THE NSW Office of Environment and Heritage has confirmed it is investigating reports of illegal land clearing at the Iron Gates site near Evans Head.

In 1997 a legal challenge by the Environmental Defenders Office on behalf of Al Oshlack stopped a controversial subdivision and residential development for 700 houses at the site.

The Land and Environment Court found the breaches of the development consent were so serious the consent was rendered null and void.

In a landmark judgment, the court ordered a full restoration of the site upon which substantial works had taken place.

The company that owned the land, Iron Gates Pty Ltd, is in receivership and liquidator Ross Duus said he was unaware of any change of ownership or land clearing at the site.

Residents reported seeing bulldozers leaving the site recently and smoke from fires in the area.

Aerial photos have now been obtained that seem to show a considerable area has been cleared, with one resident suggesting it could be as much as 10ha.

Mr Oshlack said any work on the site would be a clear breach of the court orders.

"There are restraining orders that remain with the land (regardless of whether ownership has changed) and what has happened here looks to be a deliberate and serious contempt of the court," he said.

Mr Oshlack said the EDO is looking at the evidence to see if there is now a criminal case to be answered.

See the rest here:
Illegal land clearing at Evans Head busted

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June 12, 2014 at 3:37 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Land Clearing