
DEAR CAR TALK: I have a 2010 Smart car. The check engine light would not stay off.

I took it to the dealer before the warranty expired. They found nothing wrong and told me I probably had a bad tank of gas, and that I should wait for it to get used up and fill it with good gas next time. I did that, and sure enough, the light went off.

But a few weeks later, the light was back on. The same thing happened new tank of gas, light goes off, then comes back on. Finally the light stayed on permanently, but by then it was no longer under warranty.

So the dealer switched sensors to see what that would do. I didnt even make it home before the light was back on.

This time, they said they would come and get it (I live 45 minutes away) and bring me a loaner.

A day later, they told me I need a cylinder head because I have a leaking valve, and it will cost $3,400. The guy said that, since I have less than 10,000 miles on the car and Id brought the problem to their attention while it was still under warranty, hed agreed to cover all but $500, which I am to pay. In my opinion, they should cover all of it. Thanks. Mary

Dear Mary: I agree with you completely. This clearly was a manufacturing defect. The engine failed at less than 10,000 miles thats ridiculous. And you brought the defect to their attention while the car was still under warranty.

What possible justification do they have for charging you $500? The whole things on them. If they had figured it out the first time you took it to them, it would have been under warranty. So theyre billing you for their own ineptness in taking months to figure out what was wrong.

It was nice of them to come and pick up your car after the second time they failed to solve the problem. But in billing you for $500, they want to see if youll roll over and give them the money. Dont.

See the rest here:
Warranty repair should be covered

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December 6, 2014 at 10:11 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Home Warranty