Argington comments on a recent article about the changing trends in decorating rooms for babies and children and the challenge of gender-neutral nurseries for interior decorator Marika Meyer.

Bohemia, NY (PRWEB) October 03, 2012

According to the article, Meyer says, These days, neutrals are the new pink and blue. Parents don't want to compromise the home's sophistication just because there are children in it. Keeping the walls neutral allows them to have both." also interviewed Sonu Mathew, designer for Benjamin Moore Paints, who believes that gender-neutral paint choices are part of a larger cultural movement that allows children more creative freedom. Mathew adds, Before World War II, trends in fashion and design pointed to boys wearing pink just as quickly as girls would wear blue. So today, we're going back into that space where things are more level." Mathew goes on to describe yellow as optimistic, energetic and confident, which are all very important words for children.

Newell Turner, editor-in-chief for House Beautiful Magazine, suggested during the interview that there is a subtle psychological tie-in to color selection, reports Turner responds to Mathews statement describing yellow as the most versatile gender-neutral color there is."

Argington spokesman Clay Darrohn comments, No matter what the trends in decorating for baby bedrooms happens to be, Argington furniture is suitable for just about every dcor. We pride ourselves on creating pieces that can fit in any room and that will be an attractive option for any designer or expectant parent. Trends will change, color choices will come and go, but our furniture is designed to withstand those trends and the test of time.

Argington is a New York based manufacturer of fine baby furniture and nursery bedding. Proudly offering sustainable products that are organic or eco-friendly, Argingtons products are also designed with mobility and multiple uses in mind to make the lives of parents easier.


Scott Darrohn Argington 855-347-4228 Email Information

The rest is here:
Argington, Maker of Fine Nursery Furniture Sets, Comments on New Trends in Children’s Nursery Décor

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October 3, 2012 at 10:26 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Interior Decorator