HARVARD -- The School Committee had the chance to fund a few necessities on Tuesday night, after learning of extra money available from the school omnibus budget.

Finance Director Lorraine Leonard compared the school district's fiscal year 2014 budget to the actual amount spent, ultimately identifying a $119,000 surplus.

Although identified as extra money, the surplus actually comes from the educational Devens fund that MassDevelopment pays to Harvard, she explained.

This way, the town does not have to use the extra money solely for what it was originally allocated for -- instead, the committee can choose what it needs to finance.

New Superintendent Linda Dwight presented a number of items that could be funded with the extra money, including a gym sound enhancement system, an additional teaching section at The Bromfield School, furniture for the faculty room at Bromfield and more.

School Committee member Patty Wenger suggested looking into what can be done for the ventilation system at Bromfield's science labs, which have had issues with heating and ventilation.

"Just for health reasons I'd like to find out what the possibilities are for the HVAC, because that is not a safe situation," she said.

Leonard said that there should be extra money next year from the state special-education Circuit Breaker fund.

Committee member Bob Sullebarger took issue with $5,000 allotted for signs for both schools that show the vision and core value statement.

"I think we would really hear about it," he said of giving that much money for signs.

Read the original here:
Surplus in school budget allows for extra class section, shade replacements, more

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July 19, 2014 at 3:33 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: HVAC replacements