That's what's left of our kitchen.

It takes a long time to constructa kitchen and only a few hours to tear her apart.

Within four days of our kitchen renovation, the followinghas transpired:


Demolition hauled away.

Appliances donated to Habitat for Humanity.

Initial electrical work completed.

Gas line installed.

Drywall delivered.

Two new windows installed.

Floors checked for repairs and refinishing.

I know this sounds like a fairytale or some ridiculous episode of the "Property Brothers," (by the way, I am so sick of Drew and Jonathan).

But it's true. Come by and see for yourself if you don't believe me.

We have all heard kitchen remodeling nightmares. Workers that never show up. Waiting weeksfor the electrician to do his work firstso we can begin installing drywall. Delays. Delays. Delays.

The plumber's dog had a tooth pulled. The carpenter's truck broke down.

Agaze ofraccoonshas been living in the wallbehind your dishwasher. Call animal control, stat.

Did you know your entire home is swarming with asbestos?

Standing water has ruined your subflooring and all must be removed.

Delays, frustrations and extramonths of washing dishes in the bathtub.

Swearing escalates and tempers flare.

Not in our case.

We hit a Kyle Schwarbergrand slamwith our contractor, Steve Gaulke, theowner of Taurus Construction.

Steve's a local guy. I know his lovely wife,Julie,and taught their three exceptional children when I worked as a substitute teacher at Maplewood Elementary School.

Their reputation is solid gold. Itseems likeeveryother home within atwenty mile radius has used him for a home improvement project.We signed the contract without any hesitation and we trust themcompletelyto do a superior job.

Afteronly afew days, I realized just how extraordinarySteve and his crew really are. When I see their trucks in our driveway, I get downright giddy.

We are blownaway by their talent, professionalism, attention todetail, scheduling prowess and showing up on time.

Let's repeat that shall we?

Showing up on time.

I'lljust take showing up, period.

When they are done for the day, they clean up and put their tools away.Seriously.Perhaps this is a fairytale after all,or I'vebeen sleepingtoo longandthis wholekitchen renovationthingwasonly awishfuldream. Or maybe mixing the antibiotic for my eye infection with Allegra and wine wasn't such a good idea and I'm hallucinating.Wake up, Very Terry. Snap out of it.

No, it's definitelyreal.

Ryan and Brian.

Normally I tire easily of workers being in our home. You lose your privacy and are sharing space with strangers for days on end.No more shufflingaround in your pajamas watching "The Today Show" all morning like a lazy slob.

Get up. Get dressed. Get going. Put a bra on for God's sake.

But I don't mindsharing our home with these gentlemenand have agreat respect for their abilities to install windows, trim cabinets, read design plans and tilethe backsplash.Plus, they have a great sense of humor and arejust, well, reallykind people. Stevementioned thatBrian is every client's most adored crew member and he became mine withineleven seconds of meeting him. He adds a gentle, calming presence to this room full of destruction and reconstruction. Even our cat Tino is unfazed. She hasn't taken a bite out of her tail since they swung that first hammer.

The empty room in all of her glory.

Here is the blank canvas waiting for these artists to paint their magic into a masterpiece.

Taurus Construction will whip her into shape with modern conveniences, clean lines and a much needed facelift.

I know the prize awaiting us down the road will be worth the dust,mess and preparing meals ontop of the washing machinein the basement, two feet fromthe litter box.

Not nave, I know glitches are a possibility and could pop up without warning.

But we are off to a fantastic start, no raccoons were hidingand I could kick myself we didn't do this ten years sooner.

Thank you Steve and your crew of talented tradesmen.

Let's have a box ofdonuts with our coffee next time.

On me, of course.

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There's no turning back now. Our kitchen is in a million pieces. - ChicagoNow (blog)

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May 9, 2017 at 6:45 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Kitchen Remodeling