SPOKANE, Wash. -

Jenni-Fiere Bivens has taken home security into her own hands after a string of break-ins on her block.

It infuriates me, she said. I've lived here for 28 years, and for the last year it's come to this.

Bivens lives just east of the Northtown Mall. She says there have been at least five break-ins on her block in the past six months, and two in the last week.

Bivens says a couple months ago, she discovered someone was living in her basement. That's when she decided to amp up the security on her property.

She set up security cameras, and lined the perimeter of the home with cacti.

Imagine coming over the wall at night, she said. You know what's going to happen? You're going to get poked. You're going to scream. I'm going to hear it.

Bivens also set up dozens of booby traps inside the home.

It used to be a very quiet peaceful neighborhood, she said. If I could afford it I'd get out.

Bivens says her security measures are intended to function more as an alarm than anything. She believes there could be a situation where she comes face-to-face with a burglar, and if that happens she knows how she'll handle it.

N. Spokane woman booby traps home due to break ins

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November 29, 2014 at 8:18 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Home Security