Panasonic DMCGF2
Get a great deal here out=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Eamazon%2Ecom%2Fdp%2FB004A8ZQIO Customer Reviews "After 2 months of searching for a small DSLR quality camera I finally found the one I want. The GF2 meets my expectations for a small, simple, high quality camera with great still and video. I tried the E-PL2; took it back because iAuto mode produced warm yellow pics in indoor lighting. I tried the Nex5; took it back because the images were way too soft, my point-and-shoot took sharper pictures. Both the E-PL2 and Nex5 can produce good images if you mess with settings, but the GF2 in iAuto mode is simply better. White objects, such as an closet doors, actually come out white with the GF2. I know that sounds like a simple statement, but you would not believe the trouble other cameras have producing whites and light colors in low light. The E-PL2 and Nex5 have better noise quality at high ISO, but in general I found that I kept more of the pics using the GF2 especially the indoor shots. And by the way, when I test cameras I do not use tripods and fancy lighting, I just shoot real life situations.The touchscreen works OK, not great. Enough said.The video looks really nice. Not as good as a Hollywood HD movies, but better than most camcorders I have had. Warning, even though it uses AVCDH compression, the video files are still huge. Plan on killing a day editing clips and creating dvds if you shoot more then an hour of video ...From:delphine gerardViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:54More inPeople Blogs

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Panasonic DMCGF2 - Video

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