"If the bill passed, and it came to the lower house, where we could amend that ... it would give everyone protection,": Kevin Humphries. Photo: Steve Lunam

Farmers have vowed to be "unyielding" in their lobbying on controversial native vegetation laws, with the Baird cabinet expected to discuss a bill that green groups fear will gut the protection for endangered species on private land.

Sensitivity on the issue has been heightened following last month's killing of Office of Environment Heritage official Glen Turner near Moree, allegedly by local landowner Ian Turnbull over a land-clearing dispute.

Environment Minister Rob Stokes, a Liberal, has made several trips to the region and is understood to be keen for the independent Biodiversity Review Panel to complete its examination of the Native Vegetation Act, the Threatened Species Conservation Act, and the flora and fauna protection sections of the National Parks and Wildlife Act.

But the Nationals' Kevin Humphries, who is Minister for Natural Resources, Lands and Water, said he would back the Shooters and Fishers' upper house bill even though it contained "a whole lot of perverse outcomes" for landowners.


The NSW Nationals and NSW Farmers have vehemently opposed Labor's land clearing laws, which ban the removal of some vegetation.

"If the bill passed, and it came to the lower house, where we could amend that ... it would give everyone protection," Mr Humphries said. "It would allow landholders to get on and do some of the work they want to do. The government hasn't landed on that but it's the preference from my end, and certainly the rural constituency's."

The Nationals are eager to claim shared responsibility for land-clearing policy. The Land reported in April that Mr Humphries would "jointly oversee native vegetation laws, previously the domain solely of the Environment Minister".

But Mr Stokes told budget estimates last week "the administration of acts provides that the Minister for Environment is the responsible minister for the Native Vegetation Act".

See the article here:
Native vegetation bill a seed of contention

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August 25, 2014 at 9:05 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Land Clearing