The Kissing Booth movie franchise on Netflix has taken the world by storm, premiering its sequel, The Kissing Booth 2, on July 24. If youre just as obsessed as the rest of us, youll know that South African actress Bianca Bosch is certainly one to watch.

Bianca Bosch plays Olivia in the teen movie series, the most popular girl at school and leading member of The OMGs. Though shes a supporting character to Joey Kings Elle Evans and Jacob Elordis Noah Flynn, Olivia is quite the scene-stealer.

The 24-year-old actress will be appearing in the upcoming third installment, and Netflix Life got the chance to catch up with her to talk all things Kissing Booth, her experience with acting so far, and the company shes started.

Read on to learn more about Bianca Bosch and her career on the rise!

Netflix Life:Growing up you were focused mostly on dancing, correct? Was there any defining moment when you wanted to get into acting? Or was that always something you were interested in?

Bianca:It was always an interest of mine. I was always performing for my parents, and for family members, and I would always tell everyone, Im going to be an actress when Im older. But the defining moment of when I really found passion in the actual craft itself is when I auditioned for the musical Evita, and I got the role of the Mistress.

Through that audition process and being in the musical, I realized that theres so much more than just dancing, and I wanted to explore acting as well as singing. I auditioned, actually, to study overseas in London for musical theater, but while I was there, there was something in me that was like, no, I just want to do a short course, and act and perform before I commit to a three-year program.

Funny enough, that was it. I changed my mind and went directly into acting, and here we are!

Netflix Life:How did the audition for The Kissing Booth come about? Were you actively looking for roles at the time?

Bianca:It was so crazy. It was my first-ever audition. I had just finished studying in America and I came home for the Christmas holiday, and I thought, well, Im in Cape Town and its season in Cape Town, so I might as well get an agent. My agent gave me a brief of The Kissing Booth, and I thought, oh, okay this looks cool, not knowing how big or small it was.

I went there completely naive, but in hindsight looking back, I think because I was just in the moment, and enjoying it as a new experience, and living truthfully in that moment and not preempting how I would get the role or not, or how big of an opportunity it was in front of me, is kind of why I think I booked it.

It was my first audition and it was quite tedious. We went through about four rounds of auditions over four months, but it was worth it in the end.

Netflix Life: Your character Olivia is definitely a memorable one. I would say shes a very bold and confident person, as well as funny. How similar are you in real life to her?

Bianca:When people meet me at first at face value, they always think, oh shes the ditzy, dramatic blonde. They dont anticipate my intellectual aptitude, and when they get to know me they realize, oh my gosh shes actually laid back, and she values a great sense of humor, and shes easy going, and shes not her exterior at all.

With Olivia, it was interesting because I got to portray my exterior to the greatest potential. So on one hand, Im very much like her, but I think I would say theres depth to both of us that is not at face value.

Netflix Life:Based on Instagram posts and behind-the-scenes videos, it seems like the whole Kissing Booth cast is super close. Do you all keep in touch when youre not filming?

Bianca:We really do. That is no lie. I am very, very close with a lot of the cast members and its amazing because this is my first job. I came into Cape Town being employed and with a brand new family.

Especially during lockdown, we all kept in touch, and I think you really realize who is super important in your life during that time, and who you want to keep in touch with, and its been them, which has been amazing.

Netflix Life:Of course we know you cant give too much away, but what can fans expect to see from Olivia in The Kissing Booth 3?

Bianca:A lot of cool dancing, actually!

Netflix Life:These movies are such good, classic teen romantic comedies, I love it. Are there other genres youre planning to explore next?

Bianca:I mean, I would love to explore all genres. Obviously with COVID-19, at the moment everythings kind of on hold, but exploring them in my own time and making sure Im ready for when the industry is ready to open back up is my goal at the moment. But definitely, I would love to explore other genres.

Netflix Life:Do you have any favorite memories from filming either movie?

Bianca:There are so many! Funny enough, a few of the greatest memories were always off set, either happening in the green room or when the camera was not rolling, but leading up to it. I remember in the first movie we got to experience the OMG girls arriving in a limo to prom. I had never been in one before, but they had rented out a very, very fancy limo and we got to drive around the block, and they filmed us walking out and arriving all glamorous to prom. That was really cool.

Also in the second movieboth of these scenes were actually cut, funnily enoughwe got a grand entrance to the Halloween party, and we actually arrived in a Cadillac that was previously owned by Sylvester Stallone. The Ruperts in South Africa have since bought the vehicle and its displayed in their motor museum. It was so cool that I was sitting in a car that had so much history, and we were on a Netflix film set. It was insane.

Netflix Life: Pivoting from The Kissing Booth real quick, I do want to hear all about your lighting business Moodmakers. What exactly is the brand and how did it come about?

Bianca:Im so glad you asked me! So, in South Africa we have these rolling blackouts that are called load shedding, and I kind of thought of the idea that we need a stylish solution. Coming from a family of interior designers, I have always been involved, and my dads always been teaching me about it. I studied interior design for two years.

So I decided to take it upon myself to import designer portable, rechargeable light, and thats where the brand started. Its called Moodmakers because we have to set the mood, and interior design lighting is essential, you know, it creates an emotion in a space. Its hopefully going to fix the problem, and so far weve been doing really, really well. I really have been enjoying it.

Netflix Life: Since were a site that covers all things Netflix, I want to ask: If you could join the cast of any Netflix show, which would it be and why?

Bianca:Oooh, that is tricky. Funny enough, I watched Work It last night, and thats a Netflix original. So maybe I would want to be alongside Sabrina [Carpenter] dancing in Work It. But I mean, I couldnt pick one, I really do enjoy Netflix originals. Thank goodness for them!

Make sure to look out for Bianca Bosch inThe Kissing Booth 3, premiering on Netflix sometime in 2021!

See the original post here:
The Kissing Booths Bianca Bosch talks the third movie, her foray into entrepreneurship, and more - Netflix Life

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