor Richard Vickery accused of illegal land clearing

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May 27, 2014 at 6:35 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Land Clearing