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VANCOUVER (NEWS1130) Trying to sell a home in BC and not having much luck?

According to a new survey, the top factors for buyers in BC saying yes to a home is the potential of a homes value to increase.

I think everybody looks at a home and they just want to feel comfortable that theyre in a neighbourhod and/or the house itself will increase in value, its the investment for them, says Todd Shyiak with Century 21.

[They want] the opportunity to make sure that theyre not gonna lose money, that theyre not going to be under water. They want to make sure that if theyre buying a home, that its going to be worth more tomorrow than it is today, he adds.

Shyiak says the number one additional feature that would persuade people in BC to buy a home is upgrades that make the home more energy efficient.

The survey found three out of ten people in BC would avoid the potential costs of a home with outdated plumbing and electrical systems.

People are willing to renovate for looks but not for repair. They dont want to have to come in to have to re-do the wiring or re-do the plumbing. They will absolutely come and in and knock out a wall, if it increases the layout but theyre not going to come in and want to replace the roof or the plumbing or electrical.

The survey says nationally, the top three factors found to make a home more attractive are layout, location, and cleanliness.

See the original post here:
What features tend to win over prospective home buyers in BC?

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October 11, 2014 at 12:07 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Home Wiring