Will Lim Guan Eng's administration fulfill the late Karpal's two requests on the illegal land clearing in Bukit Relau and also challenge the ban on non-Muslims from using certain words?

GEORGE TOWN: Parti Cinta Malaysia (PCM) vice president Huan Cheng Guan wants the Penang government to fulfill two last wishes of the late Bukit Gelugor MP Karpal Singh.

He wants Chief Minister Lim Guan Engs administration to take stern action against the culprits responsible for the illegal land clearing of Bukit Relau in Jalan Bukit Gambir.

Secondly, he demanded the DAP government to use its two-third majority in the state assembly to challenge the ban by the Penang Muftis Department on non-Muslims using 40 Arabic terms in the state.

Firing the first salvo after announcing his candidacy for the Bukit Gelugor parliamentary by-election here today, Huan pointed out that Karpal made the first wish last July and the second in January this year.

Can the Penang government honour and fulfill the late Karpal Singhs last two requests to the Penang leadership which went unheeded? he asked.

The virtual balding of Bukit Relau went unnoticed until Seri Delima assemblyman RSN Rayer highlighted it in the press mid-last year. The developer was fined RM30,000, which the late Karpal described as slap on the wrist.

As for the Arabic words, the terms banned are solat, surau, masjid, Allah, Firman Allah, ulama, hadith, ibadah, Kaabah, Qadhi, Illahi, wahyu, mubaligh, Syariah, Qiblat, Haji, mufti, Rasul, Iman, dakwah, wali, fatwa, Imam, Nabi, Sheikh, Khutbah, Tabligh, akhirat, azan, Al Quran, As Sunnah, Auliya, Karamah, Syahadah, Baitullah, Musolla, zakat hitrah, Hajah, taqwa and soleh.

The words were decreed by the mufti as provided under subsection 48(3) and (4) of the Penang Islamic Religious Administration Enactment 2004, as exclusive to Muslims, prohibiting non-Muslims in Penang from using them.

The decree was enforced on April 29, 2010.

Go here to read the rest:
Huans two questions for state government

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May 10, 2014 at 4:28 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Land Clearing