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Tuesday 8 Jul 2014 12:36 PM


An interactive house has been launched online to help people protect their homes from burglars by improving both exterior and interior home security.

The interactive house is part of the Cambridgeshire Constabularys current Get Closer campaign, which aims to show residents how to strengthen the security of their home.

The page has three main sections, with the first allowing the viewer to take a tour both inside and outside the interactive house. This includes detailed information on how to maximise the security in specific areas such as the front door, garden shed and the garage. The advice given includes stressing the importance of security hinges on doors and putting up gates and fences.

In the second section, a self-assessment survey is available to complete which allows the tool to highlight any further preventative steps that would improve the homes security. The survey also provides an indication of how safe the viewers house currently is, using a red, amber and green coloured results page.

A list of useful organisations are provided in the third section which offer additional support and guidance for home security. These organisations include Neighbourhood Watch, Crimestoppers, and Immobalise contact details are also listed on the page.

Burglary prevention lead, Detective Inspector Dan Pawson, said: Burglary is traditionally one of the forces highest recorded crimes across all districts with more than 2,000 reports a year, predominantly due to insufficient security. Good, high quality security doesnt have to cost a fortune but can make a big difference.

You can visit the interactive house at

Read this article:
The interactive online house launched by Cambridgeshire police to help residents keep one step ahead of burglars

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July 8, 2014 at 8:13 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Home Security