DUBLIN, Dec. 21, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- The "More Electric Aircraft Market by End User (Civil, Military), Aircraft System, Component, Application (Power Generation, Power Distribution, Power Conversion, Energy Storage), Aircraft Type (Fixed Wing, Rotary Wing), Region - Global Forecast to 2025" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering.
The global more electric aircraft market is estimated to be USD 1,504 million in 2020 and is projected to reach USD 3,359 million by 2025, at a CAGR of 17.4% during the forecast period.
Recent technological advancements in the field of power electronics, fault-tolerant architecture, electro-hydrostatic actuators, flight control systems, high-density electric motors, and power generation and conversion systems have fueled the adoption of MEA.
The COVID-19 outbreak has impacted the aviation industry adversely due to air travel restrictions on domestic as well as international flights across countries, resulting in the sudden decrease in the air traffic. This is expected to negatively impact the more electric aircraft market in the short term; slow recovery is expected in Q1 of 2021. The aviation industry could take 2-3 years to recover from the financial effects of COVID-19, leading to lower air travels and passenger traffic compared to previous estimates.
Based on aircraft system, propulsion segment projected to lead more electric aircraft market during the forecast period
Based on aircraft system, the more electric aircraft market is segmented into propulsion system and airframe system. Electrification of various propulsion and airframe systems enables aircraft to reduce carbon emissions and the overall operational cost. The rising focus of major OEMs such as Airbus on the development of electric propulsion systems is expected to drive the propulsion system segment during the forecast period
Based on application, power distribution segment projected to lead more electric aircraft market during the forecast period
Based on application, the more electric aircraft is segmented into power generation, power distribution, power conversion, and energy storage. The power distribution system is highly flexible, fault-tolerant, and is controlled by a redundant microprocessor system. In this system, electrical power is supplied to the primary power distribution system, wherein the contactor control unit (CCU) and high-power contactor are located across generators, auxiliary power units (APU), batteries, and ground sources.
Based on end user, the civil segment accounts for the largest market size during the forecast period
Based on end user, the more electric aircraft market is segmented into civil and military. The civil segment is estimated to account for a larger share in 2020 as compared to the military segment. Carbon and nitrogen oxide emissions, high fuel consumption, and high maintenance costs are some of the challenges in the civil segment.
Europe is expected to account for the largest share in 2020
The more electric aircraft market has been studied for North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa and Africa. Europe is estimated to account for the largest share of the global market in 2020. The aviation industry in Europe is aiming to use new advanced materials, such as gamma-titanium aluminides and single crystals, with improved mechanical properties in aircraft; these advanced engines help aircraft reduce their fuel consumption, carbon emissions, and noise. Key manufacturers of more electric aircraft in Europe include Rolls-Royce (UK), Safran Group (France), Airbus (Netherlands), and Thales Group (France).
Key Topics Covered:
1 Introduction
2 Research Methodology
3 Executive Summary
4 Premium Insights4.1 Attractive Opportunities in More Electric Aircraft Market4.2 More Electric Aircraft Market, by Application4.3 More Electric Aircraft Market, by Major Countries
5 Market Overview5.1 Market Introduction5.2 Market Dynamics5.2.1 Drivers5.2.1.1 Optimized Aircraft Performance5.2.1.2 Reduction in Operational and Maintenance Costs5.2.1.3 Reduced Emissions and Noise Pollution5.2.2 Restraints5.2.2.1 Heavy Investments and Longer Clearance Period5.2.3 Opportunities5.2.3.1 Advancements in High-Density Battery Solutions5.2.3.2 Emergence of Alternative Power Sources for Electric Power Generation5.2.3.3 Development of Advanced Power Electronic Components5.2.4 Challenges5.2.4.1 Thermal Management in Electrical Systems5.2.4.2 Reliability of Electrical Systems in Harsh Environments5.2.4.3 Economic Challenges Faced by the Aviation Industry due to COVID-195.3 Range/Scenarios5.4 COVID-19 Impact Analysis5.5 Trends/Disruptions Impacting Customers' Business5.5.1 Revenue Shift and New Revenue Pockets for More Electric Aircraft Market5.6 Market Ecosystem5.6.1 Prominent Companies5.6.2 Private and Small Enterprises5.6.3 End-users5.7 Pricing Analysis5.8 Value Chain Analysis5.9 Porter's Five Forces Analysis5.10 Technology Analysis5.10.1 Fuel Cell Technology5.10.2 Electric Actuation System5.11 Case Study Analysis5.11.1 More Electric Architecture by Honeywell5.12 More Electric Aircraft, by Aircraft Type
6 Industry Trends6.1 Introduction6.2 Aircraft Electrification Technology Roadmap (2016 to 2040)6.3 Industry Trends6.3.1 Electrical Systems in Aircraft6.3.2 Shift from Hydraulic Landing Gear & Braking Systems to Electric6.3.3 Electric-Powered Aircraft6.3.4 Electrical and Electronics Technologies6.3.4.1 Machine Technologies6.3.4.2 Power Electronics6.3.4.3 Energy Management6.4 Advanced Batteries6.4.1 Lithium-Sulfur (Li-S)6.5 Electric Motor-Driven Smart Pumps6.6 Impact of Megatrends6.7 Innovations and Patent Registrations
7 More Electric Aircraft Market, by Aircraft System7.1 Introduction7.2 Propulsion System7.2.1 Development of Propulsion Systems by Oems is Expected to Drive this Segment7.2.2 Fuel Management System7.2.3 Thrust Reverser System7.3 Airframe System7.3.1 Increasing Demand to Ensure Safety During Flight Operations is Expected to Drive this Segment7.3.2 Environmental Control System7.3.3 Accessory Drive System7.3.4 Power Management System7.3.5 Cabin Interior System7.3.6 Flight Control System
8 More Electric Aircraft Market, by Component8.1 Introduction8.2 Engines8.2.1 No-Bleed Engine Architecture is Used for Engine Cowl Ice Protection and Pressurization of Hydraulic Reservoirs in Mea8.3 Batteries8.3.1 Lithium-Sulfur and Lithium Titanate Batteries are the Future of Aircraft Batteries8.3.2 Nickel-Based8.3.3 Lead-Acid-Based8.3.4 Lithium-Based8.4 Fuel Cells8.4.1 Increased Efficiency of a Fuel Cell Can Reduce the Fuel Load on Aircraft8.5 Solar Cells8.5.1 Airplanes Equipped with Solar Cells Can Fly Without Liquid Fuel8.6 Generators8.6.1 Enerators Convert Mechanical Energy into Electrical Energy and are Widely Used in Light Aircraft8.6.2 Starter Generator8.6.3 Auxiliary Power Unit (APU)8.6.4 Variable Speed Constant Frequency (VSCF) Generator8.7 Actuators8.7.1 Actuators Helps in Achieving Physical Movement Through Conversion of Electrical Energy8.7.2 Electric8.7.3 Hybrid Electric8.7.3.1 Electro-Hydro-Static Actuators(Eha) Electro-Mechanical Actuators (Ema) Electrical-Backup Hydraulic Actuators8.8 Electric Pumps8.8.1 Adoption of Electric Pumps is Increasing for Next-Generation Aircraft8.9 Power Electronics8.9.1 Growing Focus to Reduce Aircraft Weight with Higher Electric Power Generation Capacity Expected to Stimulate the Demand for Power Electronics8.9.2 Rectifiers8.9.3 Inverters8.9.4 Converters8.10 Distribution Devices8.10.1 Need for Distribution of Electricity with Minimal Leakage of Power Drive the Demand for Distribution Devices8.10.2 Wires & Cables8.10.3 Connectors & Connector Accessories8.10.4 Busbars8.11 Valves8.11.1 Valves are Intended to Regulate Gas Levels in the MEA Engine8.12 Landing Gear8.12.1 Growing Adoption of Components in Landing Gear Driven by Electric Energy is Expected to Drive the Market
9 More Electric Aircraft Market, by Application9.1 Introduction9.2 Power Generation9.2.1 Increasing Demand for More Electric Architecture Fueling the Growth of the Power Generation9.3 Power Distribution9.3.1 Ability to Detect Voltage and Provide Prompt Load Shut-Off Drive this Segment9.4 Power Conversion9.4.1 Increase in Operational Efficiency & Weight Reduction Drive the Demand for Power Conversion Systems9.5 Energy Storage9.5.1 Increasing Use of Advanced Battery and Fuel Cell Systems Boosting the Demand for Energy Storage
10 More Electric Aircraft Market, by Aircraft Type10.1 Introduction10.2 Impact of COVID-19 on Aircraft Type Segment10.2.1 Most Impacted Aircraft Type Segment10.2.1.1 Fixed Wing10.2.2 Least Impacted Aircraft Type Segment10.2.2.1 Rotary Wing10.3 Fixed Wing10.3.1 Frequent Modifications in Aircraft Architecture Expected to Fuel the Demand for More Electric Architecture in Fixed Wing Aircraft10.3.2 Narrow Body Aircraft (NBA)10.3.3 Wide Body Aircraft (WBA)10.3.4 Regional Aircraft10.3.5 Fighter Jets10.3.6 Business Jets10.4 Rotary Wing10.4.1 Fans in Rotary Wing Aircraft are Powered by Distributed Electric Systems Using Conventional Gas Turbine Engines10.4.2 Medium Helicopters10.4.3 Heavy Helicopters11 More Electric Aircraft Market, by End-user11.1 Introduction11.2 Impact of COVID-19 on End-user Segment11.2.1 Most Impacted End-user Segment11.2.1.1 Civil11.2.2 Least Impacted End-user Segment11.2.2.1 Military11.3 Civil11.3.1 Increasing Demand to Reduce Aircraft Weight Has Propelled the Growth of Civil More Electric Aircraft Market11.4 Military11.4.1 Development of New Technologies and Electric Equipment to Strengthen Military Operations Drive this Segment
12 Regional Analysis12.1 Introduction12.2 Impact of COVID-19 on More Electric Aircraft Market, by Region12.3 Global Scenarios of More Electric Aircraft Market12.4 North America12.5 Europe12.6 Asia-Pacific12.7 Middle East & Africa12.8 Latin America
13 Competitive Landscape13.1 Overview13.2 Ranking of Leading Players, 201913.3 Market Share Analysis of Leading Players, 201913.4 Company Evaluation Quadrant13.4.1 Star13.4.2 Emerging Leader13.4.3 Pervasive13.4.4 Participant13.4.5 More Electric Aircraft Market Competitive Leadership Mapping (Startups) Progressive Companies13.4.5.2 Responsive Companies13.4.5.3 Dynamic Companies13.4.5.4 Starting Blocks13.5 Competitive Scenario13.5.1 Mergers & Acquisitions13.5.2 New Product Launches13.5.3 Contracts, Partnerships & Agreements13.5.4 Collaborations14 Company Profiles - System Integrators and Component Manufacturers14.1 Safran S.A.14.2 Honeywell International Inc14.3 Raytheon Technologies Corporation14.4 Thales Group14.5 GE Aviation14.6 Bae Systems14.7 Embraer S.A14.8 Liebherr14.9 Magnix14.10 Ametek.Inc14.11 Nabtesco Corporation14.12 Elbit Systems14.13 Bombardier14.14 Moog Inc14.15 Astronics Corporation14.16 Rolls-Royce plc14.17 Eaton14.18 Parker Hannifin Corp14.19 Amphenol Corporation14.20 Meggit14.21 PBS Aerospace14.22 Avionic Instruments LLC14.23 Eaglepicher Technologies, LLC14.24 Pioneer Magnetics14.25 Wright Electric15 More Electric Aircraft Adjacent Market
16 Appendix
For more information about this report visit https://www.researchandmarkets.com/r/volv44
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