News Desk

The Star

Publication Date : 07-11-2014

Greenhouse farming, encroachment on river reserves and land clearing are among the activities that caused the floods and mudslide at several areas in Cameron Highlands, an enviromental group said.

Regional Environmental Awareness Cameron Highlands (Reach) president R. Ramakrishnan said the filters used by greenhouse farmers on their crops caused an unnatural flow of water into the river bed.

They use plastic to cover and protect the crops and the water flowing from it goes into the riverbed.

When the river cannot accommodate the extra water, there will be flash floods, Ramakrishnan told The Star.

The Star had previously highlighted in a series of articles the massive land clearing and development in Cameron Highlands.

Ramakrishnan also said there was no longer land available for agricultural purposes as the Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-Based Industry had ruled that such land was only suitable in areas with gradients below 20 degrees.

See the original post here:
Floods and mudslide in M'sia caused by several factors, says expert

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