Now thatsummer is upon us,homeowners are being reminded of security precautions.

With the nicer weather and longer evenings, people are thinking of vacations and summer fun. These welcomed activities can serve as a distraction to people thinking about home safety and security, says Cpl. Scott MacRae, RCMP Media Relations Officer. The police want people to enjoy summer and not become a victim to those would be thieves.

Summer Safety Tips:

Keep doors in your home closed and locked including your garage doors. An open door is an invitation.

Be a good neighbour and alert police to any unusual or suspicious activity in your community.

Plan for vacations by having your mail and newspapers stopped or having a friend pick them up. Leave inside lights on timers to create the impression that your house is occupied. Be sure to set your alarm system. Have a lawn service or neighbour mow your lawn.

Avoid home improvement scams and deception burglaries by taking a pro-active approach. Be particularly alert to anyone in your neighbourhood looking to perform home repairs and asking to gain entry into your home. Ask to see identification and let them know you are going to call and get verification from their company before allowing them inside. If they are legitimate, they won't mind the wait.

Ensure sheds are also secure this summer by installing enhanced locks. Many of us don't consider the shed or garage when looking at home security; however the items they contain are often very expensive, items like lawnmowers and power tools and often targeted by thieves.

Consideration should also be given to installing a security alarm, cameras or sensor lights. Any of these could enhance home security and deter thieves.

Read more here:
Summer home security tips

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June 27, 2013 at 12:01 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Home Security