San Francisco, CA (PRWEB) April 10, 2014 (BHSC) conducted a survey that included responses from over 1,500 home security customers. The results of the survey showed that 62.2 percent of home security customers are confident in their home security system and believe it is the best form of protection for their home.

"Home security systems' technology and monitoring capabilities differ based on which company a consumer uses," Carlie McKeon, BHSC Site Director, said. "However, a majority of those who depend on a home security system to protect their home trust that it is the best option to ensure their family's safety."

The breakdown of the survey showed that 29.2 percent of people were confident in their home security system, while 15.8% of respondents said they were more than confident in their system. Out of the 1,500+ responses collected, 17.2 percent of consumers said they were very confident in their home security systems ability to protect their home.

If the consumer is spending money on purchasing home security equipment and then paying monthly monitoring fees, they should be able to trust that their home is being adequately protected," McKeon stated. "There are home security companies doing things the right way and providing quality equipment that people can trust. The consumer just needs to find the home security company that will provide the most advanced equipment and monitoring capacity to ensure total safety."

The study also revealed that 22.2 percent of home security customers are not confident in their home security systems capabilities.

There are hundreds of home security companies out there all offering different equipment, technology, and monitoring services, McKeon explained. If there is a consumer who does not feel that their home security system is protecting their home, they need to know they have options. The technological advancements in the home security space over the last few years are remarkable and they should be utilized to protect peoples homes.

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Survey Shows Most Home Security Customers Confident that their System is the Best Way to Protect their Home

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April 12, 2014 at 6:04 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Home Security