December 5, 2014

Orang asli feel marginalised as land is cleared for vegetable farming and illegal foreign workers brought in.

GUA MUSANG: Orang Asli living in several villages in Lojing claim that the climate at the highlands was no longer cool due to serious land-clearing.

One of the orang asli, Basri Tumpang, 33, said temperatures in Lojing had gone up over the last 10 years as the land had been cleared for vegetable farming.

He also claimed that the land was cleared illegally and operators were using illegal foreign labour.

Those of us who live here feel increasingly marginalised as most of our land has been invaded by vegetable farmers, he told Bernama here.

Sabri Limus, 58, said farming activities could also be seen along the roadsides in the area.

There is no more empty land left after it has been filled with vegetable farms even along the roadside and river reserve land he said.

Meanwhile, Galas state assemblyman Ab Aziz Yusof said there were more than 120 operators in Lojing and it was increasingly difficult to contain the situation.

I have previously sent a number of notices to the related authorities to survey the farming area so it does not increase the risk of unwanted incidents, especially mudslides, he said.

Read the original here:
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December 5, 2014 at 12:15 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Land Clearing