A Pueblo couple is out nearly $200 after what they called a potential home security scam.

Tami Sheets and her husband, Dan Sheets, said they have been using Beacon Security Services for 20 years. Tami Sheets said in 2005, new owners took over the company.

"On Friday the owner called my husband saying he was branching off and going into his own business. He said he was getting a divorce and his wife was keeping the company," said Sheets.

The owner came over and rewired the couple's alarm system, routing it from Beacon Security to his new company, said Sheets. He asked for Tami Sheets to write a check for $195 for the new service.

"I wrote a check out in his name. I shouldn't have done that. You never write a check in a person's name, only a business name," said Sheets.

The next morning, Sheets said, she got up to let her dog out and had forgotten to disarm the alarm.

"The alarms started going off, and it was the old company calling to see what was going on. I thought, 'Well, wait a minute, I'm supposed to be with the new company,'" she said.

Sheets called the owner who said he would come fix the problem on Saturday, but he never showed up, she said.

"If the alarm hadn't gone off, I would have just assumed that he did transfer us to the new company and we had service monitoring our alarms," said Sheets.

See the rest here:
Pueblo couple: home security service scammed us

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January 1, 2013 at 7:57 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Home Security